
Monarch of Shadows in Marvel

I was standing back to back with Avengers, doing cool pose with them when from the purple magical storm above, the sound of glass cracking echoed throughout the battlefield. From the cracked space, existed a new army onto the battlefield, composing of various monsters, all of them look like as they are made up of shadows with purple glow on their body. In front army of stood the Marshals of the Shadow Army. Leading them was ahuge humanoid, shadow warrior with two pairs of black wings on his back, jagged black armor, blank white eyes, and glowing purple skin with a single horned helmet atop his head. He also carries a massive blade that looks like a centipede, which he wields both like a whip and a sword. Following him was huge humanoid shadow ant with a light purple glow, neon eyes, sharp claws, and smoky wings. Beside him was a Knight in jet black armor with red shadowy hair coming out of his helmet. further Behind was Huge dragon whose Wingspan cover two block of an city, with black scales, glowing purple horns, a black tail, and a glowing purple underbelly. following behind them were the Shadow army made up angel who like have fallen their grace, Dragons who can devour whole world and various monsters. The Avengers clearly had fear their eyes. They are barely able to contain Chitauri Army and now there's now a new player in the battlefield and seeming more dangerous. The Chitauri Army they too are watching the scene and hasn't made a move yet. "Roar!!!!" Hulk roared as he was about to run and jumped on the army on his own when my voice reverberated throughout the destroyed city on New York. "NOBODY MOVE!!!" "what are you thinking Dev!!" Thor asked me as i simply ignored him. Seeing the Shadow army makes me smirk as i start walking towards them as the leading shadows comes down to the ground while two dragons perched on Building like it is their nest. Standing face to face with Shadow Army Marshals, The Shadow warrior knelt down together with insect, knight and dragon and bowed. Following them all the Shadows who are out of the gate bowed in respect. "Grand Marshal Bellion, The Shadow Army respectfully greets our Liege" ----------------------------------------------------------- The succesor of Sung jin woo, the brother from another mother of Sung Suho leaves the universe to find new home in this vast Omniverse. One kind Omnipotent being welcomes the Shadow Monarch to his creation. The Multiverse of Marvel. *Slow Harem so don't worry. the story will follow MCU, F4, xmen and comics. it won't be direct copy as i will add new stories inside it. The MC wont have his Shadow army as they will take entry during the Chitauri invasion. MC will be on the level of Celestials or Knull*

monkedance · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

9- my new bitch

So here i am in africa continent. Going to warzone filled with death and destruction. I stepped into a destroyed building and found a little hand sticking out, holding a self made doll. While the body was under a heavy rubble.

Poor kid. It hasn't been long since this place got destroyed, just a few months. The various war lords are fighting each other to gain iron fist control here. Slavery, rape, human trafficking is common here.

Even if you kill a warlord, another warlord takes its place. Greed is one of human's traits. Someone might say its disgusting as it always leds to war and destruction, but they also forgot that humans greed to learn more is what pushed humanity to greater heights.

Humans have their ups and down but their greed for knowledge and power is what gives them a terrifying potential to become a most fearful species in the universe.

Yet they are, just like any other species, is flawed and are oppresed by their people. I also need to keep eyes on politicians cause they are also a big reason for most of the sufferings and fuck ups. For example Civil war between Cap and Iron man.

Gosh i have to stop civil war from happening. "United we stand, divided we fall." And fall of heroes leads to the fall of earth.

Anyways i am here to make my Shadow army.

The town had no single living soul, it was filled just with the sound of wind and dust.

I put my hand outwards and commanded souls of the deceased to rise up and grab a chance to live an eternal life again as a undead shadows and serve their Monarch.


The power of death spread across the land, calling souls to rise up as shadows.

The shadow rised up panicked and looked around, some instantly recognised their loved ones and grouping up.

"Calm down everyone" my calm voice spread across the land and they instinctively knew who this belongs to and they all kneed down to pay respect.

Again, i am tired of this all excessive 'paying respect' thing that i dont even think about it anymore.

"Thank you for giving us another chance to live again my Liege"

I saw a shadow kid, who had already picked up his toy also kneeling down. I also crouched down on my knees to ruffled the hair of the kid.

"You all are welcome." I told them and the father and mother of the kid blew up in full of joy.

"Our liege ruffled our child's head. How lucky we are!! Thank you for gracing our child with your hair ruffle my liege. We will never forget the honor given to our family" The parents, no, the whole Shadow army blew up in joy, happiness and proud ness literally oozing in the air. Even the kid had stars in his eyes.

Absolute being, this excessive fanaticism. Ughhh!!!

"Everyone get into my realm, I will talk to you people there."

They all immediately agreed and thousands of shadows rushed at me and got into my own shadow.

I entered Eternal Rest and saw them wondering the place. I snapped my fingers and all their appearance changed from shadow to human.

They are still a shadow, but i made them look like human. Its only possible in Eternal Rest as I am basically omnipotent here.

"Alright, one of you explain what happened to you people, the situation of your land and about warlords."

The eldest looking one came forward and explained the situation.

Basically their town was headquarters of a warlord, he had every illegal thing going on in the town.

His right hand man betrayed him with rival warlord and sabotaged him so another warlord can attack him. The civilians were used as shield and when survivors thought it was over, another warlord showed up and fighting began.

The last one standing just colleacted whatever was left in the dead town and he retreated back.

Hmm... There must be dead soldiers among them. I'll select one of them to lead.

"There must warlord soldiers among you. Step forward."

Out of 8000 shadow soldiers, 900 soldiers step forward.

"The one with highest rank step forward."

And it was obviously the original warlord of that town. I usually get angry at those pieces of shits for the sufferings they had done but i don't take it out on them once they become my shadow soldier.

The shadow soldiers are reborn with my power and they strive to serve devotedly. Taking out my anger on them doesn't feel right to me.

Of course if they are alive then I'll first torture them and then turn into my shadows but these guys doesn't have to be punished.

Anyways lets get this done.

"You will be leading as commander of this operation. I want you to gather every information on all other warlords. Select among them whose group disappearance won't cause much ruckus. You have a week to complete this task. At the end of the week, I need report and then you all will start killing them stealthy and they will be added to shadow army"

The warlord shadow kneeled down and heed my words. "It shall be done my Liege"

"Remember, I want this done stealthy as possible. Don't reveal your existence."

I then turned to the civilians.

"I'll be giving you people a chance to live a life in here, at Eternal Rest. There won't be anyone hurting or exploiting you here. It may feel empty for now but others will be coming in soon. Those who want to help me in real world can volunteer or you can live here with your family and friends. I'll give you people time to think about it and you can change your dicisions later as well."

I then exited the Eternal Rest and had shadow soliders spread out. Unfortunately, there wasn't any mutant here.

I teleported back to my home to plan my next moves. But first let me put open the window and throw a chain made up of shadow to wrap around Ravens neck and yonk it towards me.

I grabbed the Raven by its neck and brought him face to face.

"From now on, you are my bitch"

"Kaw!! Kaw!!!" The Raven tried escaping but its useless. My grip as well as new collar made up of my powers making him unable to escape.

You might be wondering why i suddenly snatched the random Raven, sitting on branch across my house?

Cause it's not a typical Raven.

Its an magical Raven that i can clearly sense is different from normal Raven. And before that Raven can dimension hop to Asgard, i snatched its ass back.

Odin must have sent him to spy on me and Baldy monk should have warned him during their secret affair meeting but i guess he is stubborn as he was in comics.

Anyways I got myself a pet and I'll be teaching him tricks.