
Monarch of Shadows in Marvel

I was standing back to back with Avengers, doing cool pose with them when from the purple magical storm above, the sound of glass cracking echoed throughout the battlefield. From the cracked space, existed a new army onto the battlefield, composing of various monsters, all of them look like as they are made up of shadows with purple glow on their body. In front army of stood the Marshals of the Shadow Army. Leading them was ahuge humanoid, shadow warrior with two pairs of black wings on his back, jagged black armor, blank white eyes, and glowing purple skin with a single horned helmet atop his head. He also carries a massive blade that looks like a centipede, which he wields both like a whip and a sword. Following him was huge humanoid shadow ant with a light purple glow, neon eyes, sharp claws, and smoky wings. Beside him was a Knight in jet black armor with red shadowy hair coming out of his helmet. further Behind was Huge dragon whose Wingspan cover two block of an city, with black scales, glowing purple horns, a black tail, and a glowing purple underbelly. following behind them were the Shadow army made up angel who like have fallen their grace, Dragons who can devour whole world and various monsters. The Avengers clearly had fear their eyes. They are barely able to contain Chitauri Army and now there's now a new player in the battlefield and seeming more dangerous. The Chitauri Army they too are watching the scene and hasn't made a move yet. "Roar!!!!" Hulk roared as he was about to run and jumped on the army on his own when my voice reverberated throughout the destroyed city on New York. "NOBODY MOVE!!!" "what are you thinking Dev!!" Thor asked me as i simply ignored him. Seeing the Shadow army makes me smirk as i start walking towards them as the leading shadows comes down to the ground while two dragons perched on Building like it is their nest. Standing face to face with Shadow Army Marshals, The Shadow warrior knelt down together with insect, knight and dragon and bowed. Following them all the Shadows who are out of the gate bowed in respect. "Grand Marshal Bellion, The Shadow Army respectfully greets our Liege" ----------------------------------------------------------- The succesor of Sung jin woo, the brother from another mother of Sung Suho leaves the universe to find new home in this vast Omniverse. One kind Omnipotent being welcomes the Shadow Monarch to his creation. The Multiverse of Marvel. *Slow Harem so don't worry. the story will follow MCU, F4, xmen and comics. it won't be direct copy as i will add new stories inside it. The MC wont have his Shadow army as they will take entry during the Chitauri invasion. MC will be on the level of Celestials or Knull*

monkedance · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

17 - Limbo and MotherFucker.

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I would like to clarify that story will remain free to read forever. Also the schedule is not fixed but i will try to push at least 2 chaps/week.


Seeing Charles flinched, they knew he was hiding something.

"What is it Charles? We saw you flinch, What is it you are not telling us." Logan asked without beating around the bush. He can tell Charles is nervous.

"Are you hiding something? Jean had many sessions with you and she had one recently too. We know you use your powers on her but why did you flinch? Is there something more to it?" Ororo asked, as she was the one who was saved by Charles when she was scavenging through Egypt streets.

For her, Charles is the one who gave her hope and better life.

"You can tell us. I am sure you would have good reason. We will try to understand it." Hank hoping whatever Charles did is good.

In my opinion, i wont label it as good or bad for what he did to Jean. Yes, he suppressed her memories and mind without her consent or atleast without anyone else knowing about it.

He didn't even discussed it with his close friends else about it.

But his goal was to save Jean from this all powerful Pheonix. Which he doesn't know about it much and it will cause the rise of Dark Pheonix, the end of Earth.

"I did it for greater good. There was no other way!!" Charles finally replied after being under pressure from his friends.

"Your action will lead to her death and destruction of Ea-"

My head snapped to certain direction, eyes glowing purple for a moment before it settled.

"What? Why did you stopped." Ororo asked as she and others saw me acting strangely.

"I just sensed a portal opening in this school. It was only open for a seconds."

They were about to ask more about it but we heard loud scream.


This voice, it belongs to Rogue. I stood up and we all rushed to source of sound.

There were students surrounding Rogue.

She was on the floor, shaking and in shock. Jean and Kitty tried to get close to her but she was crawling back.


Her mind is totally collapsing. Tears rolling down uncontrollably and her lips quivering.

I tried to get close to her but she started crawling back.


I Didn't stopped and grabbed her by her arms tightly.

"Calm down Rogue. It wasn't you. It wasn't you." But she got more desperate to free herself from my grip. Not listening to what i said.

I grabbed her hands and put it on my face.

"See everything's fine. Nothing is happening to me. Your bracelet is also fine. It wasn't you. Calm down."

She saw her hands touching my face. She calmed down a bit but she was still scared and in shock.

"I didn't mean to kill her. Please believe me!! I didn't mean to kill her!! I didn't -"

"I know you didn't. She is still alive. You didn't kill her. I believe you. Just sleep for now." I put my hand on her head and put her forcefully to sleep.

I watched as her body gently collapsed in my arms.

"Jean, Kitty. Take her away to bed. Charles, keep her asleep. I'll be back soon."

Both girls nodded and stepped forward to take Kitty to medical room.

I turned around and saw Logan and Hank in Beast form holding teen age Colossus back. His metal face in rage and tears.

"Calm down brat!! Tell us what happened." Logan tried to reason and ask what happened.


So that's happened. Fucking Belasco. I'll pop his skull open.

"Calm down kid. Your sister is still alive. She was kidnapped by a demon to another dimension. It was merely a coincidence that it happened at the same time Rogue touched her."

I walked to where i was sensing remains of portal energy. I crouched down and touched the remanant energy, trying to find its origin.

Found it, Limbo.

I stood up and opened a gate to Limbo Dimension.

"Alright listen up. I am going to rescue her. I can alone rescue her but i know all of you don't trust me much yet so I'll take two of you with me. Piotr, you will be coming too with us so your sister can recognise that we came as soon as possible. Logan and Ororo, you two be coming."

I want to rush as soon as possible, the more time we spent here, the older she gets.

"Wait, isn't better to get her more people for rescue. We can have the whole X-men ready fo-". Charles tried to butt but i cut him off.

"We don't have much time for preparation. She was taken to Limbo Dimension which is a part of Nexus of all realities. Times flows faster there and she must be already few years olders now. WE NEED TO GO!!! NOW!!!".

Logan stepped forward and asked. "Do we need to take Piotr too."

"Yes, He is important."

This answer was enough for him.

"Alright lets go then."

Me, Logan, Ororo and Piotr jumped into the Gate and i closed it after we crossed into the Limbo Dimension.

I might as well rip his ass into two because at this moment, another meeting was about to happen and i wanted to watch it through my shadows.


I'll just have to watch the recording now.



Floating over east coast of US, was an retro-reflectively invisible Helicarrier. Fresh out of docks for an year and half now.

It is headed by the Director of Shield. Nicholas Joseph Fury. Also known as the one and only, 100% certified Motherfucker. He invented the word MotherFucker and became MotherFucker himself, reaching the level of cosmic abstract being.

The second in command is Maria Hill, also known as Robin from How I met your mother.

And the go to guy, Phil Coulson. The man with balding head, soon to be the member of The great baldies of Marvel (Nick fury, Ancient one, Charles Xavier, Uatu).

A newly defected spy and assassin, the infamous Black Widow. Her real name is Natalia Alianovna Romanoff. She adopted new name as Natasha Romanoff to leave behind KGB/Red room.

And Clint.

Right now, they are in Director office to give report of their mission.

The first one to give report was Coulson, followed by Clint and then Natasha.

"Our spy in North Korea was able to confirm the presence of nuclear core and development of ICBM. According to report, in few years the North Korea would be able to threat the world with its Nuclear weapons if didn't put to stop."

"What about the our guy inside?" Fury asked from behind the desk.

"He is still undiscovered and is trying to gain access to the Nuclear Development Program."

"Provide whatever he needs and tell him to gain access no matter what. Hill, prepare a report for upper dumbasses"

Fury ordered and Hill typed down on her tablet. By what Fury meant by upper dumbasses? Its the World Security Council (WSC). With two unknown Hydra heads inside it.

WSC has been the pain in the ass for Fury. Sometimes he dreams about going Django unchained on them.

Next Clint stepped up.

"I shot 15 arrows and brought down whole cartel. Recovered all their assets and intel about other carrels."

"And none of the monetory asset is missing?" Fury asked while eyeing him with his one eye. What can he do, his other eye is hidden behind the eye patch.

"All monetory assets are accounted sir."

Clint and Natasha thought Fury is being strict with him so he doesn't steal any money as he is gonna need them a lot.

While only Hill and Coulson knows that he is telling Clint that he won't bat an eye if some money ends up being vanished. He can't openly say to pickpocket some of money. Poor Clint, not able to understand him.

And why is Clint in need of extra cash? Let's just say there's gonna be entry of new member in his family. Or just his wife got fat.

Next Natasha step up, ready to report her defeat and Thousand miles she got.

"I was able to get into party and find the location of prototype, it seemed to be fake info or prototype is already removed from the location. There was shape-shifting Mutant Mystique there for the same prototype. We ended up fighting and we had to run after gaurds came pouring in. And there's another important information i have."

Fury nodded at her to continue.

"There was a guy name Dev at the party. He introduced himself as The King of the Dead and Monarch of Shadows. He was approached by Emma Frost which is out of ordinary as people try to approach her, not the other way around. He was also approached by Mystique and he seemed to figure her out even when she was disguised as an old man.

When i introduced myself with my fake identity, He seemed to know about me as he called me by my old name Natalie. I think he might be connected to Russia but he doesn't seem to be russian."

"And he was looking for you, sir."

Fury raised his brow at this. The patched eye brow.

"Any reason why was he looking for me."

"He said that he got a package for you sir from Marcellus Wallace. Someone from your past. An ex-friend."

'My past? I don't seem to remember anyone by that name. Must have changed his name'

Fury nodded at her to continue.

"According to him, it seems Marcellus Wallace has some kind of past grunge with you. That he was betrayed by you and it seems like betrayal revenge scenario."

There has been lot of backstabbers that Fury has gotten ridden off in his life.

"He said that you think that Marcellus Wallace looks like a bitch."

'A Bitch? There's a lot of Motherfuckers around who i think look like a bitch.' Fury thought, not enough to narrow down on suspect.

There was more that Natasha was hesitating, thinking how she should explain it to Fury.

"And?" Fury asked her to continue, knew that she had more to explain.

"And Marcellus Wallace thinks of you as a .... Mother Lover."


"Did that bitch just called me Motherfucker!!!!" Fury asked in bit higher voice. Nobody survives unscathed after calling Fury Motherfucker .

Other people in room are also interested in the story.

"Yes. And this Dev person also thinks that you are a Motherlover. When i asked him why, he said that you are a 100% certified, Motherlover. His eyes was saying like he was praising you like an idol, he was serious about you being MotherLover."

Everyone looked at Fury with suspicious gaze. With same thought running in their mind.

'Could he have...'

Oh Fury felt the attention on him and also what knew they were thinking.

"Unless all of you don't want your next 6 month salary, its better to remove your eyes on me!!" Fury replied while staring with his eye.

"I have recorded our conversation and i think he doesn't know that i work for SHIELD under you as he called me by my old name."

"Is he Mutant or something that he calls himself King of Dead and Monarch of Shadow. A royalty?"

"Hmm... I am not sure sir. He was watching me and Raven fighting and when he made his presence known, we both threw glass shards at his face and he dodged the easily. So he is atleast trained. So i can't say anything about him being Mutant or a royalty."

Fury was deep in thought. Marcellus Wallace. Someone from past for revenge who looks like a bitch. A package from him. And this Dev, a random guy who calls himself King of Dead and Monarch of Shadows. Thats lots of unknown variables and Fury does not like unknown.

"Did you find anything about this package?"

"No sir."

"Hill, try to find about this Marcellus Wallace. Its probably a new identity. Also about this person who calls himself King and Monarch."

"Yes, sir" Hill immediately replied and added to her task as top priority to complete as soon as she leaves the office.

"Anything else you can tell about him?" Fury asked, wanted to know more about this unknown looking for him.

"His eyes are purple, not a common or even a rare colour. He also seemed to have a two seater purple Hypercar. It didn't had any logo to find its manufacturer. He stopped beside me at red light and sang a song like a idiot and drove off. He also did a 180 turn, gave a car wink, and turned around to leave the area."

"It should be easy to find about him from his car. And he acts like a idiot. Once we have more information, your mission would be to investigate him and find out everything. His identity, his powers if he have, Marcellus Wallace and the package."

"Yes, sir" Natasha replied and stood back with the others.

"You all are dismissed" Fury said as he turned his chair to think about this so called Marcellus Wallace.

No one noticed more than hundred shadow soldiers hiding in Natasha shadow, spreading around and hiding in others shadows.

Everyone left Fury office. Coulson to his task regarding N.Korea, Hill to investigate and Hawkeye was walking with Natasha side by side.

"He won't cut my salary, right?"

Clint asked nervous ly to Natasha.

Natasha just shrugged at him and left to her room to rest.