
Monarch Of Shadows In Douluo(Rewritten)

Arlos a weeb from modern times gets reincarnated in the world of Douluo Dalu with martial of the shadow monarch and a system to help him ---------------------------------------------------------- This version shadow monarch is a version I think is more suited for soul land so I modified it but the core abilities are the same but he won't be using a dagger but something more interesting

OrderofArmageddon · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Ch-17 Unexpected encounter

As the maids started cleaning Yuze's room, having nothing to do, he went for a walk in the garden in hopes of getting some fresh air.

As Yuze went into the garden a strong floral scent swept through his nose. He looked up to the sky, it was the night of tbe full moon, but it was partially covered with clouds just giving enough room for a small stream of light to pass through.

Yuze let out a sigh.

'Sigh… it was an exhausting day. I should be taking my well deserved rest right now but that damn smell.

Tomorrow I again have to wake up early and complete the daily task and then again attend the class but I guess I'll have to get used to this from now on.

I believe that discipline is for the weak to follow as if you're strong enough. Anything you do is the right thing… what a weird world I've come into.

But I like this ....maybe I'm gifted. That's why I like this. If I wasn't it would be a nightmare for me but it is what it is.

People who say ' fate is not someone you're born with but something you create for yourself ' are just spouting bullshit. They don't know what they're talking about.

It was that damn man who named himself 'master' just so that he could get the satisfaction of being called 'master' even if he didn't have the capability.

What a funny guy he said "There are no good-for-nothing spirits, only good-for-nothing spirit masters" but he himself was a waste and took in a genius of a century as his student just so that he can prove that there are no waste spirits.

But ironically his student had two spirits of the top quality and he used him to prove there are no waste spirits.

I don't know if the master still has a soft spot for that guy but even if she does she won't for much longer. '

As Yuze was thinking to himself he had his arms crossed behind his back and started walking through the garden.

It was a huge garden with both big and small trees neatly maintained with lots of flowers of all types and colours. The garden had multiple fountains and statues spread all over. But what stood out the most is the towering statue of an angel at the centre of the garden.

As Yuze moved towards it he noticed a pure and golden spirit energy present near the angel state.

"Did the grand worship allow you to practise here without his supervision? " Yuze spoke.

As he spoke, a small girl of golden hair and golden eyes and skin as white as porcelain suddenly shook in surprise, she woke up from her cultivation state and looked behind.

The clouds moved from their place uncovering the moon and the light fell onto the garden luminating it.

As she turned back she saw a handsome young looking boy with pale white skin and dark black hair standing. He was dressed in a black and purple dress and giving out an aura of authority that didn't match his strength.

"How do you know who I'm ? Very few people in the whole spirit hall know of my existence and you seem to know me well. Who are you ? And Why are you here ?" She asked in a cold tone.

"I'm Mei Yuze, grandson of ghost douluo.

I don't know you. I just guessed your identity with your physical features and that pure golden soul power of yours. I don't think anyone else other than the Angel clan has such pure soul power.

And the only member of the Angel clan present in this area of spirit hall is the grand worship so you must be related to him. You can't be his daughter so you're his granddaughter.

And the reason why I'm here is just that I was just taking a walk and saw you here. I would've left you alone after seeing you're cultivating but seeing you damaging yourself I had to ask" Yuze answered truthfully.

" So you're her disciple and the so-called genius grandpa told me about. But what do you mean by damaging myself?" She asked.

" You're cultivating an overly complicated cultivation technique that has its benefits but it is unrefined.

The technique is flawed even if it'll bring great advantage to you it'll harm you if you don't circulate it properly. I think the grand worship warned you about this. That is why I asked why you were cultivating without his supervision. "

" How do you know about my cultivation technique ? It's the top secret technique of the Angel clan and you're calling this a flawed technique ? Do you want a fight ? "

She said summoning her martial spirit.

" Hey hey calm down. I'm not here for a fight so don't rush. I called the technique flawed because it is. I don't sugar coat the truth.

The technique is overly complicated when it can be much simpler. All the angel clan members learn it in the presence of someone powerful who can track their soul power movements and not let the technique harm them till they master the technique totally. So you should cultivate in the presence of the grand worship as he told you to. " said Yuze.

" How do you know that I was making a mistake? I don't think you are powerful enough to track my soul power movement." She said,

" Cause this eyes of mine can see a lot more than a normal person's " Said Yuze pointing at his eyes.

The girl looked into his eyes for a few seconds and stood there as if she dazed out. But she shook herself to come to her senses.

'What are those eyes ? They're like an abyss, it's crazy how easy it is to get lost in them but my mark reacted to it but why ?' Renxue thought, touching the flame mark on her forehead and then she said

"I see. I was rude just now so please accept my apology.

I'm Qian Renxue. The granddaughter of the Grand worship.

I was not getting sleep so I got out to get some fresh air and after I came here having nothing to do I tried cultivating. I thought I'd be able to cultivate without grandpa's presence but I guess I still need time to master this technique.

You said you can see the flow of soul energy in my body then why don't you help me out a bit and I'll make sure to play you back in the future. "

" Okay I've time in my hand so let me guide you as you cultivate." Said Yuze as he slowly approached her place.


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