
Monarch of Seals

He could taste and smell the sweet flavor and scent of death as it beckoned for him, now he became sure of it – Who ever said death was scary lied. He was Jason Varros, a mute legendary killer who always carried a black violin and whose mere mentioning brought despair to his foes. His death was nothing short of spectacular but he was glad for in his generation, He - a mute had bested them all. Unfortunately, fate had something in store for him, his chapter was not over yet. As a matter of fact - his story was just beginning for he would later awaken a forbidden power - a power others deemed sacred and only for the Gods and he would be hunted for it. The power of SEALS. But Jason being Jason would never submit, he would show them all,,,,,the masses and their gods alike- they would all kneel before him.

Hero_8745 · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 2 : Dead ????

There was darkness all around him, utter darkness but wait! Why could he still be consciously recognizing his surroundings? He was dead was he not? And the common consensus was that in death there was nothingness – no thought, just blankness but here he was, thinking about the concept of death. His thoughts were running smoothly and his memory seemed fine, what the hell was going on!!? Was he dead or not dead, or was he stuck in the in-between? A ghost?

Hell no!! That idea totally freaked him out, he could be anything but a ghost. Ghosts could not physically touch anything nor could they play the violin, they were just there to exist and scare children and drunkards. He had suffered enough in his previous life, was he still gonna suffer even after death?

With renewed vigor, he tried to move about but he could not, He tried to scream but there was no voice but he persisted with his wriggling and soundless screaming over and over again. When he felt like it was all for naught- he heard a sweet voice, " Oh ! my sweet baby, even you can feel the death that is coming for us, our weakness will even doom such an innocent soul as you, forgive us". He froze, death was coming? Again?

What was that voice? Ok, time out! To whomever was messing with him it was time to stop? He had had enough. A baby? He was a baby now? Hold on a sec, could he have been re-incarnated? Was he in a womb? Was that his mother's voice?

That thought left him star struck. He decided to test a theory, from his scientific knowledge he recalled that parents and their unborn babies were rumored to have something called prenatal shenanigans. Apparently, scientists had discovered a virtual sensory playground in the womb and the fetus was believed to respond to the mother's voice, react to light and dark shadows as the mother moves about, so he poked on what he assumed to be the voice's belly and waited. Nothing happened. He did it again and again until he heard that kind voice again, "Oh are we playing the poking game now ". "Yes finally a response",Jason thought. That voice continued, "Sadly we can't be playing now for we are in grave danger. They are hunting for us. But don't worry, your father will protect us with every fiber of his being."

From this interaction he gained a lot of information, first - he was indeed going to be reborn albeit with his memories intact, second – he was in danger because his parents were being hunted and thirdly – his father was probably strong. But who were They? He wanted to poke his mother again, maybe he could divulge more information but unfortunately for him, he was immediately assaulted by drowsiness and that was lights out for him.

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