
The grey-clad. (5)

The city was busy, exceedingly so. Looking down at it through the window from the room he was given Liang Chen could see swarms of people rushing about everywhere. A nigh constant stream of them entered and subsequently left the building he was in so it seemed as if they hadn't given up on doing something to please him.

Should he call them admirable for still trying even after he killed one of their elders right in front of them? Or should he just plainly consider them desperate? Well, even if he didn't end up saying it out loud, their gazes alone were certainly desperate. Each pair of eyes that turned towards him was like a set of claws digging into his calves. They clutched onto him, uttering twisted prayers of a time few of them had ever even seen. And yet they clung and prayed, grasped at his legs until he had no choice but to lift them up.

"The city won't change just because you keep scowling at it."

Yan Ling's voice came from right behind him, a bit of weight added to his shoulders. Something grasped at his hair once the weight landed on his shoulders so she had probably placed Ao Fentian on his shoulders. With that being the case, he naturally had to raise his arms so that he could grab hold of the infant's legs, lest he fall after Yan Ling removed her hands.

"You've got the same expression you had when we entered the arenas on Tripartite God."

Yan Ling took this chance now that he had his arms raised to wrap an arm around his, taking her spot by his side as she leaned against him. At the time, their unexpected visit to Tripartite God was extremely dangerous, they risked death every time they stepped onto the arena. But looking back at those days, she remembered them rather fondly. Just the two of them, moving forward step by step at their own pace.

"We're just here to meet your biological parents, that's it. I, or they for that matter, won't force you to accept them. We won't force you to love them, we won't force you to embrace them as family. We're just here to meet them, to see if it might be something for you. If it isn't, well then that's it. We did our best, and at least we tried, but it just wasn't meant to be."

Yan Ling didn't understand Liang Chen's reluctance, almost aversion, to accepting his biological family. Sure, he had been raised by someone else for his entire life, but his birth parents had still been willing to sacrifice everything to send him forward in time. Sure, they hadn't met until he was practically an adult, but they were still family, weren't they?

But she didn't have to understand it to accept it. She would do what she could to have him enjoy the presence of family, but if he couldn't accept them then that would just be it. She wouldn't push it further, she wouldn't force him to try again and again. No, she would simply have to occupy that word, she would have to give him enough joy to fill up the entire concept of Family for him. With that said, she positioned herself in front of him and blocked his view, cradling his cheeks.

"So. Stop scowling like you're about to scrub the entire city. They publicly made the excuse that they'll let you see Ren Yazhu and Ren Shuren in less than five day's time so they won't be able to go back on it. That's five days where you don't have to think about it and can focus entirely on other things. So, how about we do some sightseeing like in the old days?"

The two weren't fools. The elder said that his biological parents were occupied with important tasks, but that was clearly just an excuse to have him stay there longer because they could see his reluctance. This part wasn't one of Yan Ling's machinations, all she orchestrated was bringing Liang Chen here to actually have the meeting, the rest was prepared by the Sebettu. But that didn't mean that she was above using it for herself. A new universe, a new race, a new culture, it would be a fun little vacation.

"From what I recall, none of our past sightseeing trips ended well."

Liang Chen spoke with a soft breath, the corners of Yan Ling's lips turning up as he did. That was his way of agreeing, a little trait that he had cutely stolen from her, maybe even without noticing.

"First off, that's slander. We're still alive, thriving even, so clearly they all ended well. Secondly, you just jinxed it, Little Freak."

Her canines flashed as Yan Ling smiled, practically grinned, and responded. She gave Liang Chen's lips a quick peck before twirling around him, nimbly wrapping an arm around one of his again so that he spun around with her. Naturally, she was careful so that it didn't affect Ao Fentian, couldn't have the infant get uncomfortable and vomit after all.

"Paparan, I can hold him!"

Another voice greeted him as Yan Ling spun him around, it was as if she, Lan Yun had been waiting for this moment. Eyes as blue as the sky, snow-white hair tied into a single neat braid that mimicked her mother. She stood tall with a straight back and stretched out arms, the very image of pride and reliability. What a shame it was that she looked as if she had barely turned 10, with the mentality to match.

"Got nothing to worry about, Father! I'll help her lift the twerp, I'll make sure that they do a few flips before landing back on their feet should they end up tripping."

When Yumao spoke up to assure Liang Chen, curling up on Lan Yun's head while doing so, it did everything but assure him. Tainted, both of them really were nothing but tainted by Yan Ling and her mannerisms. How long would it take before Ao Fentian started crying if he left him with the two of them.

"I'll be helping them, Father, so please rest assured."

Thank the gods that Sheng Lian was at least trustworthy. Of their 'children' she was technically the youngest, but she was also the only one that Yan Ling hadn't sunk her claws into yet so she took more after Liang Chen. It would still get rowdy if he left the three of them to it, but both he and Yan Ling would also be around so it should be fine, right?

"Okay, but you have to be careful with him, Little Lan. He's a lot weaker than all of you so just being gentle won't be enough."

He bent the knee and lowered the infant from his shoulders, handing it to the little girl as he reminded her. Of everyone present, Ao Fentian was just a normal human infant. No special bloodline, no unique affinity, he was just an unfortunate orphan. Even the smallest among them, Lan Yun, could easily kill him even if she was being careful and used a minuscule amount of power.

"Don't worry, Paparan! I won't let a hair on his head get hurt, honest pinky promise! Just watch!"

She responded as energetically as always. She spoke as if she would offer her pinky, but she was using both hands to hold the infant so she pushed out Ao Fentian's pinky instead.

"Alright, then I'll trust you to be a big sister."

Liang Chen shook the presented pinky. He'd spent enough time with Yan Ling to know a very simple fact, if you commented on the strange things you saw then you would lose. Accept it, ignore it, gloss over it, only like that could you win.

"Since she's called dibs on him then I call dibs on this one."

The arm that was wrapped around his slid down, thin fingers gently intertwining with his as Yan Ling pulled him closer. Looking at her, he was once again amazed at the sheer ease with which she turned situations and moods around. She was the kind of person who could turn even his dourest of moods into a smile given just a smidgen of time. Thinking about his life up to this point, meeting her was probably the greatest stroke of luck, and salvation, he ever had.

"Alright, I've been called dibs on so I'll claim this one in return and make it fair. Little Lan, Yumao, Lian, don't stray out of sight."

Liang Chen wrapped his fingers around Yan Ling's as he stood up, not forgetting to give the three handling the infant a stern reminder. Well, depending on how you interpreted his words there were some loopholes they could take advantage of, but they were responsible enough to not abuse that.

"Aye Aye, Paparan! You can trust this captain!"

Lan Yun once again used Ao Fentian's hand to mimic the actions she wanted to take, saluting with a straight back. Yumao used his tail to mimic the same salute, Sheng Lian looking a bit hesitant before she too saluted.

"You don't need to copy them. In fact, that's the last thing you need to do. I'm almost begging you here, don't let their personalities infect you."

Liang Chen immediately tried to correct Sheng Lian before it became too late and she ended up straying, but Yan Ling was already tugging on his arm.

"Yeah yeah, just give up on that, you're stuck with people like me. Now let's go, the poor bastard has been waiting outside the door for a good few hours already."

She pushed open the door, and sure enough, there was someone standing rather uneasily within the hall that stretched out beyond the door. It was just a hall, well, more of a lounge really, but every inch of the floor was covered inn a fluffy red carpet. A fountain served as the centrepiece of the lounge, even though they were on the 12th floor, and the walls were adorned with paintings that were actually made by combining several thousand tiny crystals. Other than the imperial palace, this was supposedly the finest building in the empire.

The person in question was smart enough to not stand directly in front of their door. No, she was standing at the other end of the hall, in front of the other VIP room that had been vacated so that Liang Chen could have this entire building to himself. She looked to be in her early twenties, with short curly orange hair and dark green eyes, a few freckles dotting her nose. She was fidgeting with her hands, her back straightening tensely when the door was finally opened.

"Ah! Grea… Greetings, Crown Prince, Imperial Consort! I am Shui Senje, pleaaase… Please allow me to guide you!"

She fumbled over her words at some points, her spine tingling uncomfortably as Liang Chen's eyes swept over her. She felt as if they were digging straight into her, unravelling her soul one string at a time. But she had to do this… She had to remain strong.

"… Alright, lead the way."

Liang Chen stifled a sigh as he looked at the girl. At least the Sebettu weren't complete idiots. Once they saw how he acted they chose an appropriate escort, just a naive and sheltered little girl who hadn't even gotten the chance to leave this little city, much less perform any evil deeds. Well, the person she was currently working for was annoying, and what she was trying to set up was pointless. But Liang Chen wasn't terribly worried. He was… Different now.

"Thans… Thank you, Sir! Please, follow me!"

She quickly moved closer, and then moved ahead to act as a guide, but she was incredibly stiff, her movements almost doll-like as she paid great attention to her every move.

"She's adorable, don't you think? Terrified enough to piss her pants, but still trying to do her job."

Yan Ling lowered her voice, whispering to Liang Chen while looking at the girl in front of her. As a cultivator, Yan Ling had the status of being a disciple to the Nine Star Demon God so she was used to being met with envious or awe-struck stares wherever she went. This level of fear was something fresh for her.

Well, it was only fresh for her. Liang Chen was used to it already, it was the kind of gaze he saw most places he went. Not that that was something bad, in the end that gaze was something he was trying to achieve, it was how he wanted the world to look at him when everything was over.

The girl quickly guided them out of the building, which was already in the process of being decorated and renovated so that Liang Chen could stay here long-term. Walls were being torn out, rooms re-decorated and furnished, there was nary a place where there wasn't work done. But naturally, when Liang Chen and the others walked by, everything quieted down, be it out of respect for them or out of fear that they would be his next targets.

They moved into the streets, which were slightly narrower than usual for a city of this size. Normally it wouldn't be strange for three or four carriages to fit side by side on the streets, but here you could only fit a single one. Then again, he barely saw any carriages as they walked so that might be why, people simply seemed to walk everywhere.

"Ah! I'm territ… terribly sorry! You've spent several hours in your room already but I haven't even offered you any food yet! Pleaaa… Please, we just walked by the best restaurant in the district, allow us to treat you to some hospitality!"

She stumbled over her words again, she really was a painfully poor actress. Then again, that may have been exactly why she was chosen, a bit of consideration to both Liang Chen and herself.

"That sounds wonderful! Please, lead the way, I'm sure they'll have their best table prepared, right?"

Yan Ling was quick to play along. She didn't have Liang Chen's eyes, but how could she not catch on to something when the girl was this poor of an actress?

"…Ah… Ah, of course!"

As expected, she faltered when Yan Ling subtly revealed their plan, quickly doing her best to catch herself as she hurriedly brought them to the restaurant. To no one's surprise, the 'best restaurant in the district' was completely empty when they arrived. A waitress greeted them in the door and quickly brought them all to the VIP room, hurriedly vacating the premises afterwards.

"So, what's the point of this farce?"

Liang Chen's question wasn't directed at the guide, who quivered quietly once the door was closed behind them. No, his question was directed towards the young girl sitting at the table, which didn't even hold a jug of water for the esteemed guests. Silver hair that hung down to just past her ears and dark grey eyes that bordered on black. Xiao Ping was looking straight at him while resting her chin on her clasped hands, the biological siblings observing each other.