
Monarch of darkness

Myriads of races and myriads of worlds. In the chaotic world where gods and devils battled for supremacy, Ryan was born as the youngest prince of the devil world. Since his birth, he was hailed as an unprecedented genius of the devil world. Devils were generally battle crazy but Ryan was different. He loved to spend most of his time in reading the works of ancient scholars. His life was going smoothly when a sudden catastrophe striked the entire devil world. This was the first time Ryan hated himself for not being powerful as he watched helplessly the destruction of the devil race. He thought he had died but when he woke up, he was already born in another world. A loving mother and a doting aunt, the new life of Ryan began.

ashish777 · Eastern
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146 Chs

Power of a golden armoured envoy

Morning Sun came out and bright sun rays replaced the cool moon light. Aaron woke up from deep sleep. His head was still aching lightly. But he didn't care about these minor problems as he rushed out of his room to check on Evan. His heart was full of worry as he thought about previous night.

As soon as Aaron got out of his room,he saw the two Sylvia clan warriors,who were waiting outside his room. They bowed slightly towards Aaron and greeted him,"Lord Aaron". Before Aaron could ask anything,one of Sylvia clan warrior said,"Lord Aaron,please wait inside your room,prince has ordered to notify him immediately,when you wake up."

Aaron who was in a rush due to panic in his heart,stood there dumbfounded. He managed to calm down after some moments and said,"Is little prince alright,what happened yesterday?"