
Monarch of darkness

Myriads of races and myriads of worlds. In the chaotic world where gods and devils battled for supremacy, Ryan was born as the youngest prince of the devil world. Since his birth, he was hailed as an unprecedented genius of the devil world. Devils were generally battle crazy but Ryan was different. He loved to spend most of his time in reading the works of ancient scholars. His life was going smoothly when a sudden catastrophe striked the entire devil world. This was the first time Ryan hated himself for not being powerful as he watched helplessly the destruction of the devil race. He thought he had died but when he woke up, he was already born in another world. A loving mother and a doting aunt, the new life of Ryan began.

ashish777 · Eastern
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146 Chs

Facing a group of hell panthers

"Bigblue attack me,Let me see whether I have trained well or not",Evan wanted to see his progress. "Are you sure,you may get hurt",Bigblue asked worriedly. "I am sure,do you think I am a turtle?",Evan said confidently.

"Ok then,be alert,I am attacking",Bigblue said.

Evan nodded and signaled Bigblue to come by curling his fingers. Bigblue who was lying comfortably on the beast furs, jumped up from it's place and started to circle around Evan.

Evan got serious and observed Bigblue. Suddenly Bigblue pounced at him from right side. Evan immediately stepped to his left side three step. Bigblue again started circling around him and pounced at him from front. Evan backstepped 3steps instantly and again moved 3steps to his right. "Your technique is really good,if not you could not have match my speed",Bigblue remarked and stopped his attack.

Evan laughed and said,"You were stronger than me. Why are you complaining. Your speed is also very good." Bigblue scoffed.