
Monarch of darkness

Myriads of races and myriads of worlds. In the chaotic world where gods and devils battled for supremacy, Ryan was born as the youngest prince of the devil world. Since his birth, he was hailed as an unprecedented genius of the devil world. Devils were generally battle crazy but Ryan was different. He loved to spend most of his time in reading the works of ancient scholars. His life was going smoothly when a sudden catastrophe striked the entire devil world. This was the first time Ryan hated himself for not being powerful as he watched helplessly the destruction of the devil race. He thought he had died but when he woke up, he was already born in another world. A loving mother and a doting aunt, the new life of Ryan began.

ashish777 · Eastern
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146 Chs


Evan came with Brianna to a secluded corner of Sylvia clan. He looked around and found a simple house made up of stones. Brianna went forward to knock but before she could do anything, a voice came from inside the stone house. "Come inside", a serene yet majestic voice came from behind the door. Evan's nerve tightened indescribably after hearing the voice. "There is surely a expert inside the house", he thought inside his mind.

Brianna pushed the door and walked inside. Evan followed after her. The house was unadorned and there was only a stone bed inside the room.

Evan's gaze fell upon the person sitting on it. The person's head was covered with white hair and even his beard was completely white but there was no wrinkles on his aged face. It looked like time couldn't left any scar on his bearing except turning his hair white.