
Is he a demon or an incarnation of it?

It had been a week since pills of Red Flower and pills of Violet Mist Grass had spread in Glory City where they all rush to the Alchemy Association but their prices shocked all, angering the major families and noble families but in the future impressing the common people.

Therefore, the main families and families of the nobles were forced to remain silent because the position of the Alchemy Association had become high, especially after the success of the Snow Winds family and its allies in the next direction.

In Yang Yen's house.

Yang Yin was squatting down and holding me a stocking seal.

Yang Yin, "Hehehe, I got 5 billion Red Flower and 250 million Son Devil Spirit Coins when it was time for a second line, which is to actively buy all the monsters in silver and gold arrangement."

Yang Yin was thinking of buying Beast Induction in order to refining Li's blood for his body, while the Beast's bodies would be resources for refining weapons and tools.

After that, Yang Yin stood up and walked out, heading towards the Adventurers Guild.

Yang Yin entered a street and a middle-aged man walked out.

yang yin "li we launch"

A quarter of an hour later, Yang Yin arrived at the Adventurers Guild.

Yang Yin entered there were a lot of people talking to me and sharing information with a drink.

Yang Yin looked around and noticed an old place that needed to be redeveloped, and the people who were there were all slain and a few spiritual.

Yang Yin lifted his hijab slightly and then walked towards the female receptionist.

The receptionist's gaze towards Yang Yin, his plain clothes, was nothing of interest to me.

Yang Yin caught a receptionist's gaze but didn't care.

Yang Yin "I want what's on the list"

Yang Yin handed a paper with a list of monster names.

Receptionist: "Okay, sir, but it will cost 25 million Demon Spirit Coins."

Yang Yin "Lady I know so hurry up I have something to do"

Yang Yin released a bit of killing intent and bloodlust from the Mystic Physical Refinement Technique.

Where he trained to control the lust for blood.

A female receptionist fell to the ground from fear and everyone in the hall fell or was trembling from fear.

Yang Yin: Looks like I didn't make it clear. I said I have something to do quickly.

Qi Yang Yin Bi suppressed his killing intent and bloodlust.

A female receptionist was looking at Yang Yin as if he was a demon, not her, but everyone in the reception hall.

Quickly a female receptionist brought a list.

After that, he pushed Yang Yin and walked out.

Breathe all.

There was a question I all have .

Is he a demon or an incarnation of it?

vocational training area.

During these two weeks, Nie Li's group of three hunted down a total of about one hundred and twenty horned sheep, which were sold for about one thousand two hundred demon spirit coins. After dividing it evenly, they each received around four hundred demon spirit coins.

This amount of money is simply amazing for someone who has not yet entered the 1-star Bronze rating. Even for a Bronze-ranked fighter, getting twenty to thirty Demon Spirit Coins a day was already quite significant.

Two consecutive weeks were spent attending lessons during the day, while the three at night attended the training grounds to kill horned sheep. Their money now reached over ten thousand demon spirit coins, which could be considered an enormous amount of wealth for them.

All of the students at the Sacred Orchid Institute were wondering why the amount of horned sheep on the training grounds had suddenly decreased. In the past, they would wander casually and easily find horned sheep in groups. However, now one would have to look around for a long time to find one. Could there be beasts like tigers entering and hunting these horned sheep? The Sacred Orchid Institute had even specially sent trainers to investigate the cause, but found nothing.

Tonight, Nie Li's group of three in the Dark Hunt was our headquarters sheep.

The sky was darkening and it was already midnight.

Three were sitting resting.

Lu Piao suddenly spoke, "Guys, have you heard of the Red Flower Grass and Purple Mist Grass, which are both Red Flower Grass and Purple Mist that disappeared from Glory City?"

Dozie "Yes and the way the pills are distributed"

At this time, Nie Li wandered my mind.

Nie Li, <This hasn't happened before. Is a little jealousy back? I think this is a positive change, because at this time, Yang Yin should have obtained a suitable cultivation book for him. Wait a moment. Red Flower and Purple Mist. This is what I do Yang Yen>


At this time, Yang Yin was in a barrel refining her body.

Yang Yin opened her eyes to find herself in an unknown place. It was red. The sky was red as blood. The sun was black with a bit of gold. Ao Bi land was the hottest sea of ​​blood. Yang Yin looked left and right.

Suddenly, a golden-black skeleton appeared. Yang Yin recognized it as a skeleton. When he obtained a Mysterious Physical Refinement Technique, suddenly, blood began to gather into a ball around the golden-black skeleton.

After that, a blood ball exploded, engulfing Yang Yin in a sea of ​​blood.

After transforming, Yang Yin stood on the surface of a sea of ​​blood after calming down.

When he looked at a skeleton, he noticed that there was tissue of flesh in certain places.

Yang Yin, "Does that mean she will become a body of bones and flesh?"

At that moment, Yang Yin Pi felt her physical strength increase as he broke through to the rank one Golden Star Bi.

In a world outside of a barrel exploding and Yang Yin appeared, he stood as his bloodlust and killing intent increased. Her hair was longer, her complexion became white without blemishes, and her height increased by a few centimeters.

When gusts of wind showed his face, her eyes were different from what they were, it became white with black eyes and pupils red like blood, with a black pillar around it a golden line.

Suddenly Yang Yin burst out laughing.

Yang Yin "Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha"

At that moment, pressure descended on Majestic City. A strong evil aura, killing intent, and bloodlust spread from Majestic City to an entire continent, to all parts of the world.


The end of the chapter ❤️