
Monarch's Rebirth

“Where am I…?” Sung Hei, an above-average university student, is awoken in a world that is unbeknownst to him. He was reincarnated in the body of Artorius Dorman, the trash king of the Faunus kingdom. Artorius is a young king who inherited the crown after his father’s death. He was seen as a prodigy and a favourite in the kingdom at a young age. But, after his father’s death, he grieved deeply and fell into an endless abyss of despair where he turned to alcohol instead of his royal duties. Sung Hei realises the situation and does what he does best, taking advantage of an absurd situation for his benefit. With the status of king and a body of a prodigy, paired with the knowledge of a genius engineer, Sung Hei makes the medieval ages go through an industrial revolution The novel follows Sung Hei, now Artorius Dorman, on an adventurous journey to explore his newly found world and change it for his benefit, achieving his dream of living a lazy and relaxed life.

DivineDoku · Fantasy
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110 Chs

Monarch's Rebirth: Chapter 8

The carriage was being pulled by horses trained for battle. Yet, they struggled to pull the giant cart through rough terrain.


Blake drove the carriage but we kept getting stuck since the path was too narrow. Still, he was quite skilful for his age.


I sat alongside him and helped in any way I could–hopping off and helping it get unstuck or giving it a push


"You know the way, right?" I asked Blake.


"I wouldn't have come if I didn't." He shot me a confident smirk.


I followed it and gave one back. "Very well then.




"Sire, the horses are ready,"


I put on my robes before turning around. "Let us leave then,"


After a decade, my grand army is complete. An army that far exceeds in numerical advantages even against empires.


Vincent and I walked to my foyer. I wanted to take a stroll around the camp to see the conditions of the soldiers and improve their morale.


"Sire, may I ask something?" Vincent spoke up as we walked down the stairs.


"Speak," I allowed.


"What are your intentions with this campaign?"


"Intentions? To put it simply, I wish to earn personal glory. But it's far more complex,"


Vincent gave me wary eyes. "But why go to such lengths?"


I sighed and looked at him. "It's because this entire feud started due to my father's wishes."


"What was the reason that started this entire war?


I cleared my throat before I spoke. "In the beginning, when the system of empires and kingdoms was thought of, it was supposed to be four empires and four kingdoms. But, it was changed to four empires and two kingdoms–two kingdoms per empire."


Vincent seemed perplexed. "But the system seems to be working very well."


"It is working well, yes. But, Father was against the idea. He brought it forth but no one agreed. Thus, when the decision was made that the Meyer family and Dorman family would rule the human kingdoms, he was cross."


"King Aden was such a person?" Vincent flinched back. "I could never imagine that!'


"Truthfully, he was ambitious and power-hungry. He had somehow gained an army stronger and larger than what I have now."


"A-an army larger than this!?" Vincent yelped. "Lord Miyuki... That is terrifying to imagine."


I sigh in defeat before continuing. "But alas, he was defeated by King Erik. Then few years down the line, he succumbed to illness."


Vincent brushed his chin. "The Dorman family are blessed with strength and intelligence, thought to be descendants of the Elemental Gods."


I shrug and shove the rumour aside. "Indeed they are blessed. But, we are here to test just how blessed they are."


Vincent sighs and shakes his head. "I cannot oppose your plans any further but, don't you think this entire century-long war could be stopped if King Aden let his pride down?"


"It's too far gone."



Our horses awaited us outside. Vincent aided me up my horse before getting on his.



"We can only hope for the best outcome," Vincent says under his breath.




We trotted through the camp and looked around. The camp stretched for miles on end, full of life. It was its own district by now, a district with soldiers ranking from footsoldiers to generals.


"Over 70 thousand and counting," Vincent claimed from behind me.


"Those numbers make me happy..."


A voice shrieks from behind and I halt. "K-king Lukas!?" The voice stuttered.


It was a two-star general who spotted us and was taken by surprise. "Good afternoon. Apologies for the short notice, we are just here to check."


"I-I see," The middle-aged general stutters as he speaks. "Men are flooding in to sign up for the campaign. We will be ready at moment's notice."


"Lovely to hear. Victory awaits us."


"Of course, Your Majesty," A sly smirk breaks from the general. "Victory will be ours




As I gaze around my surroundings, I spot a dark figure in the distance. It had been a while since we set off and were close to the spot.


It was to my left. I tried to get a closer look but we were too far. But, I had a gut feeling.


"There it is," I pointed towards it.


Blake focuses on it and gently turns the cart. We get closer and confirm it.


He halts away from the hound. "Here we are then,"


"Right then, let's get to work."


The soldiers slowly got off from the cart. They all gawked at the corpse, some were horrified while others put on stoic faces.


Felix and I walked closer to the beast. The size of the beast surprised me even still, but it was not the largest creature I've seen.


"It has such a dense aura, even when it's dead," Felix mutters, poking it with a stick.


"At least it's dead," I sigh. "Dead because of me!"


Felix lets out a proud snicker. "Not many are as brave and strong as you are. King Theo is surely proud."


King Theo, who is my supposed father, is someone I've heard a lot about. I've heard stories and ballads of his great achievements. It makes me melancholic thinking about him, realising I couldn't meet someone so great.


I stopped in front of the beast and turned back around to look at the group.


"Take a quick glance at it first. But, before you gawk at it, let's get it back to the village."


"Yes sir!" The soldiers shouted in unison


"Split into two!" I shouted. "One group will help hoist the beast up while the others will help put the cart underneath it. Understood?"


"Yes sir!"


"Get to work!"


Everyone jumped to action, forming a group within minutes. The group that would hoist it up stayed with me while others went to get the ropes and the cart.


A timid soldier approaches shyly "Sire, we have a problem," he says as he avoids eye contact.




"Some of us here are weak with magic."


I sigh in disappointment. "Is there a task that can be completed without my assistance?"


The soldier looks down, embarrassed. "I apologise for the team's inexperience," He gives a slight bow.


"Get in positions,"


The soldiers stood with a few feet of gaps between them. Across them, another line of soldiers stood and waited for me.


I stomped my foot on the ground and erected pillars underneath the soldier's feet. The platform they stood on top of the pillars was wide enough for safety.


"Right, bring the cart back slowly," I commanded the other group.


They began to push it back. I took position and grabbed onto the back of the hound.


"Three... Two... One... Lift!"


A symphony of struggling growls and sounds echoed around as a dozen soldiers tried picking up the hound with their hands.


Even with all the strength, we barely got a few centimeters off the ground.


"Artorius! You should quit it!" Felix shouts from behind.


"Shut up, Felix!" I yelled back. "Just give me a moment!"


I was waiting for a specific opportunity to arise.


For a split moment, I felt my knees rise with the beast. This was the opportunity.


Without a second thought, I fell to a prone position and crawled underneath it. My head was skidding across as I continued my dangerous crawl.


I checked my sides to calculate where I was. From my perspective, I was close enough to the middle.


My knees ached and cracked as I lifted it on my back. The weight was much heavier than the cart. I heavily underestimated how heavy this was!


With enough power, I barely held it above the ground, enough for Felix to run across.


"Felix! Be quick with it!" I shouted out from underneath.


Without missing a beat, Felix ran back and forth with rope. He threw them up to the soldiers who were waiting at the top of the pillars.


"I... Can't hold it for long!" I blurted out.


Felix rushed underneath with a rope. "One last rope!"


My head felt like it would burst at any moment. The pressure that was on my back and my entire body was becoming unbearable. I cannot remember the last time I took a breath.


"Alright! Hoist it up!" Felix shouted from outside.


All the soldiers atop the pillars began to hold up the ropes. The hound fell a few inches lower before being picked up higher once again.


I let go of the beast and crawled out from underneath. I felt dizzy and my heart pounded like drums. I could feel my chest explode.


Felix picked me up by my arm and held me up. "That's enough for you!" He exclaimed.


"Bring the cart..." I muttered before feeling my consciousness becoming dull.


The cart began to move backwards. Everyone moved it back until it was under the beast. Slowly, The beast was hovering just over the cart.


It was slowly lowered into the cart before cheers of joy echoed through the deep forest.


I brought down the pillars the soldiers were standing on. They all huddled together and cheered in euphoria.


"You've shown me what a true king is," Felix pats me on the back and walks past.


"Alright, soldiers!" I shouted to grab their attention. "Let's take it back now, shall we?!"


"Yes, General!" The soldiers shouted in unison


I climbed on top of the beast and lay down. It wasn't the most comfortable bed but I've had worse.


"Felix, take over the leadership position in my stead," I said before resting my eyes.


"Take rest, young master."




I was approaching the capital over the horizon. I could see the walls of the city rising from the horizon. The walls were built in a star shape and looked intimidating with their edges being sharp and protected by guards.


I was on the last stretch. The gates were right in front of me. There was heavy traffic of carts and carriages coming in and out but I weaved and dodged past them in a hurry.


The guards stopped me in front of the gates, noticing me making me halt right in front of the gate.


"Who are you!?" A burly blonde man shouted. "Why are you in such a hurry!?"


"It's me!" I answered back. "Alexander Damian! I need to speak with Artorius this instant!"


The guards were shaken and pulled away their spears and halberds. They bowed and apologised for their ignorance.


"We apologise," Another soldier responded. "Unfortunately I have to inform you that his majesty is not available at this moment."


Damn! I feared this!


"Where did he go?" I asked in a panic.


"He has gone to the border. But, I have heard reports of him making a stop at a little village on the way called Redwater."


I thanked the guards for the information and turned around, wasting no time.


But suddenly, Darkheart halted and didn't want to move. He was hesitant to continue this journey.


I sigh and get off Darkheart. "Could you take care of my horse, please?"


"As you wish, young master," One of the guards stepped forward and took his leash.


Knowing I'd need a steed, a guard jumped to action and brought back a mighty horse, larger than Darkheart.


"Lord Miyuki! What do you feed them!?" I shrieked in awe.


The guard chuckles and hands me the rein. "Only the best of the kingdom's food." He winks.


I take the horse and set off as soon as possible. The speed on this horse is immaculate! It's even better than Darkheart. How strong is his kingdom!? If this is how strong the horses are then what about his line infantry or cavalry that control these behemoths?


Nevertheless, I find myself a sign that shows directions. I did not have time to stop and read so I slowed down just ever so slightly to see properly. I see that Redwater is to the left so I speed up and turn towards the left. The balance of these horses is on another level!


The rest of the way should be simple. I should reach Redwater before the sun would even begin to set.




I was suddenly awakened by a loud bark. I jolted up on my feet to see that we were surrounded by wolves on all sides. The smell of blood must've dragged these out.


"Give me a break..." I muttered as I hopped off the cart.


"Your majesty! Let us deal with this!" Blake commanded as I approached from behind him.


Blake and his squad had jumped to action and stood as a wall between us and the wolves. 


"Step aside, Blake," I shoved past him and pulled out my sword. "General's orders."


There were six wolves–a rather small pack. Most packs that roam these forests are much larger, not only by quantity but also by size.


Without wasting any more time, I leapt forward and sliced through a wolf's head clean. Another jumped, thinking it would catch me distracted. I caught it midair with my sword and threw it to the ground.


The rest of the wolves saw their comrades' failed attempts and whimpered in fear. They ran away before I could cut down the numbers anymore.


I turned around and threw the blood off my sword. Blake looked at me with a puzzled glare.


"Shall we continue?"




Shortly after the encounter with the wolves, we arrived at the village. It was a tricky route carrying the beast back but it was over.


The folks stared at the lifeless corpse as it lay dormant ontop of the cart that we built from scratch. They were amused and shocked to see how massive and terrifying it looked, even when it had no pulse.


"Here, see what had conquered your forest!" I shouted and grabbed their attention. "Look at what conquered this forest and made you fear for your life. I bring it's lifeless body to you for you to see it with your own eyes."


They all whispered and looked at me with glares of shock and horror. I must admit, I was not pretty to look at in my current state. Dirt, blood and mud covered my body from my back to my face.


I squeezed away from the crowd and walked up to a soldier. I had overhead a discussion that made me curious.


"Soldier, I'm curious," I asked a dark-haired human soldier.


"Y-yes, sire?" He jolted up.


"I overheard a discussion of someone wanting to... take their special someone out to the capital?"


A shriek came from the line of soldiers as I talked with him. We both turned our attention to the source of the sound and spotted a young boy.


"Come on out of your line, soldier," I smiled and called him.


He timidly came out and walked to me with an embarrassed smile. I hook my arm around his shoulders and ruffle his hair.


"What's the lucky girl's name?" I asked.


"D-Diane, sire," He answered shyly. His voice was barely heard.


I rummaged through my pocket and found a pouch. "That's a lovely name," I complimented. "I have something for you, for helping out in this expedition."


I handed him the pouch full of coins. I'm not sure how much it was in terms of money but I'd assume a fair amount.


Some of the soldiers laughed and chuckled as I let him go. He looked at the pouch in awe and giving me a shining smile.


"T-thank you so much, your majesty," He bowed aggressively. "I will never forget this kindness of yours."


Felix came up to me with Blizzard's reins in his hands. He handed me the reins and I hop on top of Blizzard's back.


I gave the soldiers a notice before leaving "I will send a captain to take control of the situation."


Felix and I began our journey back. It was already a few hours past mid-day–according to the sun in the sky. 


I felt a sense of relief as I left the village. I looked back one last time and saw the soldiers lined up in a formation, giving me a salute of honour with the villagers in the back waving back. It felt like a scene out of a movie.


"Your majesty! Look ahead!" Felix blurted out.


I whipped my head back around and saw a storm of dust approaching. A tall, strong horse was approaching from the distance. It was approaching us at a rapid pace.


"Can you make out who that is?" I squinted and focused. 


"Not at all,"


I managed to get a glimpse of the figure. The man riding was wearing lavish clothes and looked young. He was rather tall as well.


Is that... Alexander?


Without thinking, I began racing towards him to meet him faster. Alexander noticed me coming towards him and slowed his pace. The two of us came to a sliding halt when we were close enough.


"Artorius!" Alexander shouted at me. "I bring you the news that you need to hear right now!"


"What is it, Alexander?" I answered. "Why are you in such a rush?"


"War will break soon between you and Lukas! We must make haste to prepare!"


I flinched back at the news. "How do you know!?"

"I know of the assassination that happened to you. Though news travels fast, it reached my ears because I knew of it before it even happened."


"I need you to tell me everything in detail," 


Alexander cleared his throat before beginning to speak. "He's preparing to attack on the Spring Equinox. He expects all your soldiers to be off duty, thinking you would be most vulnerable. He will attack with all his might as well, 70 thousand soldiers in fact."


I nodded my head and listened along till the very end. I thought I misheard him at first.

"Hm, hm, I see- Wait, did you say 70 thousand?"


Alexander turned to me with a frightened look "Y-yeah...?"


"Gods... We have no time to waste." 

I leaned forward on Blizzard and became ready to sprint all the way to the capital.

"I'll race you there. We need to prepare all my troops. Alexander, I need you to help me with the number of troops. I cannot mobilise 70 thousand men and move them to the border by today."

Felix told me something inaudible but I was too far to hear him. My mind was racing for a plan.

I had to march all those men to the front lines. They will be exhausted by the time Lukas would attack. Everything is too sudden to be planned through. 


I'd need to consult with my generals. They'd need to help me mobilise the troops on short notice. The Spring Equinox, a holiday for the entire continent, would be filled with fighting that was unnecessary.

The only way to stop this fight is by subduing Lukas and taking control of his army. But, I hate the thought of killing another king as a monarch. It leaves a sour taste in my mouth.