
Monarch's Rebirth

“Where am I…?” Sung Hei, an above-average university student, is awoken in a world that is unbeknownst to him. He was reincarnated in the body of Artorius Dorman, the trash king of the Faunus kingdom. Artorius is a young king who inherited the crown after his father’s death. He was seen as a prodigy and a favourite in the kingdom at a young age. But, after his father’s death, he grieved deeply and fell into an endless abyss of despair where he turned to alcohol instead of his royal duties. Sung Hei realises the situation and does what he does best, taking advantage of an absurd situation for his benefit. With the status of king and a body of a prodigy, paired with the knowledge of a genius engineer, Sung Hei makes the medieval ages go through an industrial revolution The novel follows Sung Hei, now Artorius Dorman, on an adventurous journey to explore his newly found world and change it for his benefit, achieving his dream of living a lazy and relaxed life.

DivineDoku · Fantasy
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110 Chs

Monarch's Rebirth: Chapter 3

In my past life, I had learnt many skills and gained the knowledge of many jobs. It was a tough world.

As an engineering student, I learnt a lot about vehicles. One of those vehicles was trains and steam locomotives.

I still remembered how steam locomotives worked down to the very basics and the complex way the steam engine was made and used.

This piece of knowledge will come in handy.

"What have you thought of that could help us with this transport issue?" Alexander asked with a stern gaze.

I took a sip from my tea before turning to him. "How much have we progressed in transport so far?"

"The best way to travel short distances is by horseback. If we talk about long-distance travel, we would have to use carriages drawn by horses or striders."

I snapped my fingers and pointed at him. Let's start there then,"

"As you say," He shrugs his shoulders. "I'm all ears for any ideas."

"Have you heard of something called a steam engine?"

"Not at all...?" Alexander's voice trails off. "I've never heard of such an object, or creature."

My lips curl into a sly smile. "It's something that we can use to full advantage–Use to transport hundreds of people and all of their cargo."

"S-seriously!?" He gasped. "Please, continue then!"

I explain the intricate structure of the steam engine and how it is made. I told him about how it also functions using the steam from water that pressures the piston.

Alexander slowly became lost in all the technical words I had used. His face showed his puzzled mind as he tried to comprehend an engineering marvel that will send this world centuries into the future.

After a few minutes, I was done explaining. Alexander seemed to be muddled by my explanation but he had a basic idea.

"So how does this 'engine' help with transport?" Alexander asked, confused but eager to learn more.

"This can be used to create a mighty vehicle, one that has never been seen in this world. The steam locomotive."

"P-please, continue explaining!"

I went into an in-depth explanation of steam locomotives. Alexander, again confused, still listened to me.

Alexander broke out of his icy-cold demeanour, he was under my spell. A wide smile rested on his face as he eagerly listened to me explain.

But, he was completely lost. He was not understanding anything. Perhaps he was tired from the long journey or just couldn't think.

I place down the cup of tea–half full–and sighed. "You seem confused, why not stop here for today?"

"N-no, keep going. I understood everything," He protested

"Then let me ask you. What was the piston used for?"

Alexander was dumbfounded and couldn't answer my question. He shook his head in denial but gave a tired smile

"This meeting was wonderful! I'll have to talk to my father about this!"

"You should," I laughed and looked at my pocket watch. "But, it's getting late. Why not come to my palace for the night?"

"That won't be necessary," Alexander quickly declined the offer. "It might be too much of a short notice."

"Never!" I exclaimed. "Housing a foreign noble like yourself would be

"You have convinced me enough. I will stay at your palace today."

"Just what I wanted to hear!"


The carriage trotted along the road made of earth gently. Alexander hopped onto my carriage to continue chatting while his carriage followed behind ours.

As we came across the bloodied battlefield, Alexander looked outside and closed the curtains, grimacing at the corpses and tattered limbs.

"Not much of a fighter?" I asked, seeing him feeling uncomfortaxble

"Fighting isn't my cup of tea, especially one that involves blood and torn limbs," He tried to smile past the discomfort.

"Have you ever taken a life,"

"No human or elf life, just animals."

I sigh and cross my legs while looking out the window. "Still young and innocent,"

"I hope it stays like that." Alexander smiles and leans backwards as well.

Lines of carts full of dead bodies were lined up outside the gate. The bodies would be given to the respectful families or thrown into a mass grave for those who don't have a family

Or thrown into a river, not our problem. Must rid of the bodies as fast as possible

As we entered the kingdom people stood around as our convoy went past. They all smiled and chanted positive words. What was the occasion?

We kept moving and found more and more people. They were all celebrating but what were they celebrating?

"What's the celebration about? Is there a special occasion today?" Alexander asked, curious by the sudden celebrations.

"I'm not sure either," I rubbed my chin and pondered.

"Well as long as it's positive," Alexander smiled and pulled his curtain again.

I was curious why he was so shy, or reserved when it comes to showing his smile out in public.

"I'm curious, why do you hide your smile from the public?"

"It's something my father told me not to do in public. It was only for private situations such as family events or happy moments shared between someone I could trust."

His father's decision was quite odd. To not let your young adolescent son not smile and live life at its fullest is questionable, especially coming from his father.

Our carriage suddenly came to a halt. Alexander and I looked at each other, concerned and puzzled before Felix opened the door.

"You may like to step outside, young master," Felix said with a blinding smile.

"What's wrong?"

"There's nothing wrong," He reassured me. "The people are happy to see you!"

"What's the occasion?"

"You brought justice to a group of bandits that have been terrorizing this city for a while. No merchant or trader could come or go safely without an escort."

Isn't that convenient?

"Well then, Alexander you come out too!" I smiled and called him out.

"This seems more suited to yo-"

I took Alexander's arm and dragged him out. The crowd erupted into a roar as the two of us stepped outside. A crowd had gathered and it continued to grow larger and larger by the moment

A group of men dressed in noble clothing came up to me with a bouquet of colourful flowers. I took them graciously and thanked them as they handed the flowers with a jolly smiles on their faces.

Without a warning, children flocked around me holding a handful of flowers. most of them barely reached above my knee as they held out the flowers in hopes of me picking them up.

"C-careful now!" I laughed as the children nearly stumble on one another, right below my feet.

I bent down to take everyone's flowers–thanking each of them for their kind gesture.

One face stood out to me from within the crowd, one I had seen only a few days ago. Wilkin's face.

I stood back up and walked over to him, still being by love and flowers. I handed over the bouquet to Felix while keeping the flowers that were given to me by the children in my hands.

"Wilkins! It's good to see you here!" I put my hand forward for a handshake.

"O-oh, good evening, your majesty!" Wilkins shook my hand with a weak grip. "I'm quite glad you were able to fend off those bandits and keep us safe!"

I chuckle as he compliments me. "I had no clue they were an issue. No matter, I'm happy to have dealt with it before it became a bigger issue."

"I'm also very happy to have access to your treasury for the month!" Wilkins jests with a smile on his face. "Please do visit when you want!"

"I'll definitely visit sooner or later."

I noticed a little girl was holding onto his hands. Her height was just shy of my knees. She slowly edged behind her father's legs while peeking around.

"Who is this little princess?" I asked Wilkins, squatting down to eye level with her.

"O-oh, this is my daughter, Valerie." Wilkins stuttered as he spoke.

Wilkins slowly nudges her to come out from behind his legs. She walked out, still avoiding eye contact while holding a few flowers in her hands.

"Please keep protecting us from the bad people!" She blurted out, mustering up all the courage she had.

I take the flowers from her hands and smile. "Of course, I will,"

I gently pat her head before swiftly standing back up. I made sure to keep her flowers in my hands with great care and a soft grip.

As I was about to get back onto the carriage, I turned back around to face the crowd one last time, standing on the step and clearing my throat.

"Thank you all for the kind gestures and for celebrating such an arbitrary accomplishment. I hope you all have a great rest of the night! I also apologise for what I was in the past. The kingdom will prosper under my rule, I swear it."

The crowd clapped as I finished my speech and walked into my carriage, closing the door behind me. I took my seat and looked at Alexander who gave a proud smile.

"I heard you were an alcoholic and a trash, what happened to that?" Alexander asked curiously.

"Quite direct," I flinched back and responded.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to offend you," Alexander looked down, embarrassed from being so upfront.

I shrug and looked out the window as the carriage began to move. "No offense taken.

"But, what is the reason for this sudden change?"

"I wanted to continue my father's legacy. I couldn't just cast aside his legacy or everything he has done so far for the kingdom just because he's gone."

Alexander's eyes lit up as I gave a fake answer. "That is very noble of you!" He yelped, amazed by my motives. "You know, you're father is a ruler. I've idolized him since my childhood!"

It made me feel awkward knowing this. I had never known who Artorius' father was. It didn't sit right with me.


After we made it to the palace, I had Alexander take some rest in his room while I took another bath. It was a great time to think of a plan and recollect my thoughts.

Alexander would be a great help in the future. The future count from a foreign land can come in handy when times get tough. He would be a great help in taking down the Aberdeen kingdom too.

I finish my bath and wear something more casual. I dry my hair and style it before rushing downstairs to the dining hall.

Alexander was already waiting for me at the table. This was the first time I'd be eating dinner with someone instead of sitting silently at a table full of delicious food.

As we ate, Alexander began to open up more about his past. His childhood seemed rather dull, even compared to my past life. All he did was train and learn, not enjoy his life as a count.

Just before we were done with the meal, I remembered I had to ask Alexander for help.

"Alexander, if it's fine with you can I ask for some help?" I asked, hoping he wouldn't decline.

"Why, yes. What can I help with?" Alexander answered with a joyful smile.

"Well you see, I'm having some trouble domestically with the Aberdeen kingdom. I'll need some aid, perhaps even military aid."

Alexander's already pale face became paler. "W-well, I'll see what I can do. I cannot lose you when you are so crucial to our plan. We're partners now after all."

It made me happy knowing that I've allied with Alexander, albeit verbally. I'll expect him to hold up his honour and not break our alliance even when times are tough.

Alexander and I left and went to our rooms. It was late at night, and I had no plans but to deal with a little paperwork in my office.

Instead of falling asleep, I began to work through the extra paperwork I had.

There wasn't much, just a few more letters to read and I was done for the day.

The night was young and I wasn't sleepy. There's only one place I could head to at this hour, somewhere I could relax for the night.


I made it to Wilkins' bar which was nearing closing time. He had no customers left as everyone else had fallen asleep.

"Welcome to my humble shop, my lord. What could I get for you?" Wilkins asked while cleaning a tumbler glass.

"Give me anything that you recommend at this hour, something light would work," I ordered.

"Fine whiskey would be my recommendation," Wilkins said.

"I'll have that then."

I take a seat at the bar and wait for Wilkins to give me my whiskey. Wilkins renovated the place completely and looked like an elegant pub. It looked completely new with its polished floors and furniture.

I see Wilkins cutting an ice cube in the back. He made it into a perfect ball shape and served it with whiskey

"Here is your order, young master."

"How are your sales doing now?" I tried making small talk to figure out new things.

"Better than ever! Thanks to you of course. I could advertise the store and renovate it to look so much better." Said Wilkins with a bright smile.

"Glad to hear. Hope you can make enough to provide for your family from now."

"I can now. But I have more plans on making money than just owning a pub." Wilkins says which caught my curiosity.

"Do tell. I'm curious"

"I wish to go on a trip to the capital of the empire. I have contacts with merchants that make so much that they practically swim in gold!" Wilkins exclaimed.

"Oh? Seems like a plan for you. I feel like we can work on an arrangement so that I can also earn with you."

"The king helping me earn money? Doesn't the kingdom have enough?" Wilkins questioned me.

"I wish to live a comfortable life. I want to grow the kingdom and not have to worry about anything else and have a pacifist kingdom." I explained

"Well, maybe my merchant friends can help." Wilkins winks at me.

"How many days do you wish to leave for?"

"Two weeks, give or take. I will be taking my family with me and leaving the store to the supervisor for the time being."

"Deal. Do your magic so that both of us can earn money and live peacefully!"

"I also feel as though expanding my pub business and having my own liquor. I have a great recipe for whiskey and wine but not the funds." Wilkins says.

I got the perfect idea. This idea can help both me and Wilkins together.

"You say? I have a great idea for you then." I said excitedly.

"Oh? Please tell me! I am up for anything."

"I can fund your liquor business, but I get to be a shareholder in the business. I will take a small cut from your monthly income and you can take the rest. This way we both can earn money and get rich!"

"That's… Wonderful! This way I can expand my business further and earn money! And with your help, I can grow it even bigger. To have a king's approval will get me far!"

"Well. Let's celebrate our partnership with a drink, shall we?"

"Sure thing!"

Wilkins takes out another Tumblr glass and pours himself a drink. We both cheer on our new partnership as we drink the sweet whiskey down.

"I suppose I will take my leave. Have a good night, Wilkins."

"Have a good night's rest, my lord."

"When are you leaving for the capital?" I asked.

"Three days from now," Wilkins responds.

"I will have a carriage ready for you and a letter for exclusive access around the capital."

"You don't have to! I need some money, that's all!" Wilkins exclaims

"It's business expenses. Have a great night."

"O-oh, alright then. Come again soon, young master."

I leave the pub and head back to my palace. It was already midnight and I could barely see. I create fire as a source of light and make my way back to my palace.

The weather was mild and the whiskey in my system kept me warmer than usual. I think and look back at the past life that I led and realise that it was a waste, but this… This life will not be a waste.