
Monarch's Rebirth

“Where am I…?” Sung Hei, an above-average university student, is awoken in a world that is unbeknownst to him. He was reincarnated in the body of Artorius Dorman, the trash king of the Faunus kingdom. Artorius is a young king who inherited the crown after his father’s death. He was seen as a prodigy and a favourite in the kingdom at a young age. But, after his father’s death, he grieved deeply and fell into an endless abyss of despair where he turned to alcohol instead of his royal duties. Sung Hei realises the situation and does what he does best, taking advantage of an absurd situation for his benefit. With the status of king and a body of a prodigy, paired with the knowledge of a genius engineer, Sung Hei makes the medieval ages go through an industrial revolution The novel follows Sung Hei, now Artorius Dorman, on an adventurous journey to explore his newly found world and change it for his benefit, achieving his dream of living a lazy and relaxed life.

DivineDoku · Fantasy
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110 Chs

Monarch's Rebirth: Chapter 21

"Greetings, your majesty. Welcome to the capital. We were expecting your arrival."

The guards at the gates were quite professional. They were heavily armoured and gave off a more scary tone.

"I brought a few passengers. Alexander Damian, son of Arnold Damian is also in the carriage." I told the guards.

"We understand. The carriage is allowed through."

The carriage starts moving and goes past me. Alexander came out of the carriage and left Wilkins and his family inside.

"Let's just walk in." I told Alexander and Felix while walking alongside the carriage.

We entered the capital and were greeted with the usual gawking of the citizens. They were all staring, shocked and surprised from our arrival.

"Tch. I hate it when people stare so much." I said under my breath.

I could hear the people's whispers and voices make speculations or just talk amongst themselves. It always annoyed me but I couldn't do anything about it.

The carriage had an escort of the royal cavalry following in front and beside it. I stayed close to the carriage and slowly walked with it.

"Papa… So many people… they are always staring…" Amelia stuttered as we walked onwards.

"I know, sweetie. It's the capital so you would expect more people to be here. They're all not going to dare harm us."

I turned towards Felix to ask him a question. "Where are we headed?" I asked Felix who was also nervous from the people staring.

"The castle, sire. We will be staying at the castle." Felix replied back.

"Stop the carriage. Let's just walk to the palace while Wilkins' family goes to their hotel." I told him.

"As you wish, my lord."

Felix walks up to the chauffeur to tell him about the route they would be taking. The carriage stops and Vincent comes down from the front.

I walked inside the carriage to explain to Wilkins what was going to happen.

"Wilkins, you go on to your hotel with the carriage. I will walk to the castle. Have a great time here and return fast."

Wilkins became shocked by my sudden decision. "W-what!? My lord! It's okay! We can walk to our hotel from here if you wish." He said in a panic

I sigh and give him a comforting smile. "It's okay. You go on ahead."

"Thank you, Master Artorius!"

Wilkins' daughter suddenly chimed in. I completely forgot that she was coming with us since she was quiet the entire time.

I gave her a nod before looking back at Wilkins who accepted the conditions.

"Alright then. Let's go to the castle." I told the group that would be following me.

The escort left with the carriage and I was left with my odd set of people. My butler, an elf count and my past enemy's butler. Not to mention I had a crimson coloured fox which is a shapeshifted dragon. This really is an action fantasy game.

The streets were brightly lit up with stores on either side of the road. There were many pathways that went their own ways. The streets were massive and could have three carriages fit side by side. There was still space for a footpath. This really is the pinnacle of the human race's advancement.

There were shops that sold everything from foods, toys, artifacts and even blacksmiths that sold swords and other equipment.

Everywhere we went, people stared at us. The odd group of nobles walking through the city to the castle to deal with diplomatic work.

"I heard he could fly. He was fast as well."

"Is he stronger than Master Amadeus?"

"His bond is a crimson fox? What kind of king would have a fox as a pet!?"

I started to become irritated from the comments these people were giving. Fox as a pet? It's a dragon you imbecile! Better than Amadeus? Who even is Amadeus!?

The castle slowly came into my field of vision and I became excited to see how well this castle was made. I was interested in the architecture of this world as it seems to be derived from my old world. Many of the structures came from the west or the east. The capital seemed to have derived from the west.

"Artorius, are you by chance nervous?" Alexander asked me as we walked through the city.

"Nervous? I'm more annoyed than anything right now. I can hear what the people are chattering about while we pass through."

Alexander laughs and looks around. "We grew quite the crowd. No worries, we nearly made it to the castle. The chatter won't be heard there."

After walking up a steep road we finally made it to the castle. To put it lightly, it was one of the most impressive buildings I've seen.

"This place is so cool…" Amelia said softly while also gazing at the incredible castle of King Alaric.

"This is it. His majesty's castle. Let's go!" Alexander said before taking the lead and going to the massive gate.

A few guards walked out from their post and looked at us. They recognized us and rushed to open the gate.

The gate slowly opened and we were allowed to enter the beautiful castle that looked something straight out of a fairytale.

It looked like a castle from a fantasy game. It was huge and had a roof that was made of different shapes. Cones and steep mansards, there were about five floors to the castle compared to my two floor palace. It was compact yet massive.

We walked in and walked through the pathway that led straight to the castle. It had an equally beautiful and impressive courtyard to my own, but this felt less well kept.

The foyer to the castle was massive! It had a huge door that crept open to reveal inside a spacious room that had a staircase down the middle and hallways to the left and right.

"King Artorius Dorman, It is with great honour to have you within the premise of the capital and the kingdom. His majesty Alaric would like to meet with you this instant." One of the butlers greeted us as we entered.

"Greetings and peace be upon you. Where am I supposed to meet his majesty?"

I was clueless about where I would be going. This castle is massive and I got lost in my own palace, this castle would be hell to roam around.

"Right this way, my lord. I will show you where he is."

We followed the butler to where King Alaric would be. At this point I was unsure if I should call him king or emperor. He's known as both Supreme king and emperor but I was not sure which is the more appropriate title.

The walls had many kinds of show pieces and artifacts. I was surprised at the riches the supreme king would show off but it was understandable. We walked through the long hallways that were lit up with luminescent lights on both sides. This felt more royal than my own palace.

"Papa! This place is so amazing! I want to live here forever!" Amelia chimed in suddenly through telepathy.

"Too bad I'm not the supreme king. I'm just a lowly king." I told her.

She laughed at me calling myself a "lowly king". "But being a king is not lowly! You seem like the most sincere king as well."

The butler stopped in front of a grand door and took a deep breath. "Please be prepared to meet his majesty." The butler said before turning the doorknob.

It crept open and I held my breath. I put on an emotionless face and got ready to meet this king Alaric.

Inside the room was a lavish and luxurious living room. There was seating arranged for two people with a small table in the middle. On one of the chairs sat a man who had his body covered by the newspaper he was reading.

He closes and puts down the newspaper, revealing himself to be an aged but still fairly young looking man. He had a well kept beard that had turned white and a circlet of gold that rested gently on top of his head. King Alaric Von Leonard.

We entered the room and knelt down to one knee. "My majesty. It is an honour to be within your presence." Felix spoke out.

"Oh~ what a surprise! Welcome to the capital and the castle, Artorius. I was awaiting your arrival."

We all got up in sync and the butler left us in the room, closing the door behind him.

"It is an honour, your majesty. I wish to finish this lifelong feud between my family and the Meyer family for good. This was Lukas' last wish before he died on the battlefield. I heard his last wish myself."

King Alaric looked at me with a melancholy expression. "He was an ambitious man. I understand the feud between your family and his. It's a shame I couldn't stop him beforehand."

I sigh and nod my head. "It's a shame my father couldn't stop his ambitions either."

"Could the other three leave us for a minute? I'm sorry but I just need to talk to Artorius about something." Alaric told us.

The three behind me nod and leave the room. Alexander seemed a bit annoyed about the decision but couldn't go against Alaric's wishes.

"Now then. Take a seat, Artorius. I need to talk to you."

I walked over to the seat that was next to Alaric's, only divided by a table where he kept his newspaper.

Amelia came down from my shoulder and made herself comfortable on my lap as usual. I started to stroke her softly as she was tired from the travelling as well.

"My~ that's an adorable fox! Where did you find it?" Alaric asked me while smiling at the sleepy crimson fox on my lap.

"I found her during the war. I was coming back early in the morning and found her wounded on the side of the road. I took her with me and treated her and slowly she bonded with me."

I couldn't tell Alaric the truth. I had to hide Amelia's true form from everyone. Only Felix and Alexander were trustworthy since they were the only ones I could trust. I don't trust anyone that easily, especially Alaric even if he is the supreme king.

"She's adorable! Even has a similar colour to your hair and eyes." He said with a gentle smile.

"Alright, I wanted to talk to you about something. It's about the meeting tomorrow." He said with a hushed voice. "Since the Aberdeen Kingdom doesn't have a monarch anymore it means that you may take the throne. Is that what you wish for?"

I was surprised by the question as this is just handing me an entire kingdom. "With all due respect, your majesty. I'd have to decline. I believe I couldn't either as Lukas is not the type of person to leave the throne to be taken by someone other than the Meyer family."

Alaric smiled at me and nodded. "You're smart. What do you think he's done then?"

"He must've left a will. Rule fifty four of the ninety nine says that if a deceased monarch had left behind a will, the will overruled any other wishes."

I found the rules in the drawer of my table in my office room. It had all the official rules of ruling which I curiously read once. I remembered some of them but forgot the rest. This is one of the rules I remembered because I knew I had to use it someday.

"Like father, like son. Knowing the rules of ruling. Theo raised you well and I am glad to have such a young and competent ruler in my kingdom."

Alaric's compliments just bounced off me in an odd sense. What did he want from me?

"So, what will happen to the crown of the Aberdeen kingdom?" I asked Alaric who seemed to be in a joyful mood.

"His daughter, Alyssa, takes it. She has already arrived at the castle and is resting. She has had it rough for a few days so please understand. You lost your father and became an alcoholic so you must understand her situation on a personal level."

This will be an interesting meeting. The new and unstable monarch of the Aberdeen meeting the murderer of her father. I just hope the meeting doesn't take a violent turn.

"I understand. I will try my best to keep the meeting controlled." I promised Alaric who saw me as a pawn.

"I will be present in the meeting but I want you to take control. You're the kind of person that I can rely on. A king that is both strong mentally and physically."

I nod and give him a smile full of ambition. I was not as serious about this meeting as I should be but I couldn't care less. I just wanted to go back to my palace and do my usual chores as a king.

"I would recommend talking to her at some point before the meeting. I'm sure she will understand." Alaric told me as a last piece of advice.

I gave him a smile and told him, "I'll see what I can do. For now I'm quite tired so I'll go to my room."

"Let me show you to your room. This is your first time coming here so you need guidance." Alaric said while getting up with me.

"That will be an honour, your majesty. Please show me the way."

A normal person would deny this but I would take this chance anyday!

We left the room and walked through the hallway. I followed beside Alaric as we walked to the fourth floor where I would be staying.

"Papa, Alaric gives off a yellow aura. Be careful of him." Amelia said while walking with us.

A yellow aura… He's not completely trustworthy as I expected. He wants to use me.

"I will be, sweetie." I told her back through telepathy

We reached the room where I would be staying. I opened the door to reveal a room with a red interior and warm lighting. Perfect for a nobility and kings.

"Make yourself at home! This should be no different from your own palace. It might have differences but don't feel shy to explore the room!" He said with a wink.

"Pardon my rudeness to ask but, why are you being so nice to me?" I asked him directly.

I knew he had something in his mind but what was he thinking of? I just had to know from him.

"I knew you would realise soon enough. I will tell you after the meeting."

His smile creeped me out. What was this old man planning?

I hadn't eaten anything so far so I expected dinner to be ready soon. Though I was starving at this point and so was Amelia.

We found a fruit bowl on a table and without a second thought we each took an apple and started eating it.

"Finally! Food! I've been starving for food." Amelia said as she devoured half of the apple in mere seconds.

I looked at her with concern and fear. "How hungry were you!" I exclaimed as she even ate the middle part of the apple.

"Too hungry! We haven't had any food since morning!" She said while grabbing grapes off the bowl.

I slowly ate the apple and melted into my chair. The bed looked comfortable and I just wanted to sleep in it and never wake up.

"Should we go pay Alyssa a visit?" I asked Amelia.

She pondered for a moment before answering me. "We should. I have a feeling that she might be emotionally unstable and to help her relax a bit would be better."

What Amelia said was right. She was emotionally unstable which could cause issues in the meeting. I fear that something could cause a further nuisance which I would like to prevent.

"Sire, dinner is being served. I suggest we come down now and have dinner with his majesty's family." Felix's voice chimed in as I thought more about it.

Dinner with the king's family… This will be interesting.

"Dinner! Let's go!" Amelia exclaimed before running to the door.

I opened the door to find Felix in a joyful mood. "Let's go then." I said before following him through the hallways.

"You seem to be in a happy mood. What happened?" I asked Felix who was smiling the entire time.

"I feel a lot more at ease being in the castle. In the palace I was handling many things at once but here I am the one being handled with care. I only have to worry about you occasionally." Felix said as we walked down the long stairway.

"Seems like you became a royalty as well! Shouldn't you drop the formalities with me by now?" I told him.

I never liked the formalities, especially between me and Felix. We shared a different kind of bond and I felt that the formality between us is just hindering us from being more like brothers than butler and master.

"If you wish to drop the formalities I will not go against your wishes. Though I will have to be formal in front of his majesty as it will be rude." He explained.

"Drop the formalities then. We are not master and butler anymore. We are more like brothers."

Felix's expression changed to a more shocked and confused expression. "Brothers? That's quite big of a title."

We finally made it down to the second floor where the kitchen and the dining room was made.

We walked through a hallway and in front was a large door similar to the door in Mori's realm. It opened just like it did in Mori's realm and behind it this time was not a hellish throne room but a stunning and dazzling dining room with a long table in the middle with delicious food.

King Alaric sat right at the head of the table and next to him was his wife and his son. My seat would be next to his son's and beside me would be Amelia.

I smiled and walked to my seat. Amelia jumped down from my shoulder and took her seat next to me.

The chair was pushed out by one of the butlers and Felix and I both took our seats. It was quite the grand dinner and I felt quite nervous sitting next to the supreme king and his family. Right next to me was his son, Amadeus Von Leonard.

"I am honoured to be in Lady Serena's presence." Felix said as he looked at Alaric's wife.

"I am happy to be sitting with both you and Artorius at the dinner table. I remember seeing Artorius as a baby boy! He was such a sweet baby."

I awkwardly laughed at her comment about my infant years. She was quite aged like Alaric and had grey-ish blonde hair which would be golden in her prime. She was still beautiful nonetheless even at an old age.

I looked to my left to see Amadeus. He was the definition of a prince. Handsome, tall and well mannered. He was reading a book which I tried to figure out what it was about. He had round glasses with a thin frame and thick golden blonde hair, like his mother. His hair swiped down his right eye unlike mine which swiped towards the left.

"Oh, I apologise for my rudeness. I was reading a book. I'm Amadeus Von Leonard, son of Alaric Von Leonard. It is a pleasure to be in the presence of a noble king like you, King Artorius."

I did not expect such formalities. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Amadeus. What book are you reading?" I asked him, seeing as he was quite invested in the book.

His eyes seemed to have lit up from my question. "It's a book about dragons and a dragon tamer. It is a fictional tale written by a popular novelist." He said with great enthusiasm.

Well this is awkward.

"Sounds interesting! I've read a few stories about dragon sightings nowadays. They're a hot topic aren't they?"

It seems that the dragon that I met at first haunted this world for a bit before returning. I saw in the news that a few soldiers reported seeing a dragon before the war. It was seen by everyone and even Vincent was telling Felix about it. Dragons are now seen as a bad omen.

"They are. Most of the soldiers from the Aberdeen army saw it and now it is marked as a bad omen." He said thoughtfully.

"Do you think they are a bad omen? Or if they are even real? I asked him, knowing the true answer myself.

"I believe they have gone extinct. But I have a feeling that some may have gone dormant inside the depths of caverns or deep within. I am curious as this sparks the revival of a creature that was once classified extinct by everyone, including specialists and scientists."

He is quite the intelligent prince. I wouldn't want to go against him in a mental game of chess knowing how smart he can be.

The doors opened once again and in came Alexander. He was glad to see me already inside and sat next to Felix. He was also in a happy mood as he took his seat and greeted the king and queen.

"Greetings, my majesty. It is an honour to sit with you and your family at the dinner table."

"I am glad you could join us, Alexander. You both can drop the formalities. We are more like an old aunt and uncle as we saw both of you as children, including Felix." Alaric said while his eyes moved from me to Felix to Alexander.

Felix felt shy and looked down in embarrassment. "It's true. I still remember when both Lady Serena and Lord Alaric visited the palace. Lord Artorius was just born and you both came to see him."

The conversation was cut short as the door once again opened. The next person to enter was someone I wanted to meet after dinner but that plan seemed to have been thrown out the window.

It was Alyssa.