
Monarch's Rebirth

“Where am I…?” Sung Hei, an above-average university student, is awoken in a world that is unbeknownst to him. He was reincarnated in the body of Artorius Dorman, the trash king of the Faunus kingdom. Artorius is a young king who inherited the crown after his father’s death. He was seen as a prodigy and a favourite in the kingdom at a young age. But, after his father’s death, he grieved deeply and fell into an endless abyss of despair where he turned to alcohol instead of his royal duties. Sung Hei realises the situation and does what he does best, taking advantage of an absurd situation for his benefit. With the status of king and a body of a prodigy, paired with the knowledge of a genius engineer, Sung Hei makes the medieval ages go through an industrial revolution The novel follows Sung Hei, now Artorius Dorman, on an adventurous journey to explore his newly found world and change it for his benefit, achieving his dream of living a lazy and relaxed life.

DivineDoku · Fantasy
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110 Chs

Monarch's Rebirth: Chapter 12

"Everyone is ready. There are five minutes left till the beginning." Felix tells me after positioning the soldiers into a formation.

"Let the chaos begin." I say under my breath.

I take the war horn and place it in my mouth. I take a deep breath and close my eyes. One blow into the horn and the war begins.

I open my eyes and place my hand on my sword and blow into the horn. It makes a loud, blaring sound reaching miles on end and marking the beginning of the war and the first battle.

All the soldiers from both sides let out their war cries before charging into battle. It was a traditional battle where they would throw themselves into the frontlines, hoping to come out victorious.

I waste no time and throw away the horn. I unsheathe my sword and charge straight into battle. I use wind bursts to propel me forward and ahead of the entire army. I wanted to end this battle quickly and without much of a loss, for that to be possible I would have to give it my all.

Volleys of arrows came flying over the plains as I got close to the army, followed by fireballs and huge rocks from catapults. I dodged them all just by sprinting faster and dashing away. I finally met the army, ahead of my own army and started my assault.

I cover my body and sword with five layers of mana, the max I could reach. I made ready wind blades which I quickly shot at the force, blowing away most and cutting through the front lines with ease. I use as many spells as possible to disable the army before going in for the killing moves.

The cavalry came in from the side as a way to flank but turned towards me, hoping to take me down by outnumbering me with horses. Little do they know what I am capable of.

I saw the horses approaching with fully armoured men carrying halberds and spears. I used wind burst to propel me up and used wind burst once more to propel me down towards the cavalry. I covered my body in a mix of flame and electricity, making me an electrifying ball of fire spiralling down towards the cavalry.

I landed with an impactful landing, killing pretty much the entire cavalry that tried to kill me.

The mana layer took most of the damage from the blast and the landing and broke through three of my five layers. I could regenerate two layers in an instant so I was not worried.

I lunged towards the main force that finally came close enough to me. Wasting no time I pointed my sword at the army. They were being too loud with their war cries and I was fed up with Lukas from the beginning, this was the time to unleash my anger onto his entire army.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. "Perish…" I muttered under my breath while creating a mixture of fire, electricity and ice.

I shot the mixture of elements at the soldier which the mages tried to block with a mana wall. Obviously it failed and what followed was a mighty and enormous explosion of the mana mixing with the three different elements. It charged the elements further and made such a large explosion that took me off my own feet.

I flew away quite the distance and tumbled midair but I gained balance and landed upright. I looked at where the explosion took place and most of the soldiers were either dead or knocked out. I could not make out what happened but that was not calculated by me or the mages.

A few seconds later body parts started coming down from the sky as if it was raining. I became disgusted by the sight of arms, legs and disfigured heads just falling from the sky but I couldn't waste time.

I charged right back while my army slowly came closer. They knew to keep distance rather than attack as they could be caught in the crossfire.

I found Idris who had a terrified expression on his face upon seeing me. He panicked and attacked me with his halbert, though it was too early and I easily dodged his attack.

I push down on his halbert with my sword and use wind burst to push me up and get behind him. He couldn't hold onto his halbert and it fell to the ground.

I jumped over him and landed behind him. I land and smirk at him before going in for the final attack. I jumped up and reached him on top of his horse. I thrust my sword as hard as I could and stabbed him with all the force I could get.

My sword goes through his armour, surprisingly. I stabbed him and he screamed in agony while I forcefully put my sword through his body.

I pulled out my sword and flipped backwards off the horse. Idris, somehow still alive, rolls off his horse and onto the ground in unbearable pain. I went through his armour and went through his back and out of his chest on the other side.

I sheathe my sword as he coughs up blood and lays on his own puddle of blood. I squat down beside him to hear his last words. "What did I tell you?" I told him, still angry from the nuisance he has created for thousands.

Idris coughs up more blood and slowly turns his head towards me. "D-don't punish my family…" He says as he breathes heavily, trying to stay conscious.

"Rest easy. The only person that will have punishment is Lukas." I softly tell him.

"T-thank you…" Lukas says before closing his eyes and breathing his last breath.

I turn around and find myself surrounded by a mob of enemy soldiers looking at me with fear and terror. I slowly rise up and look around. "Go home. Your battle is over. Go home or end up like your general." I commanded.

The troops, now panicking and scared, all ran the way they came from. I spent no extra time and rushed back to my army which hadn't had a single casualty.

"Felix, get these troops to the nearest battle that's taking place. Meet me with Wilhelm at the final battle."

Felix looked at me in concern and fear. "A-as you say, General Artorius.

I get back on Blizzard and bolt it to the nearest village. I will run all the way across the border while hugging it. Any battle that would take place I'd engage and take out the commander. The rest of the army cannot function with the general and lieutenant and would have to leave.


I made it to Vallerin where I would find the ace in my sleeve. There was a mighty river that flows through Vallerin that's coming from the Luxanor Kingdom. I found a force of over a thousand near the city of Vallerin. Since it isn't likely Lukas sent a force to take this city there were barely any troops.

"Sire Alexander. How long would it take for backup to arrive?" A lieutenant asked me.

I looked at him and looked behind me to see the masterpiece that I was making. "How long till you make that?"

"About five more minutes till completion." He answered, slightly skeptical.

"About five more minutes for the arrival of backup."

The lieutenant leaves and I stare at the construction of my masterpiece. A giant ice ramp. The river that they would be arriving from is the Ebony river that stretches all the way from the west point of the continent and splits into many tributaries at the city of vallerin. The tributaries are dried up at this time and the longboats would not fit through.

To counter this I've made a genius plan. I will have the longboats get onto the ice and use the rudders as stabilizers while we are on the ice. The terrain here slopes down all the way to the nearest tributary that connects with the Aberdeen river. The Aberdeen river flows near the city of Boneham where the main battle would take place. To get there it would take five minutes rather than the near grueling one hour march.

Over the horizon I see multiple longboats rise from over the horizon from the river. A huge, arrogant smile breaks from my lips as they approach. Backup has arrived.

The lieutenant comes back from seeing the ships arrive and becomes frightened by the size of the troops arriving from the Triveni Kingdom.

"T-that's backup?" He exclaims as his eyes become wider.

"It is. The mighty Triveni army arrives." I say arrogantly with a huge smile.

There are in total thirty ships carrying over ten thousand troops in total. They all land and dock. The man who led this entire army was none other than my own father, Arnold Damian.

My father comes down from the longboat and orders the men to take the longboats onto land. Everyone gets started on carrying the longboats to the land while my father approaches me.

I walk closer to him as I haven't seen him since the day I came here to tell Artorius of the war.

I came close to him and knelt down. "Greetings, father. It's been sometime."

"It has. Are the ramps finished?" He asked me.

I get back up and turn around to see the progress. "It's pretty much done. I see mages and troops coming back from horseback over there,"

"Good. Let's waste no time and help your ally."

I smile and walk alongside my father to the ramps where the boats were being lined up for launch. "Let us."


"The army is approaching! Get ready!" I shout as I watch the Aberdeen military's main troops arrive. The river is cutting us off from them and there is only one bridge. This will be a grueling and difficult battle.

I rode in front to meet with Lukas who was leading his army. All his soldiers were elite knights and archers. Mages there are grandmasters of mana and magic. The stakes are high as I would need to hold off till Alexander and General Artorius would arrive.

I find Lukas stopping his army and start making camps. He approached me with his butler, Vincent. Vincent is on our side and I had to be careful not to get him killed.

"Greetings, Wilhelm. Where is your king?" Lukas asked me as he came to a halt.

I felt a bitter taste in my mouth but tried to not act up. "He will arrive shortly. I have been assigned to lead in his stead."

"Oh? I was expecting Theo's son to be a competent general at least. A shame I would not see him fight the first battle to start the war." Lukas mocked.

I grit my teeth and hold back from attacking him on the spot. "Ten minutes for you to set up camp. May you do your worst."

Lukas smirks annoyingly as he knows I cannot take on his elite army alone with my twenty thousand.

We go back to our camps and prepare for battle. All I had to do was hold them back for an hour and we could win.

Lukas' army was five thousand more than my own. With Alexander supposedly arriving with backup I could hold him off till the main show arrives.

I looked at the troops who were all standing bravely in formation, ready to defend their land at all costs. This war would seal the end for Lukas and the war between the two kingdoms and bloodline that spans over a century. The finale to this depressing and broken symphony.

Suddenly a loud horn blows from Lukas' side and I become startled. He already started the battle.

All the elite swordsmen rush towards the bridge while my troops get ready in their shield formation. "Don't let them break the shield! Stand strong!" I shouted before meeting with the cavalry. "Cross the bridge before they can! All of us charge at them!"

I led the cavalry over the bridge as the frontline of Lukas' army charged at the bridge. We meet the frontlines charging and start to attack them. Many of us fell but so did the elite knights in Lukas' army.

The sound of chaos roared in my ears as the battle continued. The battle only started for two minutes but I had already started having bloodlust intent. I already killed twelve soldiers on my own and that number would rise as time went on.

Catapults were fired from behind me where my army stood. Arrows came from both sides and took down as many of the knights than it did of my cavalry. What is Lukas thinking of! He killed more soldiers with those arrows and catapults than my cavalry could.

Lukas finally sent out his cavalry to match mine. His were stronger and larger in number as well. I had no choice but to fight off some even if it meant losing more men.

Men let out bloodcurdling war cries and the ones who were injured screamed in pain and suffering. I did not want this to continue on… War is terrible…


I found a village being attacked by an army. I sped up on Blizzard and ran through the frontlines to find the lieutenant or general that was leading the battle. I found him on top of his horse and proceeded to engage with him.

Blizzard kicked away any soldiers that got close and jumped on his two feet as he kicked the horse of the lieutenant that I was about to fight.

Seeing Blizzard also fighting made me happy. "Good work! My spirit lives in you, Blizzard!" I shouted as he kept kicking away all the troops.

The lieutenant's horse lets out a sharp neigh and falls to the ground with the lieutenant. I jump off Blizzard and stab my sword into the lieutenant's chest, he was killed on the spot.

I was surrounded by soldiers but I sent out high pressure water at them and electrocuted them using electricity. Blizzard knocked them out as they fell to the ground from the shock.

"Your lieutenant is dead. Leave or face death." I told the soldiers that they were still shocked.

"N-never!" Said a soldier before charging towards me with a heavy longsword.

I swung my sword and took his head clean off. Seeing his head roll away from his body the soldiers become intimidated. "Leave or face the same consequence."

"Arrghh! Never surrender to your enemies!" Shouted another as he and others charged towards me.

Blizzard kicked away the ones that came from my back and I impaled the rest using earth spikes. They were all pretty much dead and only a handful were still alive.

I quickly get on Blizzard and make haste for Boneham once more. I was only ten kilometres away from Boneham. I had to check on three more villages and two more towns before I made it there.

I became bored while going to the next town and counted my kill count. "Nearly four thousand at the first battle… A thousand at the second… Five hundred more in the third and nearly two hundred here…" I muttered. I couldn't keep track of how many I killed but it would sure be over ten thousand by the end.

I started to regenerate mana once more as I was drained. Most of these fights take up a lot of mana and I could barely keep up with all the mana draining out of my body as I fight with pretty much all my mana every battle.

Alexander must've started his route to Boneham now. I kept this plan hidden from Wilhelm to give him a slight surprise. He must've already found out due to the construction but that still means he has to defend the city for over twenty minutes till Alexander arrives.


Bloodbath… Bloodbath everywhere… I reached the village that general Artorius just went by and he killed a few hundred in just a minute and took out the lieutenant. The army fled the battlefield and were headed back to their kingdom.

"Lieutenant Felix! Do we even need to fight?" Asked a cavalry from behind.

"The battle at Boneham cannot be taken out alone. Master Artorius needs help then."

"But the chaos he's made just from passing through these villages… He would be enough to take on an empire." The cavalryman said.

I thought for a moment as to how powerful he had become. He hasn't slept for two days and is still fighting better than an army. To think he would be at full potential even with no sleep or rest is unbelievable.

The army I had gathered became too big to continue with. I'd have to split them strategically to move them faster.

"Alright men. There's too many of you to move to the city. Split into three brigades and sprint rather than march. Meet at Boneham, understood?"

"Yes sir!" The soldiers shouted before formally splitting into three brigades of mages, archers, cavalries and swordsmen.

I took my small army of around five hundred men and dashed away. They all followed suit with me and by the time General Artorius reached Boneham we would not be far behind.

We made it to another town that is cleaning up the damages of war. This seemed more broken down and couldn't withstand the army. Many of our own men died but it seems like General Artorius saved them all from defeat.

I gathered the men that were still fit and kept sprinting on. We would be at Boneham in no time if we keep up this pace.

Suddenly a large blast could be heard from far away. We knew a war was happening and rushed towards it.


I miscalculated how powerful the mana shield would be and blasted a powerful shot mixed with fire and electricity. These mana explosions are really dangerous and I should really calculate how powerful they would be…

I got caught in the explosions and could not stick my landing properly, landing on my back and hitting a tree.

My clothes were torn and Blizzard became injured as well. He looked in better shape and could still stand up again but I was hurt. Nevertheless I get up and propel myself forward into the chaos once more.

The sound of swords clashing against each other deafened my ears as the fighting raged on. I cut through most of the soldiers with ease and the archers stood no chance. I couldn't find the general and I was getting restless and tired.

"I cannot take it anymore…" I say in a shallow voice as I take my sword out of an enemy's abdomen. I sent ice spikes flying in front of me, stabbing through multiple troops and impaling them.

I found the general after enough fighting and rushed towards him. "YOUR JUDGEMENT HAS ARRIVED! THE GODS ABOVE HAS SENT ME DOWN TO PUNISH YOU ALL!" I shouted out as I flew across the battlefield and stabbed into the general, finally stopping the chaos.

"La… Ra…" The general said softly as he coughed up blood and grabbed onto my sword.

I push him off me and take my sword out of him. I find Blizzard rushing towards me and quickly jump onto him. This was the second to last village till I reached Boneham. I wasted too much time in the last two villages and this village. I had to reach Boneham as soon as possible because Wilhelm cannot hold on any longer.


"KEEP IT STABLE! DO NOT LET IT TIP!" I shouted from the front of my longboat. The ships were steaming down the ice road and would be at the river in no time.

I stood cross armed in front of the ship with a giant, arrogant grin across my face. Waiting to see Wilhelm's reaction to what I am about to do.

Forty longboats on four ice roads leading into a river. My masterpiece. I could see the city of Boneham and the chaos that happened at the fields in front.

There were thousands dead on the battlefield already. The fighting could be heard from miles away and the explosions of fireballs could be heard from even further. Chaos… Chaos everywhere… Just what I was looking for!

I start laughing uncontrollably. The adrenaline rushing through my body made me feel the bloodlust.

"Alexander! Grab the front of your ship! We are about to jump it!" My father shouted from the boat to my left.

I quickly grabbed onto the front which was shaped in the form of a Griffin. There were only a few dozen yards left before the jump came and I couldn't wait to launch the ships.

We quickly approached the end of the ice road. I swear I could see Lukas' face as he saw the ships heading full speed from the ice ramps and jumping into the river.

"Ready?" I shouted out as we reached the end.

"Glory to the Faunus Kingdom!" Everyone in the ships shouted as we shot out from the ramp at full speeds.

I turned around to see where Wilhelm was and to my surprise he was on the bridge watching in awe as forty ships came to his aid from the air and landed into the water below.

"BEACH THE SHIP AT FULL SPEED!" I shouted out at the top of my lungs as we landed. We would beach the ships and rush into battle all at once.

One by one all the ships land and I watched them all land and start speeding across the water at max speed in an instant.

We reached the shore and jumped off the ship, ready for war. All troops started to charge in front of death's doorsteps as Wilhelm looked on with confusion, awe and relief.

Lukas' army saw this and became terrified of what was coming. They all stood as we rose up from the river's bank and charged head first.

"Leave none alive! Die if you must! Protect this land as if it's your own!" I growled while leading the assault.

Lukas sent his cavalry to meet our surprise assault but it was no use. I impaled their horses with ice and blocked off the main force with an earth wall. They would have to break through. While that happens Wilhelm would send volleys of arrows and catapults over the wall to massacre what's over the wall.


I finally reached the final battle and looked on from the trees that surrounded the battlefield. What I saw was a masterpiece that Alexander had come up with. A brilliant strategy that could only be made by a genius.

"Let's end this saga, Blizzard." I said softly before charging right into the battlefield.