
Monarch's Rebirth

“Where am I…?” Sung Hei, an above-average university student, is awoken in a world that is unbeknownst to him. He was reincarnated in the body of Artorius Dorman, the trash king of the Faunus kingdom. Artorius is a young king who inherited the crown after his father’s death. He was seen as a prodigy and a favourite in the kingdom at a young age. But, after his father’s death, he grieved deeply and fell into an endless abyss of despair where he turned to alcohol instead of his royal duties. Sung Hei realises the situation and does what he does best, taking advantage of an absurd situation for his benefit. With the status of king and a body of a prodigy, paired with the knowledge of a genius engineer, Sung Hei makes the medieval ages go through an industrial revolution The novel follows Sung Hei, now Artorius Dorman, on an adventurous journey to explore his newly found world and change it for his benefit, achieving his dream of living a lazy and relaxed life.

DivineDoku · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
110 Chs

Chapter 86

I opened my eyes when I heard the train come to a screeching halt. It was a familiar sound I hadn't heard in a while.

"We're at the capital, your stop," Alexander told me as I opened my eyes and looked outside.

"Mm~ That was a nice nap," I said, stretching my arms.

Felix stood up from his seat and waited for me at the door. He wasted no time in getting outside and clearing the path for me.

"I'll see you soon then," I told Alexander while standing up.

"Don't get yourself killed," He told me as I walked away.

"Don't get married before I come back,"

We looked at each other with a pleasant smile. His eyes bid me farewell as I stepped out of the carriage of the train.

As usual, crowds awaited my arrival at the station. This station's architecture was left up to Amadeus. He's gone for a more medieval-styled building while the station I made was steampunk.

It fits the rest of the world's architecture. looking more like a government building than a train station. Though I had no complaints, it met the requirements, a bit more than that.

Crowds roared as I walked past. Waving and smiling at them as I left the station. Felix led the way as guards tried their best to hold the line.

"Tch, I wish they would not react this way," I said under my breath as I walked outside the station.

Amelia followed beside me, not batting an eye at the crowd. As she should.

"Why? Don't you like the attention?" Amelia asked as we stood outside the station.

"No, it's annoying to have hundreds scream out your name and other inaudible nonsense," I ranted.


"Your majesty, Artorius is estimated to arrive soon," Kody came into my tent and notified me.

"Prepare for his arrival," I ordered.

Kody does a quick bow before leaving my tent. I sat at the table and propped my head on the back of my hands. Waiting for Artorius to arrive.

It had been a month since we last met each other. We last met for a contract to create the train station in the capital. Possibly the brightest idea I've had since taking the crown.

Since then, he's worked hard every single day. Work that would've taken over six months was finished within a month. His work ethic is impressive. It ripples through his entire workforce.

I awaited his arrival at the cave. I wanted to see him off before he entered the cave. It was by my permission he was going in.

"Let's go and wait outside," I told Sylas who stood behind me.

"As you say," Sylas said as I walked out of the tent.

The camp was busy as usual. Men were going in and out of the cave, bringing out injured soldiers on stretchers and bringing them into medical tents. The casualties were rising day by day. I hope to end it by today.

We took a gentle stroll around the chaotic camp. It was like a small bustling city. Dozens of soldiers have been here for over a month. It's like home to them now.

"Today's numbers are expected to exceed the hundreds," Sylas said. "It's not looking good for us,"

"That will end today," I said with a confident smirk. "We have the man to end it,"

"Will Artorius be able to end the suffering the soldiers are going through?" He asked with an unsure voice.

"I'm confident,"

I looked over the road carved out of the sand. It led out the front gate which was heavily guarded by soldiers. A gate made of wood was set up to keep any animals from entering.

"There he is," I smiled widely.

A royal carriage came over the horizon as the sky began to turn dark blue. The sun was setting but our hero had arrived.

I spotted Felix dressed in his usual attire. He sat alongside the chauffeur I sent out.

"His majesty Artorius has arrived!" A soldier shouted out from the gate.

The gates slowly open up to let his carriage through. He must be tired from the journey.

Drawn by two mighty brown horses. A white and gold carriage came into the rather dirty camp. It stopped right at the gate as Felix stepped off, opening the door.

Out came a tall red-haired man. Dressed in simple clothing. A crimson fox on his shoulder that had grown significantly since I last saw.

Artorius looked around the campsite as soon as he stepped off the carriage. He spots me and Sylas in the distance, smiling at me as he notices.

I waved to him as he began walking towards me. Both of us were smiling at each other.

"Your majesty," He said as he bowed down. "It's been a while,"

"It has," I said while putting my hand forward. "Glad to meet you once again, Artorius,"

He shakes my hand with a confident grip. "It's a surprise finding you here,"

"I decided I should see you off," I told him as we began walking back. "It's my permission that you need to go inside the cave,"

"Ah, right," Artorius laughed awkwardly. "But all the preparations are done, I suppose?"

"Yes, everything is prepared,"

Soldiers around the camp stopped in their tracks. As soon as they spotted Artorius, the chaos halted. Everyone stood around and gawked as we trot back to my tent.

We entered the camp and I took my usual seat. He took a seat opposite me and looked around my spacious camp.

"How long have you stayed here?" He asked, starting our conversation.

"Three days," I answered. "I'll be going back today,"

"Hm, I see," He said while crossing his arms.

"Bring the equipment," I turned to Sylas and told him. "Perhaps bring something for Artorius to eat,"

"No need," He stopped Sylas. "I've had enough alcohol on the train,"

Sylas left without uttering a word. Felix stood behind Artorius as his crimson fox jumped down from his shoulder.

"Right, about that," I said with a wide smile. "Congratulations on the success!"

"Ah, don't mention it," He let out a hearty laugh. "It was a pain to finish, I'm just glad it's working,"

"I heard you made a special carriage for the kings and nobles,"

"Yes, I have. That's why I had wine on the train,"

Artorius' locomotive project was a huge success. People have been dying to use it since the announcement. Much of it might be due to how he published the entire project. But he did not disappoint with it.

It's truly an engineering marvel that he could do it. A new height in transport.

Sylas came back into the tent with Kody. He had two scabbards in his hand while Kody had a rucksack.

Artorius turned around and saw the equipment. A joyful smile spread across his face.

"I shouldn't waste any more time then," He said while standing up. "You have places to be, I have enemies to kill,"

I stood up as well. "Seems like I'll be saying goodbye to you as quick as I said my greetings,"

Artorius picked up the rucksack which was full of water and food. It should last him over two weeks in the cave. He was also given a few mana crystals to use for restoring mana quickly.

He tied the two scabbards to his hips. Unsheathing the swords to check. A glitter came from one while the other had a wooden blade.

"W-wait, that's a wooden sword," I stopped Artorius.

"Mhm, that's true," He said casually.

"Aren't you using two swords?"

"That's… correct,"

"But that's wooden." I pointed out the obvious.

"On purpose, he said while shrugging. "Two steel swords will be too easy,"

This man is insane.

He stepped out of the tent with confidence, walking away as his fox bond followed behind. As soon as he stepped out. The soldiers stopped and held their breath.

I followed behind him, trying to stop him for answers.

"What do you mean too easy!?" I shouted out as he left.

He turned around and looked at me with stoic eyes. "I need a challenge in my life," Artorius said with a still face. "If I went in with two steel swords, I'd be back in three days,"

"Stop speaking nonsense!" I exclaimed. "Are you drunk?"

"No, I'm as sober as I can be,"

Soft murmurs went around the camp. Everyone was stunned to hear Artorius taking two swords, more surprised to learn one was wooden.

"You know what, fine," I said while giving up. "Just don't get yourself killed,"

An arrogant smirk broke from his lips. "Make me a bet. If I don't return within two weeks, you will pay me five thousand gold. Vise versa,"

Gasps went across the entire camp as he made the statement. It was a bold and brave move.

"Bet," I gave him a confident smile. "Starts from today goes for fourteen days,"

"Be prepared with the money," He waved goodbye as he nonchalantly walked away, rucksack on his shoulder that weighed as much as a greatsword.


The entrance to the cave was dark. Not a single ray of sunlight entered the dark abyss. It was a hole inside a mound of stone where soldiers were going in and out. It was like a portal to another dimension.

As I stared into the abyssal darkness, a rush of adrenaline filled my heart and made my heart race.

"Let's do this," I told Amelia in telepathy, smiling widely before dashing inside.

We entered the cave with one single leap, being engulfed by the darkness of the cave. As soon as I entered, my vision went blank.

But it was not like other times. When my vision usually went blank, it was like an out-of-body experience usually. This time, I could feel my body and all other senses, including smell.

The smell was rotten. As if a thousand dead bodies were left to rot, mixed with the excrements of humans and animals together. The stench was overwhelming but I powered through.

"Ew! I stepped on something!" Amelia shouted to me through telepathy.

"Wait, let me make fire," I told her as I put my arm forward.

I created fire on the palm of my hand, though that was not very useful. Luckily I should have something inside my rucksack.

But the fire gave me a good visual. What Amelia stepped on was the corpse of a dead insect. Though, unlike the insects I knew, it was as big as a human.

"Gross!" She yelped. "Should've warned me!"

"You decided to walk on your own. I stood my ground,"

As I rummaged through the rucksack with one hand, I felt my hand touch a stick. Just what I was looking for.

An unlit torch. There were a few in here. This should last me the days I'm here. If not, I'll have to get creative.

I lit the torch aflame and kept it in my hand for now. A glitter of light came from in front. That must be where I need to head to.

The first floor of the cave is clear of any danger. It's usually after the fourth floor when the danger arises.

"Let's go," I told Amelia while putting my rucksack back on.

The surroundings were a grim sight. Corpses of multiple insects lay soulless. It reeked and irritated me past my limit. But the thrill of adventure kept me from turning back around.

Amelia hopped over the corpses as she walked alongside me. We dodged the bodies and continued to walk towards a staircase, more like a spiralling slope that led to a lower floor.

We wasted no time and strode down the path. It was gently lit up with a light blue hue that came from the crystals stuck to the wall. Though the cave was not as magical as the lights. More grim and disgusting than anything.

The disgusting smell followed us down the pathway, even after crossing the second floor. The second floor was a goldmine for crystals. Full of them.

We continued down the path, watching our steps as we carefully navigated our way. By the third floor, my torch became useless.

"I heard something," Amelia said as her ears perked up. "We must get close to danger.

"Change forms," I ordered. "We need to stay prepared,"

I put out the torch and quickly threw it back inside one of the pouches of the rucksack. Amelia led the way as I took out my dual swords and carefully walked down.

We crossed the third floor. This floor was another unpleasant sight. But it was much worse than before. If I had any humanity left in me, I would be fearing for my life.

Corpses lay dead as usual. But the corpses were not restricted to just animals and insects. There were soldiers still dressed in their armour. Something that's usually impossible to break through.

There were countless corpses of soldiers still inside the cave. When I came into the camp, they were still bringing them out.

"Weak," I muttered before continuing down the path.

We made it to the bottom of the path that spiralled down. It stopped on the fourth floor. This is where I had to traverse through it.

Amelia changed forms as soon as we reached the end of the path. She went into her dragon form but restricted her size significantly. The cave had space, but growing too big would hinder her mobility.

"Let's continue," I said while striding forward with confidence.

The smell followed even on the fourth floor, and corpses littered the floor. Everywhere I looked, there was dried blood and dead soldiers and insects. Even the walls were not spared from being painted burgundy.

I had no issue with blood and gore, but I could not say the same for Amelia. But to her credit, she was holding up well. If she was afraid of such things, however. She did not react so far, only walking alongside me with confidence.

Her dark-coloured scales blended in with most of the darkness the cave had. It was difficult to spot her in dark corners.

"We're close," She said while getting into stance.

"Continue for now," I commanded. "It's better if we continue instead of letting the enemy come,"

I could spot an open area in front of us. So far we were in tight tunnels. This should be the true entrance.

We walked in with confidence, ready to dodge or attack. It was an open area at least two miles underground. The ceilings were high and allowed for a lot of mobility.

Suddenly, from my right, a crittering sound came. It was the sound of a giant ant. This was the first time we had spotted an alive one.

"Only one?" I asked with a skeptical glare.

I was proven wrong. Countless came dropping from medium-sized holes in the wall. They dropped to the floor and snapped their strong claw-like mouths at us.

But, before I could react. Amelia already was as energetic as she always was. She wasted no time and sent out a beam of fire from her mouth, roasting the ants as they fell on their backs.

"Nice going!" I complimented her with an arrogant smile.

"There's more coming. I can hold them from here," She said to me through telepathy.

More insects began coming from the other side. This time, more than ants. Spiders, grasshoppers and even a few centipedes came crawling out of their slumber.

This is just the beginning of the endless torment they will go through.