
Monarch's Rebirth

“Where am I…?” Sung Hei, an above-average university student, is awoken in a world that is unbeknownst to him. He was reincarnated in the body of Artorius Dorman, the trash king of the Faunus kingdom. Artorius is a young king who inherited the crown after his father’s death. He was seen as a prodigy and a favourite in the kingdom at a young age. But, after his father’s death, he grieved deeply and fell into an endless abyss of despair where he turned to alcohol instead of his royal duties. Sung Hei realises the situation and does what he does best, taking advantage of an absurd situation for his benefit. With the status of king and a body of a prodigy, paired with the knowledge of a genius engineer, Sung Hei makes the medieval ages go through an industrial revolution The novel follows Sung Hei, now Artorius Dorman, on an adventurous journey to explore his newly found world and change it for his benefit, achieving his dream of living a lazy and relaxed life.

DivineDoku · Fantasy
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110 Chs

Chapter 71

"Do you think he sleep talks?" Alexander asked me with a curious look.

"I'm not sure," I thought about it. "I never saw him sleep talk,"

I got off my bed and stretched out my arms. It was coming closer to midnight but both of us were still unable to sleep. We both had time to ourselves now.

"Want to test it?" He said with a mischievous grin.


We both looked at each other with evil grins before walking up to Vincent's bed. He was completely knocked out but was making faces in his sleep, meaning he was seeing a dream.

"Hey, Vincent," Alexander called out softly.

Vincent's lips make odd movements as if he was going to speak.

"Vincent, your wife was looking for you," I told him the same way.

"Huh…!? Emma? W-where?"

Alexander and I looked at each other with wide smiles going from ear to ear. We both giggled, trying to hold our laughter in.

"He sleep talks!" Alexander whispered excitedly.

"What else should we say?" I asked him excitedly.

"I don't know! Let's try asking him for opinions!"

"You go first!" I urged Alexander.

He smiled over at Vincent while thinking about a question he wanted to ask.

"What do you think about Alexander?" He asked quietly.

Vincent's lips formed into a small frown as he asked the question.

"Naive. Weak," He answered.

Alexander was shocked hearing his response. He looked at him with an annoyed expression and scoffed.

It took everything in me to not start howling out in laughter. Alexander looked at me with an irritated gaze as I smiled like an idiot.

"What about Felix?" He asked out of desperation.


He got his revenge.

We both looked at Vincent with distaste and anger. But then I noticed something. He was smiling all this time.

"Wait, he's smiling!" I exclaimed.

Alexander looked closer and noticed it too. "Wait, he is!"

Vincent started to laugh out loud as his eyes slowly opened. He looked at both of us and smiled.

"Did you really think I'd say sweet things about you two?" He says while chuckling.

"Damn you!" Alexander shouted. "I'm telling my father!"

"Oh my! Please! Not your father!" Vincent said sarcastically.

Since Vincent was awake, he must feel better. It made me relieved, even though we were both annoyed with him, he was alive and well.

"Since you're awake," I said to break their childish quarrel. "Let's go home."

Vincent turned to me and looked at me with tired eyes. "You both can leave," He told me with a gentle smile. "I'm too injured and tired to leave,"

I turned to Alexander and looked at him with a raised eyebrow. He looked at me and an idea came into both of our minds.

"Let's do it,"


The both of us smiled and turned to Vincent. He realised that we both had a plan in mind that he may or may not like.

'W-what are you planning?" He shouted out.

We took our positions and put our hands under his body. He yelled at us to stop but he was too injured to stop us. All he could do was scream to get the attention of the staff.

"On three," I told Alexander. "One, two… three!"

We both lifted him into the air and carried him out from his bed. Both of us placed him on our shoulders and started to march out of the infirmary room as Vincent panicked, telling us to stop immediately.

"Stop it!" He yelled. "Just take me normally would you!"

"Not at all!" Alexander yelled back. "You're injured! This is the least we can do!"

I chuckled at what he said as we walked through the doorway. Hearing the screams, healers rushed to us but stopped in their tracks as they realised it was all for nothing. Only to go wide eyes as they noticed Alexander was carrying him as well.

"Oh my!" One of the female healers exclaimed. "Please leave him, Sir Alexander!"

"Not at all!" He replied. "I'm taking him home!"

She didn't repeat herself and let us pass through the hallway with ease. We both marched on with confidence as Vincent gave up on screaming for help.

The stares came from all directions as staff came to check on the screaming patient. But as soon as they saw us, they stopped and watched us pass through as if carrying a coffin down a corridor.

We made it out of the infirmary section of the castle and were on the ground floor. The foyer was right in front of us. The doors were wide open.

"Let's go home!" I exclaimed.

Alexander and I picked up the pace and ran towards the foyer. The sudden change in pace made Vincent shout once again, drawing attention to us.

As we got to the colossal doors of the foyer, I noticed a group of people come down from the staircase. As we ran into the foyer, the emperor and a king were walking down the staircase.

We stopped in our tracks, shocked and started by the group. Vincent went quiet and awaited for a reaction, just like the two of us.

"F-Felix!?" Amadeus shouted out.

My eyes widened as he exclaimed my name. Our eyes met and a shocked expression was plastered over his face.

"Y-your majesty!" I replied to him in shock.

His eyes darted towards my torso. I had forgotten that blood was splattered all over my white shirt.

"Goodness! Are you okay!?" He exclaimed while running towards me.

We both slowly let go of Vincent, who was as startled as us to see him. As he landed on his feet, he stumbled but kept his balance.

"Y-yes, your majesty!" I replied to him. "What makes you think otherwise?"

"The blood on your shirt!"

I quickly closed up the buttons on my blazer, though it was too late.

"Oh~ this? I laughed. "It's not blood. It's wine, your majesty,"

A skeptical glare looked all over my torso as his eyes scanned for any other signs of injuries. Though I was not injured, the blood told a different story.

"Your shirt has blood on it," He said with a worried tone. "Why are you hiding it from me?"

I continued to keep up an awkward smile while Alexander and Felix stood behind me, trying to not be questioned.

"As I said," I emphasized. "It's wine, not blood,"

The guests he was accompanying came down the stairs and stood behind him. It was Charles Averett, King of the Frostine kingdom and his two sons. The older son, Ulric Olbrecht Avertt and the younger, Baratheon Grimald Averett. Quite the mouthful of names.

"What's wrong?" Charles asked in a deep voice.

He was from the wolf clan and it was made obvious by his sharp teeth and tail that swayed left and right. Though he was not as intimidating as Astrid, he signified quite a lot of power with his deep voice and tone.

"Nothing," Amadeus answered. "I was just worried that he was injured,"

I kept up my smile while staring back and forth between the king and the emperor. Charles looked at me with a distasted stare.

"Who are they?" He asked. "What were they doing just now?"

"This is Felix, Artorius' personal assistant," Amadeus answered him. "The one behind him is Vincent, Artorius' new and second assistant. The other being Alexander, son of Arnold who is the count of Caelfall."

He listened to the introductions and twitched his lips. "Didn't Artorius leave nearly an hour ago?"

"Yes, but only he and Lady Kathlyn left," He explained further.

"We stayed back because we faced some issues," Vincent spoke out from behind me.

I whipped my head back and looked at him with wary eyes. He gave me a nod, trying to reassure me.

"What issue?" Amadeus asked. "Is something wrong?"

"Vincent had a small accident that left him unconscious for an hour or so," I answered. "We were just carrying him out because we didn't want him to trip and fall again,"

Our made-up story made them suspicious but they overlooked the details further. Luckily Charles was in a rush.

"Whatever, I'm gone," The dark-haired younger son said as he walked past his father and towards the doorway.

"W-wait up!" The older son said before sprinting towards him.

"Oi! Save some face!" Their father shouted at his two boys.

Amadeus' attention turned to the two boys who were taking their leave without their father. A gentle smile breaks from his face as he looks back at me.

"Well, I'll see you all off too then," He told me before walking past us.

The three of us watched as the royals went past us. We were all embarrassed for what we did but we regret nothing.

"Let's go home too," Alexander exasperated. "I'm done for the day,"

All of us felt the adrenaline leave our bodies, crashing our energy to the lowest it has been in weeks.

I helped Vincent walk as he held onto me, trying to not fall. Alexander went ahead and called a servant to bring our carriages as well.

Amadeus and Charles were chatting while the two brothers conversed amongst themselves. Vincent and I limped over to them and stood firmly, behind the royals.

"I feel so helpless," Vincent whispered to me. "This is embarrassing,"

"Forget it," I chuckled softly. "Let's get back and sleep for the rest day,"

A cheeky smirk breaks from his lips as the thought of sleep comes up. "Don't you dare wake me up,"

The both of us were whispering to each other, unlike Amadeus and Charles however. While they talked, Vincent and I decided to eavesdrop on what they were talking about.

"Outrageous!" Charles exclaimed rather softly. "The cave is still full of monsters?"

"That's what I heard last," Amadeus answered. "Father had sent Zenith, our best swordsman. He kept them at bay but he returned a few days ago,"

They were talking about the infamous cave. Artorius talked about taking the cave for himself. Perhaps I should engage in the conversation now.

As I was about to speak up, the sounds of a carriage slowly coming closer could be heard. It must be Charles' carriage.

"Seems like our carriage came," Charles said before walking forward. "I will be on my way then,"

"Have a safe trip!" Amadeus bid farewell.

The two princes bid their adieu to the new emperor, walking with their father and outside the castle.

"Can you stand on your own?" I looked at Vincent.

"Yes," He answered before letting go of my shoulders.

I walked up to Amadeus as Charles left my view. All I could see was the golden designs and details on his fair carriage as it gleamed in the castle lights that sneaked outside.

"Oh, hello Felix!" Amadeus greeted me as I stood next to him.

"Can you tell me more about the cave?" I asked him while scratching my beard, looking straight ahead.

"The cave? Were you listening to us?" He asked me, feeling flustered.

"Perhaps," I answered. "I was curious because Artorius had heard of the cave as well. He was interested in it,"

"Really? For what?" Amadeus asked me with a twinkle in his eyes.

"He heard it had a lot of raw material. We could use some of it,"

Amadeus held his chin, copying me. He thought about it with furrowed eyebrows.

"But the cave is overrun by monsters," He stressed. "There's no way to cultivate the material that lies within,"

"Let me say it again," I turned to him, looking him in the eyes. "Artorius is interested in the cave for its raw material," I told him slowly.

He moved his head slightly to the right. "Uh, can you explain further?"

I sigh a deep breath. "It's Artorius we are talking about," I groaned. "If it's him, you know how it goes,"


He stared into my eyes with his hazel eyes. The light that reflected off his eyes gave a sparkle of determination in his eyes. An emperor who is determined to work hard for the kingdom, not for selfish desires.

"Did he tell you of his plans?" He asked me after a long staring contest.

"He briefed me on it," I answered. "He wants to use it as a training ground for himself and clear the multiple floors,"

I left out some details on purpose. If the details are so important, Artorius should explain them to him as he is the one with the plan.

Amadeus thought about it, he wasn't sure but he made it clear.

"I want to talk to Artorius about it. Face to face," He answers with a stern look.

"Very well," I nodded. "We can talk tomorrow, perhaps?"

"Early evening?"

We shake hands and smile at each other with an approving stares. Though I'm not sure if Artorius is free at that time. Maybe it was best if I had his confirmation.

As we close our deal, the two carriages come to the pathway and halt. Jon jumped down from his seat and opened the door to the carriage. Our gaze turns to the convoy and back to us.

"Safe travels then," Amadeus turns back to me and says. "I'm hoping to meet with Artorius tomorrow,"

Before I pulled my arm away, I gave him a friendly smile and nodded. "He's looking forward to it too,"

Alexander was already on his way to the carriage while Vincent waddled towards me, staggering with a limp foot. He walked past the young emperor and fell onto my back, clutching on with his life.

"You said you were fine," I told Vincent while walking out of the castle.

"I could stand, not walk," He grunted.

Jon came up to me and helped Vincent off my back. He helped him get to the carriage while Alexander and I slowly trotted towards our respective carriages.

"Vincent is still hurt, isn't he?" Alexander whispered to me.


Alexander broke off from my side and got on his carriage. His eyes were wary and sunken, clearly tired and ready to hit the hay.

"What happened here?" Jon asked me with furrowed eyebrows.

"Vincent had an unlucky encounter," I let out a short wheeze. "He's fine,"

Jon didn't pressure me further. He held the door open for me as I stepped inside.

Vincent lay sideways on his seat, slowly moving his leg back and forth. I couldn't tell if he broke his leg or was having a cramp.

As Jon sees me take my seat, he closes the door and jumps back on his seat. Without wasting time, he starts to trot away slowly.

"What a day," Vincent whispered. "Who would've thought a kid was better than adults at using a weapon,"

I laid back in my seat and listened to what he had to say. "Kid?" I laughed. "He's no kid. He's at least twenty-eight from what I heard,"

Vincent shot upright and looked at me with wide eyes. "T-twenty-eight!?" He exclaimed. "How does he look twenty-eight?"

"Lack of sleep, improper nutrients, overtraining," I shrugged and listed down what I thought caused his growth stunt.

He seemed satisfied with my answer and lay back down, going into a fetal position with his legs on the seat.

Both of us were too tired to speak anymore. The carriage exits the castle walls and into the wide roads of the capital.

The roads were empty, eerily empty. It was nearly midnight which made sense for the lack of human lives on the roads. Yet the roads were lit up brightly. You could see even on such a night.

Only the sound of the carriage moving echoed through the streets. Broken by the sound of dogs barking and cats quarrelling with each other. The only souls that can be found around the road are the peasants that lived on the curbsides.

My eyes grew heavier and heavier as I looked through the rather narrow window in front of me, behind the carriage. I could see Regulus, lost in the space of his mind, staring back at me without noticing my stare.

Alexander must've fallen asleep on his carriage, leaving me, Jon and Regulus the only ones awake.

Though my time was coming too. I too would slowly start to go into slumber as my eyes struggled to stay awake.