
Monarch's Rebirth

“Where am I…?” Sung Hei, an above-average university student, is awoken in a world that is unbeknownst to him. He was reincarnated in the body of Artorius Dorman, the trash king of the Faunus kingdom. Artorius is a young king who inherited the crown after his father’s death. He was seen as a prodigy and a favourite in the kingdom at a young age. But, after his father’s death, he grieved deeply and fell into an endless abyss of despair where he turned to alcohol instead of his royal duties. Sung Hei realises the situation and does what he does best, taking advantage of an absurd situation for his benefit. With the status of king and a body of a prodigy, paired with the knowledge of a genius engineer, Sung Hei makes the medieval ages go through an industrial revolution The novel follows Sung Hei, now Artorius Dorman, on an adventurous journey to explore his newly found world and change it for his benefit, achieving his dream of living a lazy and relaxed life.

DivineDoku · Fantasy
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110 Chs

Chapter 53


My eyes open as I hear the distant sound of someone calling my name. As I realised where I was, I sat upright in an instant and looked around me. I checked outside and saw it was far different than I thought.

"Master," He calls out."Are you awake?"

"Y-yeah, what is it?" I replied, half asleep

"We're arriving at the estate."

Already? I slept through the entire ride then…

I looked around the windows and saw the surroundings. We were in the middle of a forest with no civilization in sight. Until I looked at the window behind me where the chauffeur was seated.

In front of us was a magnificent estate about three stories tall, barricaded by a wall that surrounded it for protection. The roof was a dark blue colour that matched the rest of the white walls.

A gate cut off the road from the outside and the inside. While the road outside was made of cobble, inside it was paved with grey bricks. The path was widened as well, making enough room to fit multiple carriages and enough to fit a large but simple fountain in the middle.

As the carriage drew closer, my eyes were fixated on the beautifully designed gate, coloured in black and golden spikes.

The carriage came to a halt right in front of the gate. A knight came out wearing armour that shone in the sunlight.

"Greetings. We were expecting your arrival." The guard said, greeting us.

"Has Artorius arrived yet?" I asked the guard, hoping he would have arrived by now.

The guard shook his head. "Not yet, his majesty will arrive soon. Come inside, take some rest while his majesty arrives at the estate as well."

Soon enough the gates were opened, letting us through and into the estate. The guard stepped aside as we drove by and gave a bow. I couldn't see his face as he wore a helmet that covered his head.

"Security seems quite heavy here. Guards don't usually wear armour." Uncle Regulus said as we entered.

"Really? Why would it be so tight then?"

He lets out a soft chuckle from my ignorance. "Haven't you realised? There were two assassination attempts on him, all leading him to be injured."

"R-right… I was there at both attempts."

Though it still makes me nervous with all the security. Artorius is not someone to carry around guards for security. He just needs a sword and he can wipe out an army.

As we slowly drove through the driveway, I stuck my head out of the carriage and looked around to look around. The grass was cut to perfection and the pathway was well maintained. It made me envy Artorius even more.

Uncle Regulus stopped and got off the carriage. "Here we are." He said as he got off. He walked to the door and opened it for me. "Go inside and rest up."

"Sure, where will you be?" I asked. "I'll go park up the carriage and stay with the staff."

I slowly got off the carriage and stretched my body. "Great! I'll see you tomorrow then."

As I stretched out my hands in the air, I turned around to see the doors of the estate open. It slowly opened up and revealed the interior which was as expected, stunning.

Two men came walking through the doorway wearing black suits and white gloves. They were both well-groomed and had a smile on their faces.

I turned around to face them and they stopped at a respectable distance from me.

"Greetings, master." One of them said as they bowed down. "Welcome to the estate. We will guide you through the estate as this is your first visit."

Uncle Regulus left me and got on the carriage again. It felt wrong to be addressed so formally at an estate that I didn't own.

"O-oh, That would be great!" I replied in a panic. "Artorius hasn't arrived yet, right?"

"He will arrive shortly. We estimate at around three he will be here." The other servant spoke out.

"Well then, lead on!"

Uncle Regulus turned the carriage around and went to park the carriage. Both of the servants turned around and started to walk. I followed behind as I waved to Uncle Regulus as final goodbye for the day.


"Damn, what an exhausting trip."

Vincent was tired from all the travelling even though we did nothing but sit and talk for the entire seven-hour journey.

"You've travelled quite a lot these past few days," I replied to his complaint.

"At least I caught a break with my family for once. It's rare to meet them usually."

"Must be a treat…"

Vincent stares outside his window and smiles. "We're here," He said, making me look outside as well.

There were flat lands for miles. The estate is located in the middle of nowhere. It was made as a holiday home for the Dorman family so it's dislocated from civilization.

A forest covered the estate, making it hidden deep inside. We just entered the forest which leads to the estate deep within.

"When was this made?" Vincent asked as he stared out the window.

"I can't remember, it must be when the first king was on the throne."

"King Erik? This must be a century old then!" He exclaimed in shock.

"What did you expect? Most of the estates were built during his reign. Even the palace was made during his reign."

"Doesn't it make you realise how new our world is?" Vincent said as he faced me.

It was a thought-provoking question. "Is. Only two centuries ago we were just tribes that roamed the land and hunted. It's quite astonishing how our ancestors thought of such a system."

"Four emperors, eight kings. Somehow a system that's simple and effective."

Both of us stared at each other and started to laugh hysterically. "What are you saying!? Enough of that wine!"

"I've lost my mind, haven't I!?" He shouted out hysterically.

"How deep! Four emperors, eight kings!" I mockingly quoted him.

He laughed again before taking the bottle of wine and taking a swig. "Oh shut up! It was this alcohol that did the talking."

"Right, right. Something so deep can't come from someone like you!"

Vincent felt attacked and looked at me in disbelief. "Pardon!?" He exclaimed. "You're saying I can't say such profound and philosophical sentences!?"

I couldn't help but laugh at how drunk he was. "Stop it! I can't anymore!" I howled as I tried to stop my laughter.

We were supposed to be professional about this but the two bottles of wine we put under the seat were a weakness to our already weak alcohol tolerance.

I turned around and opened the window to let in some fresh air. I also wanted to talk to Jon to find out how much distance we still had left.

Jon realised my head poking out of the window and looked at me. "Seems like you both are having fun." He said in a voice that screamed unenthusiasm.

"Want a drink?" I asked him, hoping to cheer him up.

"It would go against my protocols. Drinking and driving a carriage can be dangerous."

"How long do we have left?"

"Twenty minutes."

I grabbed the bottle of wine and stuck it out the window. "Twenty minutes is not that long. Come on, take it."

Jon grunts and snatches the bottle out of my hand. He drank it with an attitude and handed the bottle back.

"Just don't get me in trouble." He says before letting out a deep sigh.


Many different sounds and voices come through my door as I sit inside the reading room. Preparations for Amadeus' birthday party are in full motion. I cannot do much but sit back and rest.

I finish the last of my tea and stand up after hours of sitting and reading. The noise outside made my time to relax difficult.

As I opened the door, I saw what was the commotion outside.

Men were setting up decorations on the ceiling and moving around furniture. They all saw me and stopped in their tracks.

"Carry on, I'll just walk by," I said before continuing to walk to Amadeus' room.

The workers quickly started their work as I passed by them. Some greeted me while others were too busy with their work.

While walking, I found Sylas talking with some of the other staff. He noticed me and bowed down to greet me.

"Greetings, your majesty."

"Come with me if you have time," I told him while walking past him.

He stood upright and followed me down the hallways. "Where are we going?" He asked.

"Amadeus' room. I need to talk with him."

"About what, sire?"

"Inheriting the crown."


Though I had to be cryptic about it, I had to tell him one way or another. After I'm gone… Sylas can do the rest.

It didn't take long to make it to Amadeus' room. I took a deep breath before knocking on his door.

"Come in." His faint voice rang through the door.

I entered the room with Sylas and was not surprised to see the condition of his room.

Books litter his floor as he leans on his headboard. He's lost in his books, as usual, possibly finishing a few dozen books in the past few days

"What did I tell you about leaving your books everywhere?" I told him, raising my voice to get his attention away from the books.

He panics and looks around his room. "A-ah! My bad!" He said before getting up and picking up the books from the floor.

I shake my head in response, disappointed by his lack of tidiness. "Fix up your room. Let's talk."

Amadeus hastily picks up all the books and marks the page he was last reading. He places the pile of books on a small table before walking back to me.

"What did you want to talk about? Is it about the birthday?" He asked. "Not at all. Sit down, it's something more serious."

His eyebrows furrow and he becomes skeptical. "O-okay…? What is it?"

We both take a seat at the edge of his bed. Sylas stands behind me with a blank expression, as always.

Amadeus seems nervous and I couldn't blame him. I never sat him down on a serious note and talked with him.

"What do you plan on doing in the future?"

"The future? I haven't really thought that much about it. I just want to read books and live my life as it is now."

Both Sylas and I knew his answer, yet I wanted to ask.

"I see. Have you ever thought about becoming the next emperor though?"

He pauses and looks at me with a blank expression. "Well… I have no choice. I was born into this and it's an obligation for me to become the next emperor, right?"

"Well, you aren't wrong. But it's not an obligation. If you wanted to, you could just let your mother take the responsibilities."

Surprisingly he shakes his head. "No, that's wrong. Both you and your mother are growing old. If you were to pass away and the crown comes to me, I don't think mother will be fit to rule."


Bold remarks. He isn't wrong either, it's a real concern.

"I see. But do you see yourself fit to rule?" I asked him after a long pause between us.

For an odd reason, he went quiet. He wanted to say something but he didn't. He opened his mouth but stopped.

"Is something wrong?" I asked him. "N-no, I was just thinking."

"So what's your answer?"

"I will never know until I take responsibility."

I cleared my throat of the lump that slowly formed. "Well, you are wise enough in my eyes. Though you seem a bit naive, I'm sure you can find out how to be an emperor, right?"

His lips break into a soft smile. "Yes, I can."

I felt reassured now that Amadeus is not as gullible as I thought. With nothing else to talk about, I got up from the bed and started walking away.

"Father, I have a question as well," Amadeus called out as I was about to leave the room.

"Ask," I told him as I turned around.

"Will you ever abdicate?"

"I'm thinking about it."