
Monarch's Journey: Infinite Wives In My Harem!

Harem is life! Harem is the future! But wait, how many should I have in my harem? One…? Two…? No, I’m a slave. My aim, to be a monarch - a big dream. Yes, let’s dream big. SKY is my limit! Not one, not two. Infinite! Infinite wives in my harem! That’s my dream! #No NTR #No Yuri Note: The harem part will come soon enough, but the plot pacing might be slow considering that each chapter will be of 1000-1200 words. I will try my best to write with best grammar. Discord: https://discord.gg/xQnwu65VeF - still in developmental stage.

1st_Manga_KING · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Chapter 6: Virginity [R18]

Chapter 6: Virginity [R18]

Demitas blinked, his heart pounding in his chest as he took in the sight before him. The slender hand that held his was adorned with delicate, porcelain-like skin, perfectly manicured nails, and adorned with intricate silver bracelets that jingled softly with every movement.

It was a hand that exuded both elegance and sensuality, gripping his own with a firmness that conveyed a mixture of longing and desire.

His eyes traveled up the arm, following the curves and contours until they reached the source of his surprise. Standing before him was a breathtaking vision of feminine beauty, a captivating female elf whose ethereal grace and enchanting allure took his breath away.

Her long, flowing tresses cascaded down her shoulders, shimmering like spun gold, and her piercing sapphire eyes were filled with unspoken longing.

Dressed in a sheer gown that clung to her every curve, accentuating her flawless figure, she radiated an aura of seduction. The fabric, like a second skin, revealed tantalizing glimpses of her shapely form, leaving little to the imagination.

As tears glistened in her eyes, her sweet smile remained, revealing a vulnerability that tugged at Demitas' heartstrings. The contrast of her sorrowful tears against her radiant beauty only heightened the intensity of the moment. And as she whispered those three words, "I love you, master," her voice held a melodic quality that stirred something deep within him.

Caught in a whirlwind of emotions, Demitas found himself captivated by this unexpected display of affection. He could feel the intensity of her desire, her longing to be with him.

Her perky breasts were on full display, the fabric sheer enough to reveal the soft flesh beneath, teasing Demitas with their alluring shape. Her lack of a bra emphasized her natural beauty, allowing her delicate nipples to stand erect, hinting at the tantalizing pleasures that awaited.

Feeling a surge of desire course through his veins, Demitas clenched his fist tightly, willing himself to regain control of his emotions. He knew that yielding to his impulses in haste could lead to dire consequences, and he couldn't afford to act recklessly.

Wrestling with his conflicting emotions, he mustered the strength to speak, his voice laced with both curiosity and concern. "Who are you?" he inquired, his tone a mixture of worry and confusion. It was only fair that he knew her name, for such an intense display of affection demanded answers before the situation spiraled out of control.

Aria's silence spoke volumes as she gently guided Demitas' hands to rest upon her heaving chest. His fingertips grazed the silky fabric that barely contained her ample bosom, sending a surge of electrifying sensations coursing through his veins. The weight and warmth of her breasts pressed against his palms, eliciting a primal desire that stirred his very core. It was a moment of sheer ecstasy, as if he had touched the gates of heaven itself.

Her enchanting smile played upon her lips, her eyes shimmering with a mix of anticipation and seduction. "That's not important," she whispered, her voice dripping with desire, as if implying that names and identities were inconsequential compared to the raw, intoxicating connection they shared.

Demitas' confusion deepened, but the allure of Aria's bold initiative was impossible to resist. Emboldened by her sensuality, he explored the curves of her breasts, feeling the firmness and yielding resistance beneath his touch. Each caress, each squeeze, sent tremors of pleasure coursing through his body, awakening a primal hunger he had never known before.

As his hands indulged in the velvety flesh of her chest, his own desire intensified. The awakening creature between his legs responded eagerly, throbbing with a newfound urgency.

Aria's guidance led Demitas to caress her chest with increasing fervor, his touch igniting a passionate response within her. Her pert nipples hardened beneath his fingertips, evoking soft moans of pleasure that escaped her lips like a sweet melody.

With a graceful motion, Aria climbed atop Demitas, straddling him as her gaze locked onto his, their desires mirroring one another. Her body, radiant with desire, hovered tantalizingly close to his, her warmth seeping through their scant barriers of clothing.

Demitas' heart raced in his chest, the anticipation and excitement mingling with a hint of nervousness. Demitas voiced his thoughts, his words quivering with anticipation. "Is this it? Is this the day I lose my virginity?" His puzzlement was evident, yet his yearning for the experience was palpable. He longed to discover the intricate tapestry of sensations, emotions, and connections that would unfold when they surrendered to the ecstasy of lovemaking.

As their bodies entwined, Demitas braced himself for the torrent of emotions and sensations that awaited him. It was a moment of surrender and discovery, where the boundaries of pleasure would be pushed and explored, paving the way for a profound connection that would transcend the physical realm.

His mind raced with questions, his curiosity blending with a primal eagerness. What would it feel like? What emotions would wash over him as they indulged in the act of love? The anticipation built, heightening the intensity of the moment and casting a veil of thrilling uncertainty.

'Wait? Will I lose my virginity to whom I did not know?

Demitas's initial hesitation gave way to a sudden surge of defiance. A smirk played upon his lips as he tightened his grip, his hands gripping the delicate fabric that adorned Aria's body.

In a swift and forceful motion, the fabric yielded to his strength, tearing apart like a delicate barrier between them. The sound of ripping filled the air, mirroring the intensity of their desires. As the remnants of her clothing fell away, revealing more of her enticing form, Demitas felt a rush of excitement course through his veins.

Taking charge of the situation, Demitas flipped their positions, now positioning himself on top. His eyes bore into Aria's, a mix of curiosity and determination fueling his inquiry. "Who are you? Why are you doing this?" he demanded, seeking answers that eluded him a lot.