
Monarch's Journey: Infinite Wives In My Harem!

Harem is life! Harem is the future! But wait, how many should I have in my harem? One…? Two…? No, I’m a slave. My aim, to be a monarch - a big dream. Yes, let’s dream big. SKY is my limit! Not one, not two. Infinite! Infinite wives in my harem! That’s my dream! #No NTR #No Yuri Note: The harem part will come soon enough, but the plot pacing might be slow considering that each chapter will be of 1000-1200 words. I will try my best to write with best grammar. Discord: https://discord.gg/xQnwu65VeF - still in developmental stage.

1st_Manga_KING · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Chapter 19: 3rd Stage

Chapter 19: 3rd Stage

The slave master's confidence remained unwavering as she spoke, "It's in the underground, I can find it with a team any time I want."

However, Demitas swiftly interjected, determined to hold on to his advantage. "And even if you find it, you will never know the method to create the potion."

"I know you are smart, so you should be knowing… To make a potion, all the ingredients need to be in precise quantities," he asserted firmly, his voice resolute.


"Okay, I will give you time to rest," She then prepared to leave. But Demitas reiterated his terms. "I need five to seven days to completely heal my injury, after that, one week," he stated.

The slave master's patience waned as Demitas insisted on a longer recovery period. She frowned, clearly taken aback by his audacity. "Two to three days as you asked, no more than that," she retorted firmly, her tone laced with irritation.

"I know where it is, but I need to heal first. If you will not accept, then feel free to kill me," he declared, fully aware of the stakes. His life held little value to her compared to the location of the health potion. It was a dangerous gambit, but one he was willing to make.

Demitas's momentary sense of empowerment was shattered by the slave master's cutting words. "If you try to take any more time, I will rip apart your brother," she threatened, her voice laced with a chilling determination.

"Ugh," Demitas was left speechless, his mind reeling from the unexpected turn of events. He hadn't anticipated the slave master's swift and ruthless counterattack.

[She got you, kekeke.]

There were two main reasons why Demitas wanted some time, one - to rest and recover; two - to complete the third stage of the tutorial to finally have access to the system entirely.

Demitas, feeling the weight of the situation, turned to the System for guidance and assistance. He hoped that it would provide him with some useful information to navigate the perilous circumstances he found himself in.

'Uh, System? Can you at least provide some more useful info about this?' Demitas inquired, his thoughts laced with a hint of desperation.

[Of course. Now, why don't I spoon-feed you everything? Let me complete the mission, and you just take a rest instead.]

Its dismissive tone conveyed its reluctance to offer too much assistance.

Upon hearing the System's criticism, Demitas couldn't help but feel a pang of frustration. He had hoped that the System would be a valuable resource in his time of need, but it seemed that for now, it was nothing more than a waste of space.

'Well, okay fine, I will do it, but even a small info could help me... cause I don't know from where to start, and from who-" Demitas began to express his frustration and plea for any information that could assist him, hoping to gain some clarity and direction.

However, before he could finish his sentence, the torturer who had inflicted immense pain upon him suddenly arrived on the scene.

"You can go now," there was a slight change in the torturer's tone, but his scorned expression remained.

As Demitas observed the torturer closely, his eyes caught sight of something peculiar—a necklace adorning the torturer's neck. It glimmered with a distinct shade of blue, drawing his attention.

His eyes fixated on the pendant, a necklace with a key-shaped headpiece that emitted an enchanting radiance. It was as if fate had brought them together, for Demitas, in his stage 3 state, could discern the unmistakable shape of the key he so desperately sought.

'So that's the key…' Demitas smirked inwardly as his eyes remained fixed on the tantalizing pendant.

While he contemplated his options, three distinct paths emerged before him, each with its own risks and rewards. The first option was a direct approach: simply ask the torturer for the key and hope he would willingly hand it over. However, given the torturer's antagonistic nature, Demitas doubted that this approach would bear fruit.

The second option involved negotiation. Demitas could offer a tempting trade, such as a health potion or a valuable sum of gold coins, in exchange for the key. While this approach seemed more plausible, it also carried the risk of the torturer demanding an exorbitant price or refusing the offer altogether.

Finally, the third option loomed in Demitas's mind—stealing the key. The system had made it clear that this was the preferred method, leaving him with little choice but to pursue this path. Though it carried the greatest risk, it also held the promise of securing the key without having to rely on the torturer's cooperation. The decision was made. Demitas knew he had to seize the key through stealth and cunning.

He thought it would take him at least 1-2 days to even spot the key, but to his surprise, it was within his sight almost immediately.

'Now the question is how do I steal from him…' Demitas pondered, his mind racing with possibilities. He knew that stealing the key would require careful planning and execution.

"Come on, get moving!" the torturer commanded, urging Demitas to stand up despite his lingering pain. Demitas complied, pushing through the discomfort as he began to walk toward the exit.

However, he couldn't tear his gaze away from the torturer with the key necklace.

"What!?" the torturer exclaimed, clearly perturbed by Demitas' unwavering stare. Sensing the tension, he swiftly closed the distance between them, confronting Demitas with a challenging expression.

"What are you staring at?" he demanded, his voice filled with hostility. The torturer's defensive reaction indicated that he was on guard, suspicious of Demitas' intent. It was a delicate situation, and Demitas knew he needed to handle it carefully.

"Nothing, sir, I was just respecting you!" Demitas quickly responded, hoping to diffuse the tension and regain the torturer's favor.

The torturer, taken aback by Demitas' unexpected reply, abruptly halted in his tracks. His anger seemed to dissipate as he contemplated Demitas' words, curiosity replacing his initial hostility.

Changing his pace, he slowly approached Demitas, his demeanor shifting from aggression to intrigue. He couldn't help but ask, his voice tinged with a hint of uncertainty, "R-respect? Why?"