

Adina Lendl, an assistant in a leading media company, is ready to prove herself worthy in any way possible. She takes up on an impossible job I.e. to get a scoop from the mysterious Simmons brothers. Crossing paths with them was the biggest mistake she did or so she thought!

Akshita_Dar · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Krystal have some news

Another morning came. Her alarm got off so loudly in her small condo that the one living there couldn't help but wake up and that's what happened. She got up, made herself a cup of coffee and got ready for work.

Instead of going to the company today, she had to go her senior's home and from there, directly to the meeting spot. The interview was for one of the top models of the entertainment company. They only had to wait for 10 minutes or so before she arrived and the interview started. Adina took notes as she was instructed and did whatever she was asked of. After a very tiring two hours they headed back to the company to submit the report.

In the car, Adina's senior asked her,"So, how you liked it today?" She gave a genuine smile and answered,"It was actually a great experience for me. I got to learn many things. Thanks to you." Dismissing her thanks with a wave of her right hand she said,"No need to thank me. It all happened because of your hard work. I chose you to accompany me today because among all those assistants, you are the most diligent one. They try to slack off but you...never. You always put on a big smile and do whatever you are asked of. Good work today." Adina smiled shyly and thanked her again.

Just then her senior's phone rang. She answered the call then after a moment said,"Alright Sarah, calm down for heaven's sake. I do believe you. He asked me the same thing and I declined it, hopefully you did the same?" Adina couldn't hear the other side but Sarah might have said yes because her senior hummed an alright then continued,"I don't know what he was even thinking of! Like seriously, who would waste their time on them. Everybody knows all the efforts will be futile when it comes to those arrogant and ignorant brothers. His proposition was outrageous." She huffed then a pause later she again continued,"I know, right. But this time he's gone crazy. He wants a scoop no matter what. Let's see what'll happen. Only someone really dumb will agree to that." Her talk continued but Adina decided to ignore her. From whatever she gathered, she had a rough idea of what they were talking about.

Her phone buzzed. A new notification popped on the screen, she got a message from Krystal.

Krystal:"Yo! Where u at?"

Adina:"Finished with the interview. On the way back. Will reach there in a few mins or so😊."

Krystal:"Roger that! Come fast, I have news!😉"

Adina:"N it is about?🤔"

Krystal:"Won't spill the beans over chat. In person only😁"

Adina:"Alright! Alright!🤦‍♀️ Be there soon. xoxo"
