

Ren Ji, the Dark God, found a treasure in the endless Void. The treasure resets his cultivation and his life to the beginning. Join him as he re-experiences life from the Mortal realm.

Hikori · Eastern
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27 Chs

Ch. 15 Kunlun

"Little brother, just step outside, we are already there."

Ren met with Mengmeng and gave her the sword and seed and filled her in on the plan. She would act as his older sister, they were to pose as rogue martial artists looking for a sect to join and hone their skills.

"Alright Little brother Ren~" MengMeng said cutely

Ren turned away to take a breath. " Fuu, Alright let's go out and see this Kunlun mountain range." he grabbed her hand and walked out of the house.

The natural qi was much denser here than in Shanghai. They turned around to look at the house only to see it was shaped like a small shed made of sticks and leaves.

Feeling secure they made off into the woods. After walking for 10km there were disturbances. Ren and Meng approached and saw a girl fighting a black robed man in a bone mask.

"Give me your weapon and your virgin essence and I'll let you live" the robed man's voice was like nails on a chalkboard

"F*ck off. I'd rather die than serve you" the girl said with fury

Ren turned to look at Mengmeng and saw her frozen. She was staring at the man with the bone mask shaking with anger.

"Meng'er what's wrong?"

"Th-The bone mask people killed my family and disfigured my face. They are evil people and must be eliminated"

"Go on. Cleanse your heart and let your parents seek peace in the afterlife. I will take care of the girl so don't hold anything back"


MengMeng approached while hiding her presence. When she was 2m behind the man she spoke "All the karma you have sown will be paid in full today" swinging her sword towards the man's knees at a speed that was not easily seen with human eyes, she made contact beneath his kneecaps.

"AHHHHHH" the masked man screamed with a hoarse voice

gritting his teeth while propping himself off the ground he yelled at MengMeng "BITCH WHO ARE YOU AND WHY ARE YOU INTERFERING IN MY BUSINESS"

"Oh? so forcing a woman between death and serving you is your business?... Interesting, because my business here is to kill evil martial artists. Seems you won't be able to finish your 'transaction'. My apologies"

Mengmeng swung her sword in an arc towards his neck.


A masked head rolled a meter away from the body.

On Ren's side he arrived behind the girl in concealment and hit her lightly on the neck. Her defenses were lowered because the masked man and her had 5m in between them so the sudden chop to the neck made her lose consciousness.

Mengmeng used her flame to incinerate the body and head of the man till nothing but dust remains. Her heart was beating fast and her breathing was heavy. Having confronted one of her inner demons was really troubling for her.

"Its ok Meng'er, we will get stronger and crush their group. How should we deal with the girl? She didn't see anything but leaving her here is…"

"We will wait for her to wake up and say we chased the man away. Maybe she is from a sect and our act of kindness will allow us entry"

Ren nodded and started to use the Wood element on the girl. While healing her he checked her with Void eyes

[Xue Yuuka: 16 years old, Late Mortal stage, Swords pavilion disciple. High talent, Natural sword seed formed.]

'System, How can one form a sword seed on their own?'

[Through countless hours of training. The quickest I've seen someone from their own was 7 years of nonstop day and night training. This girl is very talented. If she was a cultivator I have no doubt she would be any less than the Golden core stage.]

He heard a groan and immediately stopped healing her. "Who are you? Where did that evil man go?" Yuuka asked

"My sister chased him off. He won't bother you anymore. I'm Ren, this is my elder sister Meng" he said while extending his arm to help her up.

Yuuka reached out to his hand and allowed herself to be pulled up. She looked at the boy curiously, His white hair and black diamond on his forehead stood out. He was young but seemed as sturdy as a mountain. As she looked deeper her mouth opened slightly as she murmured "what a cute little boy"

Although it was barely audible, Ren's ears picked up on it and he smiled brightly as he said "Big sister is cute too!" He was being true to heart, Her long black hair shined from the sun. She had a delicate face and big blue eyes. Despite not interacting with her for long he could tell she had a graceful temperament.

Her face turned crimson as she said "I'm Yuuka, Xue Yuuka. Thank you for saving me."

"Well it was Sister Mengmeng who chased the bad guy away, you should thank her, not me"

Yuuka turned to Mengmeng and bowed-

Mengmeng grabbed her shoulders before she could fully complete the bow and said "Sister Yuuka don't bow. I saw you were in need and acted according to my heart. I'm no saint but i stay true to my values"

"mmn" Yuuka nodded

she then asked "what sect do you two belong to?"

"We are rogue cuh- martial artists, We came to Kunlun to find a sect suitable for the both of us" Ren almost blew it again

"My sect has pretty stringent requirements to enter but you to may take the entry test" Yuuka said slightly hesitantly

"That would be great! Oh where was that man from? Is there an evil sect in Kunlun?" He prodded

"He comes from the Yin Soul sect, An evil sect who plunders others for power. The only reason they have the freedom to do what they want is because Their sect leader is late Heaven stage. Most of the righteous sect leaders are in the early Heaven stage, even with their combined might they would not be able to stop him. If the Golden Buddha sect leader stepped up they would have a chance but all that old man says is Amitabha." Yuuka spoke with a forlorn look.

"I see.. enough about that topic. Shall we head to your sect now?" Ren said with a complicated look

"Mn, follow me"