

Ren Ji, the Dark God, found a treasure in the endless Void. The treasure resets his cultivation and his life to the beginning. Join him as he re-experiences life from the Mortal realm.

Hikori · Eastern
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27 Chs

Ch. 11 Special Quest

Ren cried for hours after Fei suddenly left. He eventually understood though. Strength is the law, as long as he was strong enough, no one could take his mother from him.

After getting himself together he met with Mei "Sister i need to get stronger! Can I leave the mountain?"

"Yes, but i need to inform you of the rules" she shot back quickly

Mei touched Ren's forehead and a blinding light shone."1st rule, If you receive a lethal attack you will be teleported back to Mt. Ji and you're not allowed to leave until you are a tier above your enemy. I don't mean combat strength, your actual cultivation needs to be a tier above. You will return to crush your enemy. 2nd rule, i will be staying with you during your venture outside. I won't always be near you and will be staying in whatever town is closest, you need to fight on your own. You must keep contact with me every day through the transmission jade…."

As Mei went on with the rules Ren couldn't hold his excitement. As soon as Mei finished he shouted "Lets go Big sis! I need to get stronger as soon as possible!! Come come!!"

"Hold on! Aren't you forgetting something?"

Mei glared at him

"Uh, no? I have everything I need in storage!" Ren replied with a questioning look

"Idiot! Say goodbye to grandma, auntie and your little sister! it might be a long time until you can return!" Mei was rolling her sleeves up as she yelled at him, ready to give him a beating.

"Yes sister, i apologize for my absent-mindedness " Ren said looking at the ground

"Auntie Lou! Grandma Wen! I love you both and will keep in contact with you through transmissions!" Ren walked towards Rui who had a binky in her mouth. He suddenly pulled it out and shoved the never ending lollipop in saying " Little Rui I will make sure to bring you lots of gifts next time we meet. Don't get fat from eating too many of Gramgrams sweets! Love you!" he gave her a kiss on the forehead and both cheeks.

Turning back to Mei he nodded "I'm ready now. Where are we going to be staying?"

"Shanghai, there will be plenty of stepping stones for you there." mei said smiling

"Ok big sis, when-" he got cut off by Mei tearing through space and pulling him through.

They arrived on the outskirts of the city in a wooded area.

"My head is spinning. Could you warn me next time please?" asked Ren

"You'll get used to it. I'm setting up a mobile palace here. It will take the appearance of a shack but will be fleshed out on the inside. Would you like me to accompany you on your first outing?" said mei

"No sister Mei, I will go out alone." replied ren

Walking away from the shack he got a notification

[Special Quest completed. Rewards: 1 teleport talisman, 1 support skill book, Daily and weekly missions unlocked. Next special quest will come up as fate wills it]

looking at the support skill he was slightly pissed off. 'SYSTEM! this skill is so lousy!'

[Support Skill- Void Eyes: Sense any beings' cultivation level regardless of disparities, See elements closely affiliated with cultivators or treasures (must have control of said elements), see when treasures or danger is near, See through the truth.]

[Bad skill eh? wanna save it for your 'puppy'?]

'Nonono my mistake!'

Ren learned the skill immediately and put it to use. The only thing he saw was green, he had the wood element so all plants were glowing with a green aura.

Walking deeper into the woods he heard, no, he saw the sounds of birds and other animals. He could trace the sound waves back to the creatures.

Ren saw a huge ripple in the air. The remnants of a terrifying sound. He started to follow the sounds till they became clearer..


A massive boar, 2 meters in length and 1 meter tall was headbutting a tree.

"I'M SORRY MR. BOAR, I DIDN'T KNOW THIS WAS YOUR TERRITORY" screamed a 14~ year old girl who was wearing a veil and holding onto a branch for dear life. She had long red hair and a slightly underdeveloped figure.

Should I be a hero? hmm let me check..'

[Wild Boar: Late 1st stage. Abilities-Enrage: when a person is in its territory it becomes enraged, all aggro goes to first target until it is eliminated or leaves the territory]

'thanks for being bait beauty'

Ren approached, taking out his life sword he got close enough to pounce in one movement. With a flash the boar's neck had a red line running across it.


The boar's head fell to the ground.

[You have reached Mid perfection Stage of Heavens Slash]

'one and done? wtf?'

"Miss, it's ok now. The boar has been eliminated." Ren calmly said to the girl in the tree.

he used void eyes to see her information

[Qiao Meng: early earth tier- no affiliated elements]

'Huh? she could have one shot that boar! What game is she playing?'

[No Ren, look harder]

[Corrupted meridians, Able to bring out the strength of mid mortal tier]

'Who would do such a thing? System, if she is a good girl and repays gratitude tenfold how can I heal her?'

[hmm, the shop has plenty of items to fix that but you're a ways off from that. Wood element should have some effectiveness but you can't reveal it. if you touch her and activate the wood element it would take 5 hours to fully fix her meridians. Make sure things are safe, she could kidnap you thinking you're some golden egg]

'AHH! I'm not a puppy! definitely not a golden puppy!'


'what was that?'


At this point Qiao Meng had finally climbed down carefully staring at Ren and she asked " Did you kill the boar little boy?"

"Yes, I had to save the damsel in distress!" he spoke as if he led the righteous path to victory against the demon lord.

"hehehe, youre a cute little thing. I'm RuMeng. You can call me MengMeng or Sister Meng. What's your name? How old are you? Where are your parents?"

"I'm Ren Ji, I'm 3 and a half and my mom is out on business and my dad is… I don't know. I'm gaining experience right now and am out alone right now. I'm strong, you don't need to worry about me!"

"ok? Would you like to join me in my search for a Golden Lotus? I know I probably won't find it but I need it really badly!" MengMeng asked

'psst system, can the Golden Sutra flower heal her?'

[cough, uhhh yes i think so… why wouldnt u want to be held by a beautiful big sister though?]

'hmph lecher. what if mother found out?'

[i can 100% confirm she wont know]

'oh? hehe, i like your way of thinking system'

Ren looked like he was thinking hard about her question but in reality he was speaking cryptic pervert with the system.

"Sure MengMeng! I will join and protect you!" he said with a cheerful smile.

"thank you Ren, if i have the chance in the future i will repay your kindness " MengMeng gave a sweet smile after her reply.

"Shall we set off?" Ren said while holding his hand up after sheathing his sword.

"mn" MengMeng replied while reaching out to his small but tough hands.

When their hands touched there was a spark.

"ahh" MengMeng gasped lightly

'His hands feel so warm and it's flooding into me. should i ask if he's doing anything?' she pondered

They continued for about a half hour and she felt her strength rise slightly.

'This boy is magical. i'll never let him go'

she looked down at him starstruck