
Mommy, Who Is My Daddy?

Three men in her life… "Don't you have other things to do than follow every movement I make?" I flared at him as he trapped me against the wall, his breath fanning my face as his nose brushed slightly with mine. "Do you think I would make the mother of my son go around without protecting her? What if someth-" "Uncle, do you want to kiss mummy? I'll close my eyes," Nathan's words made I and Leo snap our heads toward him. "No! We are not kissing," I say in shock. What could be worse than a betrayal from the people you love and trust the most? Layla's world crumbled before her very eyes when she caught her beloved best friend and husband in an affair in their matrimonial home and to top it all, her husband threw a divorce file at her with his signature on it already. Heartbroken, Layla found herself in a club ending up in a one-night stand with someone she knew nothing about. Layla left the country immediately to start her life afresh... A few years later, Layla is back with a cute little son and is determined to make all those that trample on her fall on their knees. She vows that she doesn't need anyone, but one thing is sure in her heart, 'REVENGE'. What happens when Layla is back to make her ex-husband and best friend regret what they did to her and also ends up meeting the real father of her son, who happens to be her ex-boyfriend? Will she give in to the desire of this handsome and powerful young man who happens to be her ex and is feared in the business world now and fulfill the wish of her son, who wants him as his daddy?

Daisy_Springs · Urban
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60 Chs


Other than the times that he had felt disappointed at something, I had never seen Eugene so pale and teary-eyed.

He was slumped on the chair when I arrived at their big house full of sympathizers and well-wishers. Some bouncers were just outside the door, fencing away the press with their sizes.

I was the only one putting on colors since I had come directly from school. Eugene was surrounded by many people, especially adults wearing the mournful color, black.

His mother had just died, how would I feel if someone I was very familiar with died so suddenly? Someone like Aunt Layla or Mrs. Carter. I would be so sad and angry, Sad and mad I thought.

I wouldn't even allow so many people to be around me, saying all sorts of odd things to my hearing. It wouldn't do me any good, not in the slightest. I'd rather be on my own.

I approached the crowd that had gathered around Eugene and tried to wriggle myself through.

"Excuse me," I said to one bosomy woman who was actually about to leave the gathering. I called out to Eugene when I finally found a good spot.

Immediately, at the sound of my voice, he stirred and looked up at me. He blinked as if he had seen a ghost, then his mouth fell open. Just as I was about to talk, he sprang to his feet and walked away.

"Do you think we should let him be? It's quite dangerous." One of the sympathizers said worriedly.

"I think he needs some alone time, we can check up on him in the next thirty minutes." A man responded. However, I wasn't ready to comply as that was not what I came for. So I went after him, passing by his somber-looking father who looked like he might follow his wife very soon. I hoped he hadn't begun to nurture such thoughts, anyway.

He went towards the pool, marching away furiously. I did expect him to be angry but wait what was he trying to do? He had flung away his suit jacket and now, he was peeling off his shirt.

"Eugene!" I yelled just as he jumped into the pool. I panicked even when I could recall that he knew how to swim. But what if he intentionally tried to remain below to sort of like drown...I gasped. The water had stopped rippling and it was very still so I had no choice but to dive in and bring him out.

Inside the water, I grabbed him by the arm and dragged him out. He began to cough and sniffle as I stroked his bare back.

"Are you crazy?" I began when he was looking alright. "What did you do that for?" He was quiet and wouldn't say a word. Shortly after, he lay on the edge of the pool and tapped his side, beckoning for me to lie down too. It felt awkward but I did anyway.

"You still haven't told me why you did that? Are you trying to take your own life?" I queried, staring blankly at the roof of the pool room.

"I can't believe you are here." He softly said. I turned to look at him, he was wearing a light smile.

"I had to come. I am so sorry for your loss."

"Thanks." He breathed. Then a huge silence fell between us.

"What was she like, if I may ask?" I didn't know his mum during her lifetime.

"Hmm," he thought for a while. "She was sweet and sometimes, silly."

I chuckled.

"It must be great knowing her."

"Yeah. It was a great experience." He gave a wry smile. I thought he would tear up again but he didn't, he only sniffled and turned to stare at my face.

"Enough about me. I heard your cousin went missing..."

"Yeah," I gulped. "He's been found."


"Yeah." I felt absurd. Could he stop staring, please?

"Put on your shirt, you don't want to catch a cold, do you?" I managed to say. He was quite fit, I was tempted to stare at his body.

"I hardly fall ill." He boasted.

"In winter too?"

"The seasons don't matter, it rarely happens." He was confident.


"Are you that uncomfortable?" He cut in.


"Yeah...I mean I didn't think you should be since you fancy the girls."

What was he talking about?

"Yeah, yeah...of course I am not uncomfortable." I lied.

"Cool." He smiled.

Oh God! What should I do? I couldn't stay here with him.

"Your dad must be looking for you, let's get back." I found an excuse.

"He isn't the type to, he must be engrossed with receiving the guests."

"But..." I suddenly heard the sound of a photo shot. I sat up and looked around but no one was in sight.

"What is it?" He asked, sitting up as well.

"I feel someone is watching us."

"Someone is watching us?" He looked around as well. "But there's no one here." He turned his gaze on me. I was certain someone was here a few seconds ago.

"Come on, let's get going." I stood up. He did too and went ahead to take his shirt and jacket which were dry in comparison to his pants.

"You should change out of those wet pants."

He smiled. "I'll show you my bedroom."