
You Owe Me A Life

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

When the gunshots rang out, both Dr. North and Zhang Qiang were startled. Bullets hit the glass of the building, shattering it. Dr. North waved, "Take cover!"

They were both afraid of any further mishaps involving Ji Chi. A young girl appeared on the rooftop, carrying a gun. "The sniper on the other side is dead!"

Dr. North, after recognizing Qin Wan's features, was struck dumbfounded. "How did you end up here?"

Qin Wan slid down from the tenth floor, untangling the rope. She stowed away her sniper rifle and looked at Dr. North coldly. "Teacher, your rank isn't sufficient to question me."

Dr. North kept silent.

Zhang Qiang, upon seeing her, wasn't surprised. Qin Wan grabbed Ji Chi roughly, patting his face. "Young man, remember, you owe me your life!"

She roughly stuffed Ji Chi into the car. Seeing this, Dr. North waved for his men to get in the car, and they quickly departed.