
Just Like Back When We Were Running for Our Lives Together

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

The accident happened too fast, without any time to react. Jiang Junlin instinctively held onto Ji Chi's head and pressed it against his chest, protecting Ji Chi's head! The car was struck off the road, rolling over several times, shattering all the windows, and tumbling on the ground. Jiang Junlin felt like the world was spinning, and his head hit the remaining shards of glass on the car door, creating a gash from his forehead down to the corner of his eye.

One piece of shattered glass lodged into his back, but Ji Chi, protected by him, was unharmed.

Jiang Junlin took a deep breath, grabbed the glass stuck in his back, and pulled it out. As he did, blood flowed from the wound, and intense pain shot through him. He didn't even furrow his brow and kicked open the car door with his foot!