
Do You Want to Try It?

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

On the campus of University A, bathed in the bright sunlight, Gu Ci sat by the window, attending the class. The political lecture was quite dull, and she found herself struggling to stay awake. She sent a few text messages to Lu Zhiyuan, but they seemed to disappear into thin air, receiving no response.

Gu Ci's morning classes were full, while the afternoon was free. Ziyu had classes throughout the day. Gu Ci headed home first and decided to call Lu Zhiyuan. After three rings, he picked up. "What's up?" he asked.

"I have no classes this afternoon, how about a date?" Gu Ci inquired.

There was a long silence on Lu Zhiyuan's end, a silence that made Gu Ci think he might decline. "Sure, I'll come pick you up," he finally said.


Gu Ci was a diligent student, uninterested in romance; her focus was on her studies. After a conversation with Zhou Jinjin last night, she had even read an e-book on how to date.