
Blood Ties are Mysterious

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Gu Ziyu emerged from the restroom and calmly stated, "No need. Ji Chi took him away."

"Indeed, it was him!" Gu Ci breathed a sigh of relief. If Ji Chi had taken his brother, at least his brother wasn't in mortal danger. In his previous life, he had protected his brother, and there was no reason he couldn't do so in this life. Lu Zhiyuan was still alive.

"Ji Chi?" Dr. North furrowed her brow. "Why did he take the master?"

Gu Ci and Gu Ziyu exchanged a glance, their expressions somewhat subtle. Dr. North continued, "Black Hawk and the Jidao have been at each other's throats recently. If he took the master, his life is in danger. I have a few familiar assassins; I'll send someone to find Ji Chi's whereabouts in Paris."

"Master, please don't worry. This... Ji Chi taking my brother might actually be a good thing. He won't harm him."