
Mommy, Daddy Admits He Was Wrong

# MULTIPLE BABIES # FAKE DEATH # REMARRIAGE Su Zhi'en and Jiang Chen had been married for five years. Just before she was about to give birth, Jiang Chen brought his unattainable crush home and proposed a divorce. In grief and indignation, Su Zhi'en's amniotic sac ruptured and she died on the operating table, leaving behind a baby boy with bruises all over his body waiting to be fed. Jiang Chen transferred all his guilt onto his son. He put a distance between him and other women, focusing on raising his son. Gradually, people outside said that he could not do it anymore… When Jiang Chen's parents heard the rumors, they thought that their son really had something to hide, so they secretly asked someone to approach the recently famous Doctor Bai Zhi. Jiang Chen was tricked by his parents into entering the private ward, only to unexpectedly see the person who had died five years ago sitting inside. "Su Zhi'en!" "I'm sorry, Mr. Jiang. My name is Bai Zhi." Bai Zhi hid the shock in her eyes and said in all seriousness, "I heard from your parents that a certain function of your body is failing?" Jiang Chen gritted his teeth. "Don't you know if I'm capable or not in that sense?" He was not mistaken. The person in front of him was his wife who had died five years ago! Five years ago, Su Zhi'en barely escaped death at the operating table. She did not want to have any contact with Jiang Chen anymore. However, she never expected that Jiang Chen, who did not care for her five years ago, would become so shameless. "Su Zhi'en, your son doesn't want to eat. Do you want to come over and take a look?" "Su Zhi'en, your son keeps asking for your mother. Come over and take a look." "Su Zhi'en, your son's throat is hoarse from crying!" He used his son as bait, causing Su Zhi'en to have no choice but to take the bait. Su Zhi'en wanted to take a look, just one look… but who would have thought that she would step into a man's trap and never come out again?

Zhou Meng · General
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40 Chs

Bai Yu'an's small eyes looked at the person in the photo with disdain. Then, he pinched his own face and asked, "It doesn't look like me at all. Does he have a fleshy face like mine?"

The teachers replied, "No."

Bai Yu'an then pointed at the corner of his eyes. "Then look at how good I look when I smile. My watery eyes are charming. Does he have eyes like mine?"

The teachers replied, "No."

"Hmph." Bai Yu'an crossed his crossed arms and nodded his head in satisfaction. His stern look made the teachers laugh.

However, after such a comparison, the teachers felt that Bai Yu'an and the boy in the photo were not very similar. After all, Bai Yu'an was like a ray of sunshine. He was adorable and handsome. As for the boy in the photo, he had a straight face, and there was no childlike innocence in his eyes. Instead, it looked as though he was angry and gloomy. However, a child should never be that angry and gloomy.

"Yu'an? What are you doing over there?" Bai Zhi looked at this scene and asked curiously.

"Mommy, you're here! I didn't do anything wrong."

When Bai Yu'an heard his mother's voice, he smiled very sincerely and ran straight to his mother. He was really a child who loved to smile. His smile was bright, just like a ray of sunshine. His facial features simply struck a striking resemblance to that boy in the photo, but Bai Yu'an was not as cold or gloomy as that other boy.

"Really?" Bai Zhi skeptically asked her son.

Bai Zhi looked at Bai Yu'an suspiciously. "Last time, you told everyone to pretend to be sick so that you could go out to play. Did you honestly do nothing wrong this time?"

"I didn't do anything wrong!"

Bai Yu'an looked helpless. "What happened last time was all a big misunderstanding. How could such a smart and elegant young man like myself do something like that?"

If Bai Yu'an wanted to go out and play, he would first crash the school's computers and then think of a way to avoid being caught by the surveillance cameras.

"The teachers just thought that I was too cute and called for me. Okay, let's go home quickly. I'm hungry. Mommy, you're really late today. Do you see any other children outside?"

Bai Zhi remained silent. She had no choice but to endure the child's playful ridicule. Bai Zhi was wrong in this matter. Bai Zhi greeted the teachers and took the children home.

As soon as they entered the house, Bai Zhi was about to prepare dinner when she received a call from the hospital saying they agreed to use Bai Zhi's method to treat their patient.

"Are we proceeding with the treatment now?"

Holding the phone, Bai Zhi looked down at the two children, who gestured that they were hungry. She sounded hesitant.

"Yes, the patient's family has arrived. They rushed over as soon as they received the news from the hospital. They are all waiting for you as we speak, Dr. Bai."

At the end of the conversation, the nurse sounded helpless. They worked in a private hospital, so the patient's family could summon the doctors as they wished, just because they were rich. The family members could not care less about what the doctors were doing, and the doctors had to be at their service immediately. Bai Zhi had no other choice, so she agreed to take the treatment. She needed this job and the money.

"Yu'an, Mommy needs to go to the hospital. Can you bring Yuning along with you to go and have dinner? Mommy has prepared a small cake for the two of you. I promise I'll make a nice big meal for you two when I get back."

Bai Yu'an patted his small chest. "No problem! Don't worry, Mommy. We'll be careful, and we will be waiting for you to come home."

Like a little adult, he walked his mother out. Bai Zhi felt that she could be at ease knowing that Bai Yu'an was around. However, Bai Zhi didn't know that right after she left, Bai Yu'an, whom she was most at ease with, went straight into her study.

"Yu'an, what are you doing? Mommy said that she's allowing us to eat cake." Bai Yuning had another identity—she was a foodie.

"Sit down and eat your dinner. You've gained weight recently."

"The teachers showed me a photo today. The person in that photo looks exactly like me. I have to hack into the principal's computer so that I can see what's going on for myself."

Bai Yu'an's expression was serious. Within a few minutes, he managed to hack into the Principal's computer and found the information he was looking for. If Bai Zhi had seen this, she would definitely be shocked because the boy in that photo was her child. In essence, Bai Yu'an and the boy in the photo looked alike.

"He really looks exactly like you, Yu'an!"

When the photo was revealed, Bai Yuning was still angry at Yu'an for saying that she had gotten fat. She saw that the boy in the photo wore a petite suit. His entire mouth was circular-shaped. 

Although the boy looked like her brother, she still recognized him because her brother didn't have a suit and never wore one. Her brother hated to wear suits, and she did not know why.

Bai Yu'an had a scrutinizing look in his eyes. "Jiang Wei."

"Brother, could he be the boy in that small box? Is he also my brother?" Bai Yuning thought of something and turned to look at Bai Yu'an in shock.

Bai Yu'an and Bai Yuning were both aware of a box that their mother had secretly hidden. She often opened it and cried when she was alone. When their mother was not at home, Bai Yuning and her brother had previously opened it to take a look.

Inside the box was a small piece of clothing that looked like it had been worn. The clothing did not belong to them as their mother would not secretly cry with their clothes in her hands. Bai Yu'an did not answer his sister. He only memorized the address and information that was on the computer screen.

Meanwhile, Bai Zhi had already arrived at the hospital.

"Where are the patient's family members?"

The nurse looked at the panting Dr. Bai Zhi with a pained expression. The nurse knew that Dr. Bai Zhi was a single mother and that her two children probably had not eaten yet.

"They're in the director's office. Dr. Bai, be careful. That particular family member has a bad temper and seems to be senile."