
Mommies baby boy and daddies little princess.

This will most likely get sexual in some parts of you dont like it then please feel free to skip around the chapters i dont mind. age play is also different then age regression so please look them both up if you dont know the difference. and dont hate on something you don't understand. thank you. enjoy my book

okami_chan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

chapter 8

I sat up suddenly, I had fallin back asleep, I looked around to find Garrett was not in the bed room. I still had the gag in my mouth and went to remove it but hesitated, I was abit frightened that he would come back and be angry with me, so I left it there and got up from off the bed and slowly walked into the living room. There he was, standing in front of the big window, looking out at the back yard. I didn't look before I stepped and suddenly there was a loud squeak from under my foot, I had stepped on a toy. I looked up towards him, frightened. He turned around slowly and motioned me to walk to him, so I did, even though I was frightened I still walked over to him and stood at his side. He pulled the back of the gag slightly and I instinctively pulled at the front, which got me a slap to the thigh. I yelped out of sudden pain and let my hands fall to my sides. I squirmed around which only made him pull harder on the gag, I coughed but stopped struggling. He leaned close to my ear and whispered "follow me girly." He started to walk off and I struggled to stay behind him. He pointed to the kitchen counter, I had left it a mess from the day before, he growled "Clean!" I stumbled over my feet and got to cleaning, he stood in the door way watching me clean. After I was done cleaning I dragged my feet as I walked over to him, I layed my head on his chest. I sighed and looked up at him trying, and failing, to get the gag off with out him noticing. He smacked my hand lightly but reached behind me and gently unclipped the gag and took if off of me. I looked away slightly but was forced to look back up at him when he grabbed my chin to pop my paci in my mouth. I wrapped my arms around him as he picked me up softly and took me to the living room and layed down with me. He picked up the TV remote and turned it onto cartoons, as I layed on him watching cartoons with my paci, I started to regress. I looked up at him and gently curled up on his chest, at this point I was 2 years old in my head space. I babbled and played around untill I slowly drifted off to sleep.