
Mommies baby boy and daddies little princess.

This will most likely get sexual in some parts of you dont like it then please feel free to skip around the chapters i dont mind. age play is also different then age regression so please look them both up if you dont know the difference. and dont hate on something you don't understand. thank you. enjoy my book

okami_chan · Fantasy
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13 Chs

all about age regression chapter 10

"Daddy!!" I squealed as I ran up to him, hugging him tightly. He hugged me back, chuckling, "Hey princess." He paused, looking down at me "Hey baby, I'm having some company over today, so can you be a big girl or do I have to have the talk with them?" I looked up at him with puppy eyes saying "Me nu big girwl!" He sighed but nodded and ruffled my hair playfully. I giggled and ran around the house, there was a knock on the door. I yelled "Daddyyy! Day hewe! Can mwe gets itsh ta doow?!" He shook his head "No baby, I'll get the door." I stood behind him as he opened the door. I peaked my head from behind him and greeted his friends with a shy wave. He smiled at them and greeted them "Hey guys! Come on in!" He steped to the side, I was close behind him. They gave him a nod and walked in. He closed the door and walked behind them. "Before we go and do any thing we kinda need to talk about something." They turned and looked at him and then shifted there focus on me and I stepped out from behind him in my rainbow onesie and my soft comfy skirt, thigh high kitty socks, paci in mouth, feet close together, and head kinda down. I gave a small wave, expecting them to laugh, but they never did. I looked up as one of the girls pipped up and sayed "AWWE CUTE! she baby!" Frightened from the loudness, I ducked back behind my daddy, hugging onto him for dear life. He motioned for them to go have a seat saying "I'll exsplain her in a moment, first take a seat." They moved into the livingroom and took a seat on the couch. When daddy sat down I climbed up on his lap and sat there, expecting head pats, when I didn't reseave them I just sat there, looking at the floor. He started the talk " As y'all my or may not know she's an age regresser and well she may not act like this all the time, it is alot of the time, so when y'all start coming over more often she will tend to be like this", He gestured to my outfit and my state of appearance, So with that said, no she is not in kink mode or what ever, this is from yeats of trama and abuse. You touch her inappropriately and I will have to tell you to leave. Not saying that y'all would do that any way, I'm just keeping her fragile mind safe." I mumbled softly looking down at the floor "D-do day hate mwe?" I looked up at my daddy, he smiled and hugged me, "No, they don't hate you, kiddo." I looked over at them and giggled as one said "No honey, like he said, we dont hate you. We just have never had to be around some one like you." I looked over at the girl who had a huge smile in her face, I made a pout face, "wa chu so huppy bout?" She shook her head "Kid, I know all about this stuff." I just nodded and looked up at daddy, "I gow tu du woom, otaysh?" He nodded and set me off his lap. I walked to the bedroom and crawled underneath the little fortress I made and there I layed and waited for someone to check in on me.