
Moments With My Devil

*Triggers*Mature*Dark Romance* Not for the faint of hearts and not as it seems. Sex, drugs, and sin throughout Preview: They say when you wake with the woman you love in your arms it feels like the whole world has been set right. I have to agree, except once reality kicks in you feel like you just been mind fucked and panic......... "Please what? Tell me you want me to fuck you!" He demanded and I was losing my willpower. His finger slid halfway in my wet heat as his thumb rubbed perfectly over my clit. His touch was throwing my body into an erratic mess of pleasure, but the slow torture was making me lose control. He chuckled watching my body squirm under him then his mouth attached back to my breast. I took a deep breath then let everything go. "Please, fuck me." "That's my girl." He taunted removing his fingers "Christian!" I gave him a look that I would cut off his dick right now if he dared leave me like this. This boy loved teasing me and it really pissed me off. "Relax kitten. I never break my promises." He pulled me up and slid my dress off then untied my bathing suit top. I became instantly aware of us both practically naked in front of each other. My legs tried closing shut and my arms came to my chest "Oh, it's too late for that little girl. Your body is mine now." His knees moved my thighs further apart and he took both my wrists in one hand pinning them above me. His mouth sucked on my breasts then his other hand untied my bathing suit bottom slowly peeling away the last piece of fabric covering my body. "Fucking perfect." His hand grabbed one of mine sliding it down my body making me touch myself until he reached the one part of my body, I needed him to touch the most. He guided my finger with his inside my walls making my back arch. "You feel how soft your pussy is? It drives me insane." His lips sucked our fingers dry then his gorgeous mouth dipped between my legs giving me the attention I so desperately needed there.

Phoenix_Rising2372 · Action
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18 Chs

Our Place - Ace POV

I was exhausted and wanted nothing more than to pass out. I was so happy Alley was finally home, but she had me so irritated all day. Seeing her at the airport this morning nearly gave me a heart attack. I can't believe she was wearing barely any clothes and alone for 6 weeks in Europe like that.

I regretted paying her entry fee for that competition. She thought it came from a scholarship for poor kids, but the truth was no one gave a shit about them. She spent so much time studying for it I couldn't see her not even get a shot at it.

Now she was back with a whole new attitude. I tried to not let it show how much her confidence pissed me off. Her attitude mixed with that body is going to get her in trouble.

What was causing this change though? It was nagging at me all day. It's like she went from a little girl to a woman overnight.

Oh fuck! She better not have. It can't be that. My head was swarming with all the ways I would kill whatever boy took advantage of her. No! She couldn't be that stupid. She wouldn't give it up, she's too young.

Although, I was fourteen the first time I had sex.

What the fuck? I swear if she gets pregnant, she will have an abortion. I don't give a fuck what she wants. She's too fucking smart to be stuck in this shit hole.

I parked my car taking deep breaths. When I finally slowed my heart rate down, I opened my eyes realizing where I was. I was so fucking tired, but I guess in my rage at the idea of Ally losing her virginity I headed to the park.

It was a crappy playground for underprivileged kids. Mostly dead grass with a few swings, monkey bars, and two slides. It was actually quite pathetic looking, but it was our place.

I got out of the car and walked over to the sand pit. There she was swinging from side to side, bopping her head to what I'm sure was music coming from her ear buds. I should be pissed she's out here by herself, but I could never really be pissed at her.

"Hey, are you fucking crazy?" I yelled out to her with a smile on my face. She jumped at first, startled by someone approaching her, but grinned ear to ear once she realized it was me.

As always Alley responded ever so elegantly with the middle finger. "You scared the shit out of me, Christian."

"Good, maybe you'll remember that the next time you want to hang out by yourself... in a park... at midnight."

"Fuck off! I was sleeping peacefully in my bed until my mom came home with her new boyfriend. She out did herself with this one. I texted Derek but haven't heard back from him yet." She said with knowing eyes what we were up to after we dropped her off.

I gritted my teeth hearing that her mom brought home a guy, but I didn't press any further. I'll deal with her mom later.

"Yeah, he was a little preoccupied. I believe, a certain Amber chick caught his attention. He likes to take his time you know." I said moving behind her to push her on the swing.

"Ewe! I certainly don't know that or want to know what my brother does with his weekend whore." Alley faked a gag as she kicked her feet out to gain more momentum.

"Well, let's just say your brother likes to cuddle so he won't be here for a while." I gave her another push.

"Let me guess the devilishly handsome varsity star Mr. Ace Blackwood is more of the fuck 'em and leave 'em type. So, cliché." I couldn't see her face, but I knew she was rolling her eyes.

"Hey, chicks know what they are getting or not getting before I pleasure them in ways they can't even imagine." I gave her a harder push knowing she wanted to jump from the swing.

We used to see who could jump the furthest and Alley still hasn't been able to beat my mark. She is highly competitive, so she will being trying even at 80 to beat me.

"Too much info Ace." She always said my nickname with a mocking tone. It pissed me off, but she knew she was the only one that would get away with it. "Now get ready to lose your spot as the furthest jumper" she said kicking her feet harder.

"I wouldn't hold your breath, Alley Cat." I replied, matching her tone.

It was a nickname I originally gave her but stuck more with her brother. Cats were strong, independent, and demanded respect like queens of their domain. Not like the dogs in this town. Mix that with her name and that's where I got Alley Cat, but she took it as an insult. She thought it meant more like a street cat, all mangled, poor, and pathetic.

I liked annoying her, so I never corrected her. Once she started mocking my Ace nickname, I naturally used Alley Cat to mock her back.

She jumped from the swing and fuck; I think she landed right on my spot. Not moving her legs even an inch she wiggled her whole upper body screaming in excitement. "Whoa! I did it! I beat you, Mr. Ace Nothing."

"Really! Mr. Ace Nothing? Your insults are getting sad little Alley cat." I said chuckling at her. I walked to her threatening to tickle her so she would lose her footing.

"Stop cheating!" she said through giggles. I bent down examining her feet and the marker I had for my winning spot.

I loved how easy it was to be here. If the three of us could live forever in the middle of the night at this park everything would be perfect. The world can sleep while we laugh and forget who we are outside of our little place.

"Relax, I don't need to cheat. Although your right foot is almost exactly where I landed, your left is about an inch behind. Sorry little kitty, but you still lose."

"I've been downgraded to little kitty now. You are a mean, mean boy... Mr. Ace Nothing." Alley pouted realizing her defeat and plopped down on the sand.

"That's the worst nickname to date. Please come up with something else." I said laughing then laid down next to her.

"I'm too tired to think of anything better so, for today you can deal with it." she said with fluttering eyes.

I hated how beaten down she looked. She deserved a better life than the one she got. How the fuck God thought I deserved all this money and power, while she deserved nothing growing up in a town that tried smothering her light every chance, they got was beyond me.

I stroked the bracelet on her wrist then grabbed her hand, lacing her fingers in mine "Sleep my Alley Cat. I'll wake you in an hour. Your mom should be passed out by then." She let a little moan of agreement and fell asleep.

I will never understand how Alley and Derek turned out so good considering all the drugs and abuse growing up. They should be shitty people, the trash everyone referred to them as, but they were the only people in this world I would ever trust.