
MOM, He is Your Son's Friend

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LazyyCat · Urban
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29 Chs

Buying Cameras

I Turned off my computer, shaking my head, I walked out of the room.

At this time, my mother was lying on her side on the sofa in the living room. I saw her supporting her head with one hand, and gracefully brushing the hair on her forehead behind her ears with the other. My mother was wearing a pink transparent nightgown without a bra inside. Her two big tits stood upright, trembling with her movements of brushing her hair, and the two nipples drew circles under the nightgown. Under the slender waist is a fat butt, but because a small quilt blocks it, it is impossible to tell whether she is wearing underwear or not. Two beautiful legs stretch out from the quilt, exuding a seductive atmosphere.

Mom didn't seem to notice that I had come out of the room, she only heard her say: "Alex…check if the mild in warm yet…"

Since my mother turned her back to the kitchen, I tiptoed into the kitchen. I saw Alex taking out a cup of freshly heated milk from the microwave. This kid is quite sensible.

  Huh? Alex, what are you doing here?

"Ah, brother XiaoChen, er, what are you doing here?" Suddenly seeing me, Alex became visibly nervous.

"It's okay, I'm just a little hungry, and I want to find something to eat. Not bad, boy, you know how to warm milk for my mother.

"Well… um… my aunt takes care of me, and I have to take care of my aunt, so… I warm milk for her every day." Alex said shyly.

"Well, then you can take it to her quickly."

After hearing what I said, Alex went to the living room with the milk.

Looking at my mother drinking milk on the sofa, and Alex sitting next to her obediently, I feel that there will be another good show next. I didn't know it before, but now I know everything now.

While thinking, I walked to the small sofa next to the living room and sat down, pretending to watch TV.

At this time, the animal world was playing on TV. The host's magnetic voice said: "On the vast African savannah, it's mating season again…

Alex said at this time: "Auntie, I'm a little sleepy…". While talking, he pulled up the quilt and got into my mother's arms.

I thought to myself, brat, if I want to sleep then go back to the bedroom to sleep, you must be thinking of my mother. But my mother didn't feel anything, she just gently hugged Alex's head to her chest, covered the little quilt again, squinted her eyes and continued to watch TV.

After watching for a while, my mother's breathing gradually became short of breath, and she said, "Xiao Chen, um, please turn off the light, it consumes too much electricity."

On the way to turn off the lights, I took a sneak peek at Alex, and saw that he was eating my mother's big tits with his mouth open through a thin nightgown, and his two little hands stretched up to my mother's ass kneading.

After turning off the light, Alex's movements were obviously bigger. His hands were not limited to touching my mother's big buttocks; they also reached into the small quilt and groped back and forth, making my mother's beautiful legs rub against each other back and forth. Gradually, my mother's legs clamped Alex's waist, and Alex's movements also increased.

At this time, in the living room, only the voice of the host explaining on the TV, and the sound of "tsk…tsk…" from Alex eating my mother's nipple.

After about five minutes like this, my mother's breathing became more and more rapid, as if she was trying to endure something, and Alex became more restless. He hugged my mother's fat big buttocks tightly with both hands, and her little buttocks were still slightly tight and moved back and forth.

Damn it, has this kid's big dick been inserted into my mother's place? I can't see clearly at all!

Just when I was scratching my ears and cheeks anxiously, my mother said: "Um… that… XiaoChen… I suddenly remembered that there is no soy sauce at home… um… no, can you buy a bottle…

I looked at my watch, it was almost nine o'clock, obviously she was trying to get rid of me. Then I'll do my best too.

I agreed, turned my phone into video recording mode, and secretly placed it behind the sofa cushion, and the camera was facing both of them hugging each other.

Putting on my clothes, I walked out of the house. The moment I closed the door, my mother uttered a bone-crunching and tender snort: "Hmm~~" I knew that my mother and the little boy next door had their genitals were inserted together again, and the most primitive human activity began again .

Walking blindly on the street, I feel a little sad,little more excited, and a little bit of regret. If only I could see Alex's big thing in my mother's hole!

What can we do about it? I can't use my mobile phone all the time. Before I knew it, I walked into the alley where I met the man in the windbreaker. yes! That big brother is kind of a pervert, so he should have legendary pinhole camera , right?

I made up my mind and searched for the man in the windbreaker back and forth in the alley.

  "Hey! Little brother, aren't you looking for me? The man in the windbreaker was still elusive as always, but he suddenly jumped out from a corner that no one would pay attention to and asked me.

"Well, that…well, do you have that kind of small camera here?" I asked in a low voice.

  "Oh? I didn't expect you to be quite courageous at such a young age? You really asked the right person, How much do you want?

When he said yes, I excitedly said, "Then give me five".

"Five, then it will be 200 dollars!"

"Ah, I… I only have eighty dollars with me now".

"Well, let me give you two first, and come to me when you have money, okay?"

  "Okay! Thank you so much, Sir! I was so excited that I used honorifics.

I saw that he took out two ultra-small cameras from his arms, handed them to me, and at the same time gave me two wires, and said, "Do you know how to install this thing?" By the way, I also have an instruction manual here.

"...Brother...you are such a good person!" I said with emotion.

"Hey, you have to be careful!" Don't get caught! If you get caught, don't say that you bought this from me!

"Don't worry, it's all right". Of course it's all right. Are you afraid of being caught by someone in your own house?

With camers in my arms, I almost ran back home. Just about to open the door, I suddenly remembered that I forgot to buy the soy sauce my mother asked for. It should be fine, maybe she and Alex are still doing it, and they must forget about it.

After entering the room, I only saw the messy quilt on the sofa in the living room, but the two people who were lying here before were gone.

  "Mom? "Are you home?" I yelled.

After a while, my mother's voice came from her bedroom: "Xiao Chen, Alex and I have… um… already slept, you should go to bed early too…"

Listening to my mother's unusual voice, I sneered in my heart and said, "That's right, you did sleep with that kid Alex."

Originally, I wanted to set up the camera now, but I thought that although my mother and Alex are mating, I can't tell when they will come out, so let's wait until they are not at home…