
I Quit School

perhaps I should haven't quit, but for mom's health my school attendance was a misfortune. I was right into it and I took it to be the best because my mom needed me.

I had to pick up all my school property and keep it home. mom was not happy with this because she felt guilty for my dropout. "Josh." She called my name as I returned home.

"Yes mom, what is the matter?" "You shouldn't quit school because of me." she answered in deep sorrow while sheding. "look mom, your the only family I have and I can't just sit back and relax while you die, just calm down and please allow me do what I can." I yelled at her. Mom asked me what I was planning to do according to my age.

And she was right, there were no ways further for me, because I was only a young boy who can't even have a job. No friend could have a piece of mind for me, they were all my agemates. Mom's life was to stick only on vending oranges. The former schoolmates of mine laughed and yelled at me whenever they met me on the streets vending. But I had something to push me on, my Mom's life. She is the only one I had as family. It was only her who had helped me live, perhaps a hero.