

In order to avoid competitions of supernatural powers, a law was made that every baby born with a mark on its body must be killed. He had contact with Maul and he changed it from been killed immediately to be thrown into the Sokpou Sea. Unluckily for Mojo who was born with a mark on his chest was thrown into the sea. He was rescued and taken into the sea.

Ayomide_Emma · Action
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24 Chs

Mojo The Demi God

(Morning arises at the fourth day as Williams visited Sui's hut).

Williams: Bring out your son, it's time for the sacrifice.

Sui: My priest, my son is no where to be found since three days now.

Williams: Please don't tell me that, go into that hut and bring him out.

Randal: My husband is telling the truth, Mojo has not been around for three days. We don't know where he is.

Williams: Woman please keep out, when men are talking don't interfare. Since you both are proving stubborn to bring that curse you call a son out, I have no choice than to eliminate one of you. (Immediately Sui was stroke dead as Randal ran to him mourning his dead body). Woman! I give you this last chance. Bring your son to my shrine. (He left as Randal Continue crying over the death of Sui).


(Under the sea, Mojo felt something is wrong with his parent outside the sea. The mark on his chest kept glowing as he wanders what could have happened. He went to Meena)

Mojo: Mum, I have to leave now. it seems my parent outside the sea needs me now.

Meena:(Noticed the glowing mark on Mojo's chest) Okay no problem, just go I'll be fine.

Mojo:(Came closer and kissed her forehead) Be strong Mother.

Meena: Go save your parent. (Mojo swims out of the sea as he came to the land and ran to his biological home. Reaching there he met Randal crying over Sui's dead body).

Mojo:Mum, what happened?

Randal:(Still crying) Where have you been? How could you allow the priest kill my husband?

Mojo: Me? What are you saying mum?

Randal: You are indeed a curse, you made the priest kill my husband. Why did you leave when you know you are to be sacrificed after four days?

Mojo: Mother I did not run away. I'm here now

Randal: I don't wanna see you near me, you curse child.

Mojo: Mother!

Randal: Don't call me that please, you ceases to be my son, please leave and never come back. (Mojo becomes so furious as he left. Williams in his shrine expecting an alert from Maul but saw Mojo coming toward his shrine alone).

Williams: Good!

Mojo: I'm not a curse, this mark on my chest is not ordinary. Why do you want me dead?

Williams: I have a mark too and it gave me powers. You escaped and you think you can compete with me. I'm powerful than you are, you have to die.

Mojo: Why did you kill my father?

Williams: That's not necessary now. (He took a dust and blew into the air toward Mojo. The mark on Mojo's chest protected him as the power sent by Williams backfired. Then a voice came in so loud).

: No one mess with the demi god. Williams, I gave you the chance but you used it for evil. I don't support evil deeds and today marks your last day on earth. Death is your final punishment. Mojo will replace you after your death. (The mark on Williams fades off as Williams becomes powerless).

Williams: Please don't kill me. I was doing it out of ignorance. Please show mercy. I'm ready to change.

Mojo: You killed a lot of babies born with mark. That's not fair. Thank the gods I escaped and now I will stop the killing of babies born with birthmark. People like you will be killed. (Out of anger, Mojo raised his two hands and knocks Williams down. Williams fell to the ground dead). In your next life, use the opportunity given to you well.

: Go now and bring your father back to life. You are now Mojo the demi god not a priest. (The voice echoes fading away).

Mojo: The power is not in me, I'm the power. (He went back home).

Randal:(Saw Mojo approaching) What are you doing here?

Mojo: Mum please give me this chance.

Randal: I'm not your mother, please leave! (Mojo knelt down before the dead body of Sui as he place his hands on the body. Mojo starts to release Powers to the body as Sui came back to life. Randal saw this and was shocked. The gods speak out but this time everyone on land and under Sokpou sea of Louis heard the voice)

: No more priest, you now have a demi god that is ready to serve the town of Louis. Mojo The Demi God!!! (The voice disappears as it echo).

Maul:(Under Sokpou sea, in his room smiling) I'm proud of you. (People on land started to rejoice when they saw Williams dead body in the shrine).

Randal:(Notice Mojo about to leave) Where are you going?

You said I should leave. You disowned me. You said I'm a curse. Please let me go. (He starts to leave)

Randal: Mojo please come back. (Mojo stops as he turns back) I'm really sorry, it's out of anger I said those harsh words to you. You are my son, my flesh and blood. Please don't go. (Tears trickle down Mojo's eys as he ran to hug Randal).

Sui: What's going on here?

Mojo:(Still holding Randal) I will never leave you mum.

Sui: What really happened?

Mojo:(Wiped off his tears as he looks at Sui). Noting happened dad, you been alive is our happiness.

Sui: Was I dead?

Randal:(Giggles) Come over here! (Sui joined the hugging as light fades).