
Modern Reality

Angelous Omen and his high school life, as well as the dreadful realities of modern life.

UnderTheHeavens · Realistic
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1 Chs

(Protologue) Nothing Good Can Come From This Spiral End

Are men capable of waking up without problems, or are women capable of giving up their privileges? There are many questions that have never been asked or answered. Is there a way to help those who are in need? Will there be any justice? Only false hope can be found. Could you make it to the end and be satisfied with what you learned? I suppose that's what this tale is about, the sufferings of modern reality.

Unfortunately, we've been given an inferno There's no such thing as a free lunch, not even your own life. People tend to overlook this fact in order to have an excuse.

Your actions and mistakes were your fault so deal with it. You are a person just like us, so DEAL WITH IT.

Why are people like vipers who wait and attack behind people's backs? Because we are cowards, we fear our own kind, while others don't and we name them foul words, the strong battle the weak, and the vulnerable have nothing to do except hide and wait for their hope to be tarnished.

People want the world to change, but we don't change ourselves initially, we continue to lie and deceive, we sustain by murdering species, including our own species, human nature isn't it, we hate to see ourselves hurt, but why do we injure others? It's simple, we are truly cruel beings.

But not all of us are like that, we can be different at times, we can easily give hope, trust, warmth, and even currency, we can be different on the outside, of course.

Isn't what I'm writing a novel about modern reality? If you're wondering how I perceive modern reality, I see it as a ticking time bomb. Broken and the source of all sorrow, we longed to be an adult as a child, and then wished to be a child as an adult, which is humorous until you see what you've become.

Then wait to watch how well a novel character perceives his reality and how the audience manipulates it.

Hi there im totaly new but I hope this series will encourage you, and encourage me too, see yah then.

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