
Modern Monster: Demon King's Descent

In the heart of Seoul, a weak and mute boy named Kim Tae-Sik undergoes a tragic genetic experiment at the age of eight, leaving him frail and voiceless. On the eve of his 14th birthday, he discovers a glimmer of hope in an F-rank Dungeon's healing water, but tragically dies before reaching it, only to regress to infancy with his memories intact. Determined to rewrite his fate, Tae-Sik prepares for another genetic experiment, this time with the healing water in his grasp. The experiment transforms him into a powerful being, granting him his voice and abilities. As the world experiences the "Dungeon Break", caused by the Demon King, Kim Tae-Sik emerges as a mighty hunter, ready to face the Demon King and the chaos that ensues.

m1str · Fantasy
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10 Chs

A Regressed Start

In the depths of the F-rank dungeon, the very moment of Tae-Sik's despair, his vision faded to black, and he felt the grip of death closing in. It was a stark and final moment, the culmination of years of silent struggle and determination. But then, just as the threads of life seemed to unravel completely, something extraordinary occurred.

Tae-Sik's consciousness seemed to drift in a sea of darkness, and for a brief, timeless moment, he felt untethered from the boundaries of his physical form. It was as though he had transcended the limits of mortality, and in that fleeting instant, he glimpsed the enigmatic tapestry of existence.

And then, with a sudden rush, he was pulled back. Back in time.

He opened his eyes to find himself in an unfamiliar place. The world around him was a blur of colors, and the cacophony of life's first cries filled his ears. Tae-Sik realized that he was not where he had been moments ago. He was no longer in the dungeon, and he was no longer the young man on the cusp of his 14th birthday.

Instead, he was a newborn baby, swaddled in blankets, cradled in the arms of a nurse. The room was filled with the soft, muted sounds of a hospital, and the gentle hum of life unfolding. Tae-Sik was, inexplicably, a baby once again, with his entire past life, his memories, and the burden of his silent existence intact.

It was a bewildering and miraculous turn of events. He had regressed in time, and as he blinked his baby-blue eyes, he knew that this was a second chance, a gift from a universe that had shown itself to be capricious and unfathomable.

In the midst of this newfound vulnerability, a determination burned within him. Tae-Sik had been granted a unique opportunity, a chance to rewrite the story of his life. He had the knowledge of his past, the pain of his silent existence, and the hope that had driven him forward. This time, he would take destiny into his own hands.

As he grew from infancy into childhood, Tae-Sik was a silent observer of the world around him. He watched as his parents, the same parents who had once gambled with his future, carried on their lives. He saw them strive for greatness in their own ways, but this time, he understood the cost of ambition.

The experiment, the genetic experimentation that had robbed him of his voice and vitality, was now a specter from his past. It was a moment that had defined his previous life, and he was determined to change its outcome. He knew that he had a window of time, a period of years, to prepare himself for what lay ahead.

As he approached the age at which the experiment had occurred in his previous life, Tae-Sik's resolve solidified. He had acquired the knowledge and the resources needed to face the genetic experimentation once more. The healing water, carefully stored and protected, was a symbol of his hope and determination.

The years passed, and Tae-Sik grew, not as a shadow of his former self but as a young man with a profound understanding of his past and an unwavering determination for the future. His parents, unaware of the unique journey their son was on, watched with a mixture of pride and curiosity as he transformed into a young adult.

The moment of reckoning approached, and Tae-Sik knew that the time for the experiment was drawing near. The memories of his past, the knowledge he had acquired, and the hope that had driven him forward all converged in this pivotal moment.

He was no longer the vulnerable boy who had once entered that fateful chamber. He was now a young man, armed with determination, knowledge, and a second chance at life. The experiment that had defined his past was about to be rewritten, and the echoes of the future were poised to ripple through time.

Tae-Sik, in the silence of his room, stood on the threshold of a new chapter, ready to face the darkness of his past with the hope of a brighter future. This was the beginning of a journey to become the strongest, not just for himself but for the world that had granted him a second chance.

With the passage of time, Tae-Sik's understanding of the world deepened. He observed the lives of his parents, who had once been driven by ambition but were now defined by their unspoken regrets. They lived a life marked by the shadows of the past, a past that had been rewritten in ways they could never comprehend.

As he approached the age at which the experiment had occurred in his previous life, Tae-Sik's resolve solidified. He had acquired the knowledge and the resources needed to face the genetic experimentation once more. The healing water, carefully stored and protected, was a symbol of his hope and determination.

The day of the experiment arrived, and Tae-Sik stood at the threshold of the chamber where his fate had once been sealed. This time, he entered not as a vulnerable child but as a young man who had harnessed the power of knowledge and the determination of a second chance.

The experiment unfolded, but the outcome was vastly different from his previous life. Tae-Sik's body, once frail and mute, responded to the experiment with a resilience born from his silent journey. The genetic mutations that had once robbed him of his voice and vitality were now harnessed to grant him strength and power.

As the experiment concluded, Tae-Sik stood transformed. He was no longer the silent, feeble boy of his past but a young man with newfound abilities and a voice that had been stolen and now returned. The darkness of his past had given way to the light of a hopeful future.

This was the moment of rebirth, a second chance at life that he had seized with unwavering determination. Tae-Sik's journey to become the strongest was now in full motion, and the world itself seemed to acknowledge the transformation that had occurred within the depths of the F-rank dungeon.

The echoes of the past, the silent struggles, and the unwavering determination had converged to shape a destiny that was uniquely Tae-Sik's. The world that had once been indifferent to his silent existence was now poised to witness the extraordinary journey of a young man who had been granted a second chance to become the strongest, not just for himself but for a world that had granted him a rare gift.

In the solitude of his room, after the second time he had gone through the experimentation, Tae-Sik stood alone. The memories of his past life, the journey that had brought him to this point, and the knowledge he had acquired had all culminated in this moment.

It was a moment of quiet reflection and profound realization. Tae-Sik knew that he was no longer the same person who had entered that chamber twice before. He had transcended the boundaries of his past, the limitations that had once defined him, and had emerged as a young man with newfound abilities and a voice that had been returned to him.

The healing water, a vial of hope, lay before him. It had been carefully prepared and protected, a symbol of his unwavering determination. Tae-Sik reached for it, his fingers trembling with a mix of anticipation and uncertainty.

As he uncorked the vial and brought it to his lips, a rush of emotions overwhelmed him. The healing water, a substance that had eluded him in his previous life, was now his to consume. It was a elixir of transformation, a potion of rebirth, and a symbol of his unyielding spirit.

The first sip was like a burst of energy, a surge of vitality that coursed through his body. It was as though the very essence of life had been infused into his being. Tae-Sik felt a warmth spreading from within, a sensation of rejuvenation and renewal.

As he drank more of the healing water, he could feel his body responding to its miraculous properties. The genetic mutations that had once robbed him of his voice and vitality were now being reversed. It was a moment of profound change, a metamorphosis that defied the boundaries of science and possibility.

Tae-Sik's voice, once stolen by the experiment, returned to him with a newfound strength. He spoke, and his words resonated with a clarity and power that he had never known before. It was a voice that carried the echoes of his silent journey, the determination that had defined him, and the hope that had driven him forward.

Tears welled in his eyes, unshed for years, and he felt a profound sense of liberation. The world, which had once been indifferent to his silent existence, now seemed to acknowledge his transformation. The echoes of his past were now replaced by the promise of a future that he would shape with his own hands.

Tae-Sik had been granted a second chance at life, and he had seized it with unwavering determination. The healing water, once a distant hope, had become a reality. It was a symbol of his rebirth, a testament to the power of resilience, and a reflection of the extraordinary journey that had brought him to this moment.

As he stood alone in his room, a sense of purpose burned within him. The world had changed in the year 2000, and he had changed with it. The mysteries of the dungeons, the silent struggles, and the unwavering determination had all converged to shape a destiny that was uniquely Tae-Sik's.

The world, which had once been indifferent to his silent existence, was now poised to witness the extraordinary journey of a young man who had been granted a second chance to become the strongest, not just for himself but for a world that had granted him a rare gift.