
Modern Military System and Demonic System

[Welcome To The Military System] In a world plunged into chaos, the northern continent faces a nightmare scenario: undead creatures and husks roam freely amidst an Ebola-like outbreak, signaling the downfall of the once-mighty demonic empire. As law and order crumble, the survival of the fittest becomes the harsh reality, further complicated by human interventions. Amidst this turmoil, Bell, a former member of the demonic elite, discovers a ray of hope. He is granted a miraculous system with the power to summon advanced military resources, weapons, and vehicles from a time beyond his own. This isn't just a tool for survival; it's a chance to rewrite destiny. Bell's quest is both thrilling and daunting. He must navigate through dangerous alliances, face formidable foes, and outsmart cunning rivals in a world where trust is scarce. His journey is filled with action, adventure, and strategic battles as he aims to resurrect the fallen empire, piece by piece. When talking fails, it's time for the AC-130 to take over and make a statement from the sky. Facing a huge group of husks? Bring in the M109 artillery to quickly deal with them. A dragon causing trouble for the people? Time for the F-15 to fly in and handle it. When the humans push forward with their northern offensive, it's our cue to introduce them to a real meat grinder – a brutal showcase that would make their previous battle a child’s play. ======== This is actually an original work, but I'm trying to test water first. If you like the story, feel free to add it to your collection, thanks.

Blare_ · Anime & Comics
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60 Chs

The Onslaughts Of The Undeads

"If you see skeletons, prioritize them, the others are secondary targets. We can't have them penetrating the minefield!" Bell shouted, giving directions to the soldiers who might have not face an army of undeads in their lifetime. 

As Bell and his team maintained their relentless assault, the gunfire's rhythm echoed through the forest. The MG4's rapid bursts sliced through the night, its muzzle flashing continuously like a beacon of defiance. Beside it, the MK-19 thundered, hurling 40mm grenades that exploded amidst the undead, sending shockwaves through the skeletal ranks.

Each explosion from the MK-19 was a spectacle of light and destruction, casting brief, stark shadows against the trees. The grenades shattered skeletons with brutal efficiency, preventing the shamans from conjuring more undead or from casting a destructive spell towards their direction. The grenade shattered through their skulls without any difficulty, with each metal fragments cutting through their skulls like knife through butters. 

The steady stream of bullets from Amelia's MG4 was like a deadly dance, tearing through the husks with merciless precision. Bone and rotting flesh were no match for the onslaught. The undead fell in droves, yet they pressed on, a relentless tide of decay. They stepped through the dead bodies of their comrades without any care in the world, keep running in droughts towards their direction. 

As the grenade machine gun chugged the 40mm grenade into its barrel, Bell commented, "This thing is nuts!" 

Meanwhile, Lisa, with her rifle in hand, picked off stragglers trying to flank them. Her shots were quick and precise, dropping undead after undead, her focus unbreakable amidst the chaos, even when the MK 19 beside her keep making distracting explosion on the distance. 

Amelia, Lukas, and Harris, on the other hand, formed a formidable line at the perimeter. Though their weapons lacked the area-of-effect impact of Bell's grenade machine gun, they more than made up for it with a relentless barrage of bullets. Each husk that dared approach was quickly cut down, their advance halted by the unyielding stream of fire.

The trio's machine guns could have easily overheated under such intense use, but nature lent a helping hand. The snowstorm, fierce and unrelenting, worked in their favor, cooling the barrels of their guns and allowing them to maintain their continuous, devastating fire. As the undead were mowed down, one after another, the team's synergy and the weather conditions combined created an impenetrable defense, turning the tide against the seemingly endless wave of undead assailants.

"You know, boss, I could do this all day," Harris said. 

"Stop talking, more shooting," Amelia shouted back, firing her machine gun at the continuous stream of undead coming at their direction. 

It was surreal. The towns, the cities, the villages, all of them were caught unprepared by the onslaught of the undeads, but this team, they managed to turn the situation upside down, heck, even Harris was laughing maniacally all the time as the undeads fell to the ground one by one. 

"HEADS UP!" Lisa suddenly shouted. 

As Lisa issued her warning, the sky burst into an array of magical attacks. Arcane arrows of bright energy rained down, illuminating the dark forest with their eerie glow. Reacting swiftly, Bell and the team raised one of their hands, conjuring a magical circle that blossomed into a protective dome of aether energy around them.

Bell's gaze shot upwards to a sinister figure hovering above, its hands radiating dark energy. "THAT'S A FUCKING LICH!" he exclaimed, alerting the team to the new, formidable enemy. The lich, a skeletal master of the dark arts, marked a significant escalation in the battle.

Amelia, in a mix of frustration and urgency, shouted at Harris, "You jinxed us again, Harris!" 

But Harris, unfazed, simply shrugged off her comment with a nonchalant "The more the merrier."

"Machine gunners, focus your fire on the lich, deny him the air superiority! Amelia, remain on position to cover the flank!" 


Lich, at least, on the basic, it was still a skeleton, but with a much more potent magic capability, such as doing a barrage of attack just like that. You could kill it by destroying its source of power, which was oftentimes, downright impossible. The other method was to use the skeleton approach, destroy its body. 

"How dare you encroach in my territory, demons!" The lich was angry, with its hoarse and scary voice. 

"Aim at its cervical vertebrae! That should sever the connection to the rest of his body!" Lisa shouted, aiming a precision fire at the lich as the bullet bounced off at the energy shield the lich formed in front of its body, which began to crack from the sheer fire the machine gun let out. 

"The what?" Harris shouted. 

"AIM AT HIS FUCKING NECK!" Lisa shouted back. 

The team adjusted their focus, zeroing in on the lich soaring above them. As the lich bellowed its furious challenge, a barrage of gunfire aimed for its neck, hoping to dismantle its connection to the rest of its body. Lisa, with precision and intensity, kept firing her rifle. Her bullets, though initially repelled, began to find weak points in the lich's shield. 

Amelia, steadfast at her position, ensured no other undead could take advantage of their distraction. Her MG4 thundered in short, controlled bursts, mowing down any undead that dared approach their perimeter, while Bell making sure no one approached the minefield. But it wasn't enough. 

The mines started to blow off left and right on Amelia's side. One machine gun was not enough to hold off the wave of wolves coming in droves at faster rate than the other undeads. The night was filled with multiple sound of destructions, from the bullets firing, to the exploding mines and grenades. The aether shield drained Bel and Amelia's magical energy and would eventually tired them out. 

However, the coordinated effort was paid. Big cracks started to appear on energy shield. The lich, feeling the threat to its existence, retaliated with a surge of dark magic, hurling sinister spells towards the team. But their aether dome held strong, shimmering with energy as it absorbed the magical onslaught.

With a concerted effort, the team's firepower finally overwhelmed the lich's defenses. The energy shield shattered, and a well-placed bullet from Lukas' .338 machine gun struck true, hitting the lich directly in the neck. The bullet immediately shattered the bone, disconnecting the lich's head from the rest of the body. In one final charge, the blue fire engulfed the lich's head, and it charged itself towards Bell's direction. 

"Mow it down!" Lisa shouted. 

The barrage from the .338 Norma Magnum shattered the skull easily, turning it into nothing more than bone meal. 

"Lich is down, fuck yeah!" Harris shouted, even though his face was covered in balaclava, Bell could see grin in his face. 

"Resume normal routine folks, I'm disabling the shield," Bell waved his hand and the shield disappeared. 

"Keep the pressure on!" Bell commanded, reloading his grenade machine gun. The night resonated with the sound of his weapon as it continued to hurl grenades into the thinned ranks of the undead.

Amelia, conserving her mines, let the remaining undead stagger into the minefield before engaging them. Each step triggered an explosion, further decimating the horde. Her strategy was efficient, ensuring no resource was wasted in their defense.

Harris and Lukas, their spirits lifted by the fall of the lich, redoubled their efforts. Bullets flew from their guns in a steady, unyielding stream. The undead, unable to withstand the onslaught, fell in heaps, their numbers dwindling rapidly. Some even began to pile up on the forest surrounding them. 

As the last of the undead were cleared, the forest grew silent, save for the heavy breaths of the weary but victorious soldiers. The first light of dawn began to creep through the trees, casting a soft, golden glow on the battlefield. The snow, now stained with the remnants of the night's battle, sparkled under the morning sun.

Bell surveyed the area, a sense of relief washing over him. They had survived the night against overwhelming odds. The team gathered, their faces weary but filled with a quiet pride. They had not only defended themselves but had also struck a significant blow against the undead scourge.

"Great work, everyone," Bell praised, his voice carrying both fatigue and satisfaction. 

"Fuck yeah, that's what I'm talking about!" Harris cleared off his gun, the barrel was still smoking from the firefight. 

"Phew, that was certainly interesting, definitely not an embassy assault, but certainly interesting," Lukas said, his body lying down on the ground from the exhaustion of keeping himself awake during the night. 

"Anyone, health report? Any injury?" Lisa asked. 

"Nope, ma'am. Everything is alright," Amelia replied. 

[Trial #2: Survive The Wave Of Undeads]

Congratulations for surviving the assault of the undeads. This should be enough to orient the soldiers about the threat of this world alongside with giving you familiarity to modern warfare. Enemy population on the forest is now reduced temporarily. Use this time to expand your base. 

[Rewards: 100,000 EP]

The notification disappeared, then it got replaced by another notification, giving him a report of last night battle. It was the detail about the amount of monsters he had killed. 

[After Action Reports: 700 Husks Killed, 300 Skeletons Killed, 200 Undead Wolves Killed, 1 Lich Killed]

[Total: 370,000 +100,000 EP and 68,500 EXP]

Tired, but happy, Bell laid his back on the snow below, not caring about the freezing temperature. However, holding off the wave after wave of enemies was no short of a miracle, it was all thanks to modern weapons. Even if his magic was powerful, he wouldn't last until the dawn like he did. 

Lisa approached, the morning light revealing her features, stripped now of her helmet and balaclava. Her face, framed by dark hair with hints of an ethereal glow in her blue eyes, was serene yet etched with the fatigue of battle. She extended her hand, offering a fist bump—an unspoken soldier's salute.

"Nice work," she said, her voice steady and reassuring.

"Thanks," Bell replied, meeting her fist with his own. He couldn't help but take a moment to really look at her. Her face, usually obscured by combat gear, was as old as her demeanor suggested, and her eyes held a depth that spoke of experience during her years.

The team gathered their gear and began the methodical process of fortifying their position. The brief respite was a gift, and they would use it wisely to strengthen their base and prepare for any future threats. The battle report's notification, confirming their impressive victory, was a morale boost they all needed.

"Alright, let's get back to work," Bell announced, getting to his feet.