
max's misson

In a wast land Max the father of Alex walks as 2 robat solders try to attack him but Max swiftly dodge the bulits as the bullits are slower than normal. Max would point 1 pistal at each one of them then shoot them deid.

" tisk tisk tisk I wish my jod paid more "

A shiny ball was glowing under 2 rocks this cuaght the man's ataection.

" oh finally there it is "

Max would lift up the rocks to see the power core. Max would then take up the core to see in 3 minuts it will explode.

" ha you really think this is going to explode on me "

Max would turn of the boam and put it in the tech lock. Max is a genius he know most tech and has 150 IQ. A sharp pain would go through the mans cheast making him look down to see a katana go through his chest.

" What the fu-"

Max was cut off as by a powerful punch to the scule. A tall red haired man in samuri armor stands there with crimson blood driping off his katana. Max would then take a pill and he was instanly healed, he would take out a long sword.

" your tuffer than i thought "

The samuri would get in a fighting stance then he dashed at Max but make use the long sword to block, but he was sent flying because of the punch the samuri throw.

" because im a samuri you think I dont know any other combat "

" Go to fucking hell "