
First training

It's been a month since that incident so I moved on. When I was already 7 years old, Mark sent me to an elementary school. So, I had a really nice friend named Jackson. At his mansion, Mark gave me karate training. Once I asked Mark, "Why do I have to learn this?" Mark said, "It's dangerous out there so you have to learn how to defend yourself." I thought that this was make sense because crime is in allover the news! I mastered Karate when I was at 9 years old. I mastered it only in 2 years because I trained so hard with George. After I mastered Karate, Mark said, "You also need to learn how to use guns because you can't fight someone that's larger than you." I said this in my head, "So... What I've been studying for 2 years it's just a waste of time!" I protested Mark but he replied, "What if the bad guys took your gun?" Well, he had the point. But George asked me, "Do you wanted to be a ninja like in the movie?" I said, "Yes!" But George said, "You need to trained really hard if you wanted to be a ninja" Ninja is cool actually so I accepted. George called his friend named Billy and he trained my strength first. He asked me to lifted up some weights. The 20 pounds one! When he saw me had a hard time on the weights, he picked up his sword and hit my hand. Of course, it was bleeding. Billy called the medic to fix me up. But George came and said, "That's enough for today." I felt relieved. But sadly, I had to do this everyday.