
Chapter 1

I don't own any of this except for the oc. Enjoy

***Dunphy House***

"Kids! Breakfast!" Claire Dunphy shouts to her four children. After a second she calls again. "Kids!"

She looks to her husband, who is distracted by his game. "Phil, can you get them?"

Her husband, still looking down walks to the fridge as he answers "Yeah, Just a sec."

Opening the fridge, he takes something out and leaves the door open. Claire, not seeing the door turns around and hits it, hard. Realizing his wife was going to direct her annoyance on him, he quickly pacifies her by shouting "Kids! Get in here!"

" Why are you shouting, we're all upstairs. Just text us." Haley comes in with her face in her phone, texting one of her friends.

"Probably because we don't all live upstairs anymore. The basement's great, thanks for asking" a tall, dark blonde teenage boy walks in behind her and sits at the table with a smug look on his face.

"Ugh, it's totally unfair. I deserve that room, I am up all night because Alex leaves the lights on to read her stupid books" Hailey argues

"Trevor, be nice to your sister. And Haley," Claire takes a moment to look at what her daughter was wearing and noticing the Jean miniskirt " you can't wear that outfit"

"What's wrong with it" Haley asked

Claire turned to her husband " Phil, do you have anything to say about your daughters outfit?"

Phil, oblivious to what his wife was implying, looked up " Oh yeah, that looks really cute sweetie"

Exacerbated, Claire "It's too short, people know your a girl. You don't have to prove it"

Just as Haley was about to complain about Claire being overbearing,

"Mom has a point, Andrew Harris alway stares at you while licking his lips when you wear that" Trevor spoke while watching both their faces change into disgust.

"You mean that scrawny kid with the shifty eyes" at my nod " Ewwww." At that, she rushes out to change. Trevor turned to his mother who has an eyebrow raised at the comment. Trevor answered the unasked question.

"He's some creepy kid in our grade, used to to stare at Haley a noticiable amount. For some reason he stopped." He finish with a grin that let Claire knew he handled it. Phil was blissfully unaware at why his daughters stalker stopped.

As Claire was wondering, what her son did to the boy, Alex walked in " Luke's head is stuck in the banister again."

Hearing this, Phil jumps into action "I got this, where is the baby oil?"

Distracted with cleaning up Claire absently answers " It's in our nighstan- I don't know, find it" relizing halfway what she was gonna say in front of her kids. She looked away when Trevor said "Ew"

*** Trevor Commentary***

Trevor is seen sitting on the family couch

"I love my family, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. It's just that my mom is the only strong voice of reason in the house so it can get hectic at times. So some times, I need to step up to handle things outside of the house". He says with a proud grin

***Commentary over***

Trevor walks into the hallway with and notices Phil and Claire looking up at Haley. Claire looked around and noticed Trevor walking. Without missing a beat drilled him for information.

"Do you know the boy your sister is bringing over?" As she says that, he takes a look at Haley mouthing 'say nothing'. Trevor looks back at his mother.

"Oh yeah dylan, yeah I know him. He's a senior, in a band, but he's got a good heart and some common sense." I say as I wink at Haley.

This seems to pacify Claire as Haley goes upstairs to change. When they hear the door close Claire turns to her son again.

"So what is his situation really?" In a accusatory tone. Trevor gives her a reassuring smile.

"OK, he's a dumbass. But he has a good heart . And don't worry, I talked to him so he knows not to wrong her. Just let it go, she'll be fine." as he said this, Claire noticeably relaxed.

"Anyway, I'm gonna go to play basketball by Michael. I'll be back in time for Uncle Mitchell's dinner." he said, quickly moving towards the door unfortunately for him, his mother stopped him.

"Michael? You know I'm not a fan of him. He's so snobbish." She said, hoping against hope that he would respect her wishes.

" Yeah but he's the only one with a full basketball court. I need to practice as much as I can so I can make the team." he said in a pleading tone. He knows he can go without his parents blessings, it's just easier to have it.

"He does have a point Claire, I sold their family that house, and their court is awsome for shooting hoops with da boyz" Phil chimed in with his two cents, while also trying to sound "hip". He raises his hand for a high five, which Trevor responds with accordingly.

"Don't worry, I won't be there long. I just want to polish my skills before tryouts." He grabs his drawstring bag and walks toward the door. He gives his parents a hug goodbye. "I'll see you guys later."

As his parents watch him bike away they here Alex scream for them. Claire mumbles to herself '7 more years' as they go see what happened.

***Time Skip

~Ding Dong~

The doorbell rang at the Dunphy house, Haley ran for the door and shouted "Don't answer it I'll get it!"

Hearing this, Claire bolted to the door and opened it before Haley got down the steps. "Hi. Hello. You must be Dylan. Nice to meet you" as Dylan shook her hand, he eyed the house, as if looking for something.

Before Claire could comment on it, Haley grabbed his hand "Hey, come on, let's go"

And quickly hurried up the steps with him still looking around.

"Hey, um, is your brother home?" Dylan asked with a bit of anxiety. When he said this Haley stopped and turned to him.

"Urgh, no he's not, and don't worry he won't actually do anything to you"

***Haley commentary***

"My stupid brother has always scared guys away, it's so frustrating. It doesn't help that he smarter than me in school." Haley looks down. Thinking to herself for a moment.

"At least he covers for me when I want to go to a party and keeps creeps away from me. He's cool like that" she says with a smile on on her face.

***Commentary over**

Seeing that her son already gave Dylan the shovel talk. She goes back to the kitchen to bake the cake that Mitchel asked for.

***Trevor POV***


With perfect weather, the sound of shoes shuffling and dribbling can be heard in the backyard of a suburban neighborhood house. A five on five game was going on with both teams dripping in sweat. Trever wearing a blue number 10 Jersey was slowly dribbling the ball at the free-throw line. Steadily his dribbling speed increased while adding tricks to the movement. He backed up to the three point line then passed to the boy with the yellow Kobe jersey. a who caught the ball and passed back to number ten, who was driving into the paint.

Trevor caught the ball and tossed up a layup for the game. As the ball went in his team cheered and started high fiving. Afterward they drank water and talked about the game and talked about how well Derek Fisher was doing compared to Kobe.


Trevor, noticing his phone is ringing, looked at who it was. When he saw that it was Haley, he mentally side, knowing that his family is having one of its crazy moments. Resigning himself to spending the rest of his day fixing it, he picked up.


'I underestimated dad' I thought to myself with a smile tugging at my lips. My sister usually overreacts to mom which causes mom to over react to her, so her claiming that mom was crazy was nothing new. Dad shooting someone, however, is something that I thought would be an impossibility. After she explained what happened more clearly, I told her the plan.

"Okay, I will handle this but first take a deep breath to calm yourself." I say to her since it sounds like she is spiraling.

"I AM Not the one overreacting here!" She yells at me proving my point but also slowing down a little.

"Listen, you are in the right here, which never happens. You need to calm yourself so we could use this against mom later. But, if you start shouting at her then you lose that leverage." I try to get her to listen to her desire to get one over on mom, which will never happen again. I can hear her breath over the phone, which ironically relaxes me since it will make the entire process, so much easier.

"Okay, how are you gonna handle this. And don't just tell me your gonna take care of it. I know I'm not as smart as you but that doesn't mean I'm stupid." Haley says more relaxed than before but ther is still an edginess to her voice.

"I'll talk to Dylan and explain how this was a misunderstanding, which it probably was, and patch things up with him. When mom confronts you about this you have tos stay calm or she will use that to win. Going off of what you told me she probably didn't trust you alone with Dylan and went overboard about it. Say something along the lines of how this was the first guy you brought over and instead of giving you trust, she acted on suspicion that you didn't deserve. Say something about her being controlling and something about Nana, she's always brings up how hard it was to live with her. And remember don't raise your voice or she will spin this into how she is always right. Got it?"

I need to explain everything in detail because we rarely get chances where we can hold something over mom. Haley understood this.

"Okay, I got this. Just don't screw it up with Dylan." As she hung up, Trevor walks over to his friends.

"Hey guys, I got to go deal with a family situation," wanting to see there reactions he shrugged his shoulders and continued "my dad shot that guy my sister brought over."

When my words got through to them, their eyes widened. I heard one of the mumble 'so that's where he gets it from' as I walk to my bike. "Time to convince a dumbass, to give my sister another shot."

***. Trevor Commentary***

"Normally I would never do this, but if he never see's her again because of this then two things will happen. One, a rumor that she has a crazy family, even if it's true, will spread and that's not good for anyone. Second, she will trust me far less since I'm sure she already figured out that I'm the one who scared him initially. She is already upset that I got the room in the basement, even though it was my idea. She knows thing about me that if she is pushed she will tell mom and dad just to spite me. Sure, that works both ways, but a lot of people do things that are bad for them out of spite. So now I got to convince a stoner to give my sister another chance so she doesn't date someone worse. Somehow."

***Commentary over***

***Mitch and Cams house***

Inside the house the two new parents were getting ready to host their announcement dinner. One of them was still nervous. "Uggghhhh. I don't know if I can do

this. " Mitchel said hoping that his family would be supportive.

His life partner Cameron tried to give him some time to calm down while also pushing him to get this over with. "I'm giving you five minutes and then I'm bringing her out.

Cameron retreats for their new baby Lily's room. Mitchell opens the door to reveal Claire, Phil and the kids.

"Hey!" Claire said excitedly knowing that speed was key at the moment.

Becoming more relieved that his sister's family is here and excited. "Hey guys!"

As he says this, she hands him a bottle of wine. "Oh, thanks."

Claire interrupted his thanks to warn him "Don't thank me, just open it. Dad's right behind us."

"KNOCK KNOCK, COMING IN" An older man says loudly making sure that he doesn't see his son in any sexual positions with his partner.

Mitchell sighs at this, already exhausted of the way his father acts "Don't worry, Dad, nothing gay going on in here." Noticing his fathers outfit he continues "May I take your multi- colored coat and jeweled cap?"

After a couple of minuets of small talk Gloria asks in a heavy Colombian accent "So Mitchel,how was your trip?"

Taking a deep breath to resolve himself he answers. "Oh, it was great. But about that, I

actually have something I need to tell you guys. We didn't just go there for

pleasure... We kind of have some big news."

Guessing wrong and exhausted at the thought of it Jay interupt. "Oh god. If Cam walks out here with boobs, I'm leaving."

Claire embarrassed at her fathers words shouts "Dad!"

Haley adding her thoughts with the events of today on her mind. "I hope he didn't embarrass you, Mom."

As she moved to her brother and silently asked with their twin telepathy if he handled it. Claire explained "She had her first

boy over today, I lost it in front of them and then Phil shot him."

As everyone looked at Phil with suprise.Trevor was telling Haley that she and Dylan should be fine, but that he shouldn't come to the house often.

Mitchel powered through his speech "So anyway... about a year ago, Cam

and I started feeling this longing for something... more. Like a baby"

Immediately Jay responded, "Whoa, that's a bad idea"

"What do you mean 'bad idea'? Mitchel asked getting angry.

" Well, kids need a mother. If you two are bored, get a dog."

"Okay. We're not bored dad" Mitchel answered back. Claire answered, trying to placate Mitchel.

" I think Dad is trying to say is that Mitchell, you're a little uptight. Kids bring chaos and you don't handle it well." Mitchel getting offended at that responds.

"That's not what dad's saying, that's what you're saying. And it's insulting in a whole different way."

Trying to change the topic, Trevor asks "Hey, where is Uncle Cam?"

"Thank you, thank you. Someone who's not insulting me notices he's not here." Said Mitchel

Jay missing the que again said " oh, so that's the big announcement. You two broke up. Well, you know, a baby wasn't going to help with that anyway. And you know, you're a little better off. He was a bit of a drama queen."

"No no no no no. Stop. Stop. You come into my house and insult me and my boyfriend, who, by the way, it's not that dramatic.

Justin, the lights down in the song ' circle of life' starts playing from the speakers, hidden in the room. Can then enters the room with Lily and his arms.

Trying to everyone away mentally from the fact that his boyfriend is dramatic he speaks up "We adopted a baby. Her name is Lily."

Camp turned off the music and spoke "Say high to lily everyone"

Has everyone gathered around and talked about how cute she was Jay spoke up. "Excuse me. I know I said that I thought this was a bad idea." He rubbed the back of his neck "but what do I know? I mean, it's not like I wrote the book on fatherhood. I've been trying hard all my life and I am still screwing things up now. Anyway, I'm happy for you, and you should know that I am not here to spit in your face, I am here to blow at your back."

Noticing confused looks like everyone's face " yeah awkwardly answered " it's supposed to sound better in Spanish" with a smile on his face he finished "Now let me see that little potsticker."

Hello, this is my first time writing so let men know if you got any comments.

I just watched modern family and thought it would be interesting if there was a big brother that took care of some of the problems while still messing up. HE IS AN OC

I don’t know if I’m gonna continue this, honestly, the hardest part about writing is was the lines from the show. Let me know if you like it

Tantaloncreators' thoughts