
Modern Family: Reincarnated in a TV show

A fanfiction about a boy who was reincarnated in the world of his favourite TV show: Modern Family A guy died and went to God. Turns out he is Lucifers counterpart. The good side of Lucifer. God sends him into the world of Modern Family according to his wishes. A few years into the world our MC realises that this isn't just the world of Modern Family. There wont be anything supernatural, there will just be common worlds. At the moment I only have grown ups, and the main theme Modern family. I will probably add Brooklyn 99. I haven't thought about any other series yet

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22 Chs


After oversleeping on the last day. I quickly knew today a festival would be held.

Many people were invited and it was very crowded.

There were many nice things like water skiing, a basketball place and a place on the lake in which you can hop on a mattress from a watch tower and the person on the mattress will be yeeted into the lake.

The first thing I did was water skiing. It was a dream come true. Lenny drove the boat and I did many stunts with the skies.

After that, I, Greg, Donna, and Andre went to the mattress. I got onto the mattress and the other three jumped from the watch tower at the same time. I flew into the sky. It was crazy. Shortly after falling into the water, I dived up and screamed," Yeahhhhhh!!!!!!"

After everyone was dried up, we got to our seats in front of the basketball court.

Just right to see Dickie and the others challenge the boys.

5 minutes later.

We saw them appear. Dressed in orange Water Wizz shirts.

McKenzie accidentally stepped on Rob's hurt foot causing him to scream.

Meanwhile, the girls/mothers walked to the court with beautiful cheerleading outfits.

While walking into the field McKenzie and Malcom argumented against each other, because each one said they are the black guy in the town and the other is the other black guy.

The game began with Lamonsoff catching the ball at the start and passing it to Lenny, who made a three-pointer. It was a perfect start.

Wiley who was in a full body cast screamed, "Lucky shot".

Sadly the other team came back a bit and scored a shot.

After that Rob mentioned Motion 78 to the others and Lenny made another three-pointer.

The game continued to be heated until Lamonsoff and a player from the enemy team couldn't run anymore and faked injuries.

After that, it was soon only Lenny and Dickie.

They decided to let their sons play with them. It was a 2v2.

The game was heated until the end when Lenny had the final shot and was pitying Dickie. Due to this he purposefully missed the shot and let them win.

After the game, everyone partied until late at night, when fireworks were shots.

Suddenly Higgins shot an arrow into the air. Everyone ran away, besides Wiley, who couldn't move and was shot in the foot. While exclaiming that they won again, he screamed in pain.

While running, I suddenly knew that everything is as it was before. It was perfect again.