
Modern Family: Reincarnated in a TV show

A fanfiction about a boy who was reincarnated in the world of his favourite TV show: Modern Family A guy died and went to God. Turns out he is Lucifers counterpart. The good side of Lucifer. God sends him into the world of Modern Family according to his wishes. A few years into the world our MC realises that this isn't just the world of Modern Family. There wont be anything supernatural, there will just be common worlds. At the moment I only have grown ups, and the main theme Modern family. I will probably add Brooklyn 99. I haven't thought about any other series yet

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Finishing new Platform

~2 years after learning to code~

"Finally finished", I exclaimed. I finished my new streaming platform, which I haven't named yet.

After two years I am 14 years old. I and Haley still haven't done "that", but did most things. She is one of the best things that happened to me.

I have finished my new streaming site now. It took a bit longer than expected as I needed to update Youtube. Well, I mostly only needed to point out the direction for the programmers.

I could have let them create my new streaming site, but I wanted to shape this site according to my mind.

I still needed to think about the name, but that could wait.

I am currently worrying more about this strange feeling. It got stronger and stronger and it seems like it will soon break out.

The saddest thing about this is that I couldn't even do anything. Luckily it didn't influence my daily life.

Today I will visit the Dunphys and finish my group project with Haley.

I rang the doorbell of the Dunphys

The door soon opened

"Hey, Nate-the-Great", Phil opened the door.

"Hey, Phil. Is Haley in her room?", I replied.

"Yeah, she is currently in her room", Phil said shortly before I heard Haley screaming to, what I assume to be Alex.

"Get out of my room. I and Nat will make our physics project.", Haley screamed at Alex.

"It is our room and if Nate told me that, I would maybe believe it, but you? No way. You will probably just make out with him", Alex attacked her.

"We will study for our physics project, Alex," I told Alex from downstairs.

"You're here Nat/Nate?", both exclaimed.

"Yes, didn't you hear me ringing the doorbell?", I asked with a confused face.

"The doorbell isn't working since yesterday evening. Phil said he would fix it by Sunday.", Claire answered my confusion before the others could.

"What. But I wanted to build the T-shirt cannon on Sunday", Phil replied a bit depressed.

"You told me you would fix it", Claire came from the kitchen with anger in her tone.

"We should run", Haley muttered.

I agreed and ran into her room.

The first thing I did after being in the room is kissing Haley.

After kissing we made out. Alex guessed right, but how should she know?

After around a quarter of an hour, we really began with our physics project. Well, I did most of the work and Haley rewarded me with a kiss. It was a win-win situation. I still taught her quite a bit. Due to this, she could still assist in a few situations.

This was going on for a few hours.

After it was dark, we finished the project and made out again.

After doing that, I ate with the Dunphy's, who invited me to eat with them.

When getting home, I got in the shower, brushed my teeth, and did a few other things I was finally going to sleep. In front of my room, the feeling suddenly broke out and I passed out in front of my door.