
Modern Family: Genius

Gabriel is 5 years old. After he was born he was raised in an orphanage. He is what you would call a genius. On a fateful day when he was 5 years old, he started to see memories of another person. He saw them like it was a movie. He saw many things. Gabriel realized that these memories were probably from his past life. Through these memories, Gabriel realized how terribly he was treated in the orphanage. He ran away. Gabriel saw an abandoned house and lived there for a night. After waking up the next day he suddenly met the neighbors of this house Phil and Claire Dunphy, whom he realized were in the memories of his past life. Phil and Claire were worried after seeing how he lived and decided to adopt him. The young boy would slowly start to trust people again in the future thanks to his parents. The description isn't good. I know that. I racked my brain but couldn't find anything better. The world will be a mix of various different TV shows and movies. The MC will be a genius. Yes, I know it is incredibly hard to portray a genius character not being as smart as him, but I will try my best to narrow the gap with the help of the internet. Due to that, my updates will probably take longer than on my other novels as I need more time to research.

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Starting a new era

I immediately started the research. I didn't create any computers at first.

No way could I immediately compete with the two giants, AMD and Intel. I first needed to build something related to it and expand to computers when I have more research abilities in my hand.

I decided to create a smartphone company.

I wanted to make mini-computers.

The name I chose for the company was "Blueberry".

I thought it sounded simple yet enchanting at the same time.

I knew smartphones were THE major thing in the future from the memories I received.

They had touchscreens, enormous power for their size, as well as giant storage capabilities.

There was no real market currently for this kind of phone. Nobody was that advanced yet. Different from the Computer market where little knowledge was known to outsiders, the smartphone world was more open with some more known facts that would help me tremendously with the creation of the "modern" phone.

I already started this thought about a year ago and produced some things I could already do, like the software. I didn't have any resources to start producing anything to try it on, though.

But I could finally begin.

My first step was the touchscreen.

A touchscreen wasn't that hard to produce.

It was already invented 12 years ago in 1992, but it didn't become popular until 2007 with the first iPhone.

On the top layer, there is a transparent material like glass or plastic which is the screen. The tough part is the layer down below. There are many sensors hidden under a modern smartphone that register where it was touched and will transmit it to the controller board. All signals will be gathered and then processed to determine what kind of information it is by the formation of the gathered signals. Is it a touch? A swipe or something else?

This information will then be transmitted to the device's operating system, where it will be translated into commands.

The reason why the phone isn't popular nowadays is due to the huge need for computing power for that.

The touchscreen could work way better with better computing power, but how should this work?

All the necessary materials would need to get way smaller, which was just burning way too much money with little result.

But this year, AMD came out with a brand new dual-core Computer. It integrated two Cores into one chip, doubling its computing power effectively. Not only that, but it also enhanced multitasking ability. It could run background apps way more efficiently. Another important point is the battery. It could adjust its workload, resting more when no computing power was needed and working better if more was needed. If an average amount was used, one core could rest and the other could be used for the task at hand, thus saving much battery life.

This was the first step I decided to take: Building a dual-core smartphone with an efficient touchscreen.

I started by designing the dual-core. That wasn't hard. I already knew the best design from the future.

After that, I proceeded with putting all the patterns I designed into a photomask.

The photomask was then used to let light shine through it and transfer the content into a specific item, mostly or almost every time a silicon wafer.

There were several other steps after that, including etching, deposition, and doping to create an intricate circuit on the silicon.

After that step was finished, I needed to integrate this dual-core into the chip of the phone. I already designed everything beforehand, making every content of the chip like the CPU and co. cooperate in the best possible way.

After this was done, I started testing the dual-core chip.

I let it run on my own software and try its compatibility. This was the issue where most companies struggled at after the dual-core chip.

How should they integrate dual-core chips best into different softwares?

I created my own software around a year ago practicing my coding.

I knew the path I wanted to take long ago. I knew I would need my own software to maximize the benefits of the future dual-core.

It was only now, though, that I was able to use all the knowledge in my head with the resources I got from Grandpa to create this smartphone.

The software was a mix of various features of the future IOS and Android.

I loaded the chips onto the software and tried it on a smartphone.

The smartphone looked similar to the first iPhone created, though a little bit bigger.

I started the smartphone, and it went on. After going on, it started to show its lock screen. I tried swiping, and...

it worked! The touchscreen should be working.

I was relieved.

I started testing various other features. While my brain was powerful enough to eliminate most mistakes, some small things were still unpredictable.

Noticing some small errors, I immediately corrected them and restarted my phone again and again.

Until it finally started working perfectly.

I had created the first "Modern" smartphone.

I started a new era in the mobile phone industry.

Most information was obtained through Reddit, quora, chatgpt, and Wikipedia as well as some other websites. Information should be true, but there can be mistakes.

Due to that don't trust it completely!

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