
Modern Family: Gacha

Given the chance to start his new life, a guy in his late teens is reborn into the Modern Family universe. Desperate to live his life to the fullest and without regrets, he aims to change the future of the characters for the better, aided by a Gacha system.

N_R_U · TV
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96 Chs

I Hate the Firemen


"What's the most irritating thing my parents say to me?", Alex asked herself.

"That's too much cologne", Manny said, nodding his head.

"That's how girls end up dead", Haley answered.

"Don't talk black to me", Luke confusedly stated.

"It's inappropriate because she's your teacher", Manny spoke.

"How do even talk black?", Luke questioned, "Do you end words with 'izzle'?"

"It's talk back you idiot", Alex muttered.

"Act more like an adult", Alex and Zephyr said at the same time, "What does 'act more like an adult' even mean?"

[Commentary ends]

Walking into the kitchen, Zephyr was met with the sight of Matt sitting on a chair, drinking coffee while reading the newspaper. After taking a sip from his glass, he spotted Zephyr and said, "Yo. You'll never guess who I saw today".

Zephyr sighed and walked over to the fridge, pulling out the milk carton, "Go on then, who?"

"You know how before I met your mom, I used to travel a lot right?", Matt asked, excitedly.

"When have you ever told me this?", Zephyr questioned, lost as to what he meant.

"I was pretty sure I told you, but whatever", Matt muttered, "Anyways. During my time in Colombia, I met this guy, Javier, and we hit it off. We kept contact even after I left, and you'll never guess what happened today".

"Let me guess", Zephyr deadpanned, "You saw him today"

"Yeah. How'd you guess that?", Matt asked.

"Magic", Zephyr sarcastically answered.

"Ugh. You spoilsport", Matt grumbled, "But anyways. I saw him today in his car and he invited me to come to visit him at his friend's house".

"Do you even know where he's staying?", Zephyr questioned while preparing a bowl of cereal.

"No. Well, not yet", Matt replied, "He's going to message me the address. Now hurry up, I have to drop you off at school. I have somewhere to be".

"You know", Zephyr began, "For someone who's meant to be an adult, you're pretty irresponsible".

"Pft", Matt waved him off, "What are you on about? I'm the most trustworthy person you know. And besides, you need to learn how to act like an adult", he said, leaving the room.

"Ugh", Zephyr groaned, "What does that even mean?"

Popping back into the room, Matt said, "That reminds me. You're going to have to stay at Desiree's for the night"

[Time Skip]

"Which do you think is better?", Desiree asked, looking at two near-identical cans of tuna, "Does the one with spring water taste better than the one in brine?"

Zephyr, who was sitting on the couch and looking outside, was snapped out of his thoughts and asked, "I'm sorry, what?"

"I asked which is better?", Desiree asked, showing him the cans, "Spring water or brine?"

"Spring water is the best one", Zephyr answered, "Brine has a lot of salt so it will raise your sodium levels by more than normal".

Desiree nodded and put away the can of tuna with the word 'Brine' plastered on it. Getting a can opener, she opened the can and asked, "How has school been?"

Zephyr shrugged his shoulders, "It's been okay I guess. Lessons are still boring but P.E. is fun and soccer training is pretty good too".

"Any friends or rivals yet?", Desire questioned.

"There are a few good players in the team this year", Zephyr commented.

"Oooh", Desiree said while clapping a little, "Tell me who they are?"

"There's the Italian centre-back Paolo Lorenzo. There's a Spanish goalkeeper by the name of Raul Martinez and then the German striker Michael Hans", Zephyr answered, "There are some other good players but they play for other teams".

"That's so nice", Desiree exclaimed, "Do you think you'll win the regionals?"

"There's a good chance", Zephr answered. Getting up, Zephyr began making his way out of the room when suddenly, Bella ran into the room with a small box in her hand. Without looking, Bella ran into Zephyr, the box hitting his stomach, causing him to groan and fall over. Seeing what she did, Bella screamed and released the box in her hand which plummeted and landed on Zephyr's stomach, causing him to release a loud groan of pain.

"Oh dear", Desiree muttered, "I think we'll have to call the firemen".

"Are the firemen coming?", Bella asked excitedly.

"No need", Zephyr groaned, "I'm sure it'll goOOOOOO", he said, screaming in agone towards the end.

"Ok, Bella, you call the ambulance while I do something really important", Desiree muttered seeing the pain on Zephyr's face.

"What?", questioned Bella.

"I need to get changed", Desiree said in the most serious tone possible.

"I'm out here convulsing in misery and agony and you're going to look for cute tops to wear", Zephyr cried.

"Yeah", Desiree answered, "Have you seen them? They're built like gods"



Zephyr tapped the camera as he muttered, "This is my first time doing this. Is it okay?". Receiving no response, he continued, "The firemen in the town have a massive reputation for being hot". Looking straight at the camera, "Do I resent that? Absolutely yes. You'd think that finding out that they're gay would stop all this, but no, it does the exact opposite", Zephyr grumbled, "If any man tells you that they don't hate the firemen, then they're one of two things. One: they're gay or two: they're the biggest liars you'll ever meet"

[Commentary ends]

"Hey man", Matt asked as he awkwardly entered the room, finding Zephyr lying down on the bed, "How are you?"

"I don't know", Zephyr dazedly muttered, "I feel like I can fly. Hey Dad, do you think I can be like Superman if I try hard enough?"

Turning away from Zephyr, Matt asked Desiree, "What's wrong with him?"

"The doctors gave him some painkiller and now he's like this", Desire muttered.

"Dad", Zephyr whispered, gesturing for Matt to come over to him. Matt walked over to him and nodded, with Zephyr continuing, forgetting to whisper, "I think you have some competition"

Seeing where things were going, Desiree placed he hand on Matt and tried moving him away, "What do you mean?", Matt asked.

"The firemen came yesterday and Desiree got all dressed up", Zephyr said, looking around, making sure no one was there.

"Really?", questioned Matt.

"Ignore him", Desiree interrupted, "He doesn't know what he's talking about".

"She wore this tight top and jeans as well as heels", Zephyr muttered.

"You put on heels", Matt asked, looking at Desiree, who had an embarrassed look on his face.

[Time Skip]

Hearing the doorbell ring, Matt walked down the stairs and opened the door, finding himself face-to-face with Alex. "Hey Alex, what you doing here?", looking outside the door, "and without Claire as well".

"Mom's at the hospital with Dad", Alex answered, "I heard that Zephyr got hurt so I came to see how he is".

"Ah, young love", Matt muttered in nostalgia, "I remember what I was like when I was Zephyr's age". Despite her face heating up, Alex coughed, snapping Matt out of his memories. "Oh right. What happened to Phil?"

"Phil had a kidney stone", Alex answered, "And Phil held off calling the firemen because Mom would dress up".

"Did she?", Matt asked.

"Yep", Alex replied, popping the 'p'.

"Come in", Matt said, letting Alex in, "Zephyr's in his room. I'm sure you know by now where it is".

Nodding her head, Alex quickly walked up the stairs and opened the second door on the left. As soon as she opened the door, she was hit with a familiar ocean scent, causing her to smile slightly. Walking in, she saw Zephyr lying down on his bed while reading a book. Seeing him fine, Alex released a small sigh of relief and muttered, "Hey. I heard what happened. How are you feeling?"

"Better. I'm just glad that you weren't there when it happened", Zephyr responded, setting down his book.

"Why?", Alex questioned, "Because it was embarrassing?"

"No", Zephyr answered, his eyebrows scrunching up.

"Then why?", she asked, curious.

"Because the firemen were there?", Zephyr muttered.

Hearing his answer, a small playful smile found itself on Alex's face, "Oooh. Is the big strong Zephyr jealous of the hot firemen".

Zephyr grumbled, "As if".

Unconvinced, Alex laughed and said, "The firemen came to our house anyway

"Huh", Zephyr mumbled, a look of confusion on his face.

"Phil had a kidney stone and the firemen came to take him to the hospital", she answered.

"Honestly, are there no paramedics in the town? The firemen seem to do everything", Zephyr complained.

"Don't worry", Alex comforted, "Even though the firemen are way hotter, I would never ditch my friend for the chance to see them"

"Your dreamy tone is worrying me", Zephyr muttered when he saw the look on her face.

Seeing Zephyr's reaction, Alex laughed and patted him on the shoulder.



"If I'm supposed to act like an adult", Zephyr began, "Is that like adults I see on TV or like the adults I interact with and see? Like my Dad or Phil. If it's like the ones I see on TV, then it'll be pretty hard. Who can act so seriously all the time? But, if it's like the adults I know, then, how hard can it be? I just have to be myself".

[Commentary ends]

"You know", Javier began as he exited the house, "It was nice seeing you again"

"I know man", Matt replied.

"So how's your kid doing?", Javier asked.

"I know that we both wanted smart kids, but honestly, they're so exhausting to look after", Matt answered.

"I know bro", Javier said, a nostalgic look on his face, "I remember when I had to look through almost every library in my town because Manny wanted a book to read".

Shaking his hand, Matt looked at Javier and said, "Do you wanna have a quick ride? For old time's sake"

"Of course man", Javier answered.