
Chapter 6 : New Day

[Jamie POV]

I woke up to the sound of the guitar still going, that brat is still playing? He needs some god damn rest!

I turned to my bedside table to grab my glasses and go find this troublesome brat, but instead I found a cup of coffee that was still steaming with a note next to it. "Drink up you geezer!".

...Hahaha! That fucking brat! Wakes up once in his life before me and starts doing a madness!

Walking to the living room I see the most troublesome brat on the planet strumming away at his guitar with a pen in his mouth. I expected to find him disheveled and tired but instead he looked wide awake. He trimmed his hair from atrocious to slightly more bearable.(Looks like the cover photo)

No more bloodshot eyes, they looked clear and focused. I was finally seeing Finn Matthews again, not some deranged junkie that broke my heart to look at.

"Now how the hell are you awake at 6 AM brat, you should still be drooling all over your bed." I saw him jerk hard, he didn't even notice I came in. That's some focus alright.

"I woke up an hour ago old man, these songs ain't gonna write themselves" He turned to me with a cheeky smile, it's good to see him smile again.

"Writing songs again? Like the songs you tried to write for that crush of yours?" I couldn't let him one up me so I had to pull out the big guns. There was this one girl that he chased around for a whole year, it was honestly hilarious how hard he tried.

And just like that he went red, ha!

"Well this time the songs are actually getting completed, I've already finished up two! And I'm gonna finish this last one up soon!" He looked all smug, my brat is gifted at anything he puts his mind to. But I can't tell him that or he's gonna get a big head!

"Whatever you say to feel better about your nursery rhymes." And with that I left to the bathroom, behind me I could hear him cussing me out. This feels like home again.

[Finn POV]

"That absolute git of an old man" I couldn't keep the smile off my face, banter like this with my old man was something that died the day mom did.

After I finished playing 'I lost myself' fully, I could feel a weight lift from my soul. I knew who I was and what I wanted to do everyday. Be better than I was the last day. All the emotions that were repressed inside are blasting out right now. My love for my dad, the joy of songwriting and the memories of one doe-eyed chick.

I spent one whole year chasing her, initially it was just to raise my numbers but after a while it became fun. To see what it would take to finally get her, somewhere along the line, the reason I chased was lost and I just kept doing it. It was fun for both of us, that little cat and mouse game. Just like that we became friends, one of the only girls that actually stayed friends with me. Well, had stayed I guess...

Well no point reminiscing, I've got shit to do. This song does not want to be completed now anyway so I'll go for a run and then try catch up on school shit. I just need to do well enough to pass the fucking grade. We can worry about acing the exams in my senior year, universities love a comeback story after all.

"I'm going for a run!" with that I ran out the house in some running shoes, shorts and a tank top.

[Haley POV]

I'm sitting in my room at 1 PM just staring at my phone, pretty normal behavior except for the fact I'm staring at the texts between me and Finn. I want to reach out but what if he hates me for not talking to him all this time?!

I could see Alex roll her eyes and sighs dramatically.

"Seriously, Haley? You've been glued to your phone for hours now, and it's not even a life-or-death situation. Can't you take a break from your texting frenzy once?"

"Ugh, Alex, I'm really busy here. This is important!"

"Important? Yeah, right. Another one of your "emergencies" with a boy . I swear, Haley, you're always so consumed by your love life drama. It's exhausting to watch." I can not deal with Alex right now!

I got up and left the room and as I was leaving a text message from Finn came. WHAT?!

"Eeek!!" I ran right back into my room and closed the door.

Finn: Hey Haley, long time no talk!

What the hell kind of text is this? He's never texted this formal, not even the first text he sent me was this formal!

Does this means he hates me?!

Haley: Hii Finn, yeah long time! How've you been?

HALEY YOU DUMB BITCH!! It's obvious he hasn't been fine, what the fuck type of question is that?!

I started smacking my head into the wall and I could hear Alex muttering about how I finally lost my mind.

Finn: Doing good now, anyway Haley I wanted to ask if I could grab any notes you have from any classes. Anything will help.

Why is he asking ME of all people for notes? I have about as much notes as he does and he hasn't been to school in months! But if Finn doesn't have anyone else to ask only then would he even consider asking me right?!

Haley: Sure, can you come to my place today? I give you the notes. The address is 10336 Dunleer Dr.

Finn: Awesome, I live a street away. I'll come around 7PM is that fine?

Haley: Yes! That's perfectly fine. See you then!

I switched my phone off and started hyperventilating, Finn is coming home today?! What the fuck did I just do??

[Third POV]

Haley peeked into the living room where Claire was seated, mustering up the courage to approach her with her request. Taking a deep breath, she walked over and leaned against the doorway.

"Hey, Mom," Haley began, her voice a mix of hesitation and hopefulness. "So, there's this guy, Finn, from my class. You know the one Dad met at the store. He needs some notes for school so he asked if I could help."

She paused, glancing at Claire's face for any sign of judgment. Seeing a neutral expression, she continued with a touch of vulnerability.

"I was wondering if he could come over for dinner today. It would mean a lot to me, Mom," Haley said, her tone sincere. "I haven't talked to him since his mom passed away and it really makes me feel bad..."

Haley took a step forward, her eyes locking with Claire's, seeking understanding.

"I know it might sound strange, but I genuinely believe he's trying to turn his life around, and I want to be there for him, Mom." Haley added, her voice laced with empathy.

She hesitated, her fingers nervously fidgeting with the edge of her shirt.

"Please, Mom. I think it's really important to me," Haley pleaded, her voice carrying a mix of vulnerability and conviction. "I promise we'll keep it low-key, no trouble whatsoever."

Haley waited for Claire to respond as anxious as she had ever been.

"I'm proud of you Haley, sure invite him over." Claire said with a smile that conveyed her pride in her daughter!

In the kitchen a middle-aged man could be seeing pumping his fists into the air repeatedly.

Hello y'all! Keeping putting in reviews and comments, they motivate me alot!

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