
Modern cultivation of immortality

This is 2042, when everyone knows witchcraft. Under the background of modern civilization, everyone wants to live forever.

Lakeisha_Mckenrick · Eastern
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58 Chs

33. You treat me like a national scholar.

Walk out of Xu Bo's office.

Ethan didn't hurry to eat in the canteen, but first returned to the elite building, 4011 budo indoor.

I waited for a while.

Ethan calculated the time and dialed the video communication of uncle Li Changzhou.


Drop-the video is connected, and Li Changzhou is eating.

"Uncle." Ethan, speak.

"Xiao Yuan, why did you call me suddenly?" Li Changzhou laughed while eating: "Have you eaten?"

"Not yet." Ethan shook his head and said, "Uncle, listen to me. One thing is more important ..."

Quickly, Ethan told his uncle about this afternoon.

At the same time, the B-level contract documents were passed to Li Changzhou.

Li Changzhou began to listen while eating. After listening for a while, he put down his chopsticks and carefully checked the documents.

Occasionally, Li Changzhou will ask some details and then get lost in thought.

Wait for Ethan to make everything clear.


Ethan finally hesitated a little: "I wanted to call you again at night, but I feel that it is better to make a decision earlier."

"That's right."

"You think well." Li Changzhou looked at Ethan with admiration and solemnly said, "This matter really should be decided early. You should go to your teacher Xu Bo now and tell him that you have decided to sign a contract with Xinghuo Wudian."

"When your teacher agrees, you will immediately send a message to the Master of Wandian, saying that you agree, are very satisfied with the B-level contract, and are willing to sign at any time."

"Tonight will do." Li Changzhou said sonorous.

"Right away?"

"Tonight?" Ethan was blinded by his uncle's high efficiency.

He still remembers that his uncle used to let himself shop around.

Seeing Ethan's doubts, Li Changzhou said patiently, "Xiao Yuan, your language performance is good. Remember an old saying?"

"He treats me with a national scholar, and I repay him with a national scholar; He treats me with everyone, and I repay him with everyone. "

"With the endorsement of your principal and teacher Xu, I believe they will not jointly cheat you a child."

Li Changzhou looked at Ethan through the video: "Moreover, the starry martial arts hall controls the starry fighting network. I know a little about it, but I didn't expect your spiritual talent ... I was only a 12-level fighter after all, and now I am not a real fighter. Many things are really unclear."

Ethan listened.

Uncle fighters level is not high, but a lot of things, is really see through.

"In this matter."

"It is very insincere to treat you in the starry sky." Li Changzhou shook his head and said, "Uncle Zhong is nice, but it's normal to have your own selfishness ... You have to understand that everyone has to live."

Ethan nodded slightly, but he didn't blame Zhong Shu.

The other party is not the top of Wudian, and has no decision.

"But the Lord of the Ten Thousand Temples has given you the greatest sincerity, even willing to sponsor privately." Li Changzhou said in a low voice, "If we wait for the results of the martial arts hall and the starry sky martial arts hall ... then it will appear that we are insatiable."

"Sometimes, interests are very important."

"But sometimes, you still have to be worthy of your heart." Li Changzhou said, "Especially when you are about to embark on the road of martial arts."

"Remember a word, fighters, pay attention to an idea that is accessible and worthy of the heart."

"The idea is accessible and innocent." Ethan nodded and wrote it down silently.

"You promised to come down." Li Changzhou continued: "Not only Master Wan Dian, but also your teacher Xu Bo and even President Tan … will think that you are decisive and sincere."

"Maybe you don't care if you are strong in the future."

"Maybe it didn't benefit directly."

"But three people become tigers, and people are highly praised. Being a man depends on the long-term ... If you have a good reputation among practitioners in the future, you may be able to save your life at a critical moment." Li Changzhou asked.

"I see." Ethan nodded heavily.

Since junior high school, especially after high school, my uncle often instills some principles of dealing with people from some small things.

"OK, go ahead."

"I'll subpoena your aunt right away." Li Changzhou said, "If you want to sign the contract tonight, I'll let her come over."

Aunt and uncle are Ethan's guardians.

"good." Ethan nodded.

Hang up the video.


Didn't eat, Ethan directly came to Xu Bo's office and knocked at the door.

"Come in." A deep voice sounded.

Push the door.

"Teacher Xu." Ethan pushed open the door and said directly, "I just communicated with my family. My uncle and I are willing to sign the Spark Martial Hall."

"I'll subpoena the Lord of the Temple now. Do you think it's appropriate, teacher?" Ethan to the point.

"Would you like to sign the contract now?" There was a surprise in Xu Bo's eyes: "Wait for the result of the martial arts hall?"

"I can't wait."

Ethan shook his head and said, "My family and I are very satisfied with the conditions given by the Lord of the Ten Thousand Temples, and we all feel that there is no need to wait."

"You can sign the contract at any time, tonight will do." Ethan added.

"Ha ha."

"All right." A smile appeared on Xu Bo's cold face: "What you think is right, ok, I'll make a video call directly to Wandian, and he probably hasn't arrived home yet."

"Remember not to talk."

Li Yuan nodded.

Immediately, in front of Ethan, Xu Bo went to the main video phone of Wandian.

Hum ~ light condensation projection.

Put through.

"Create." Xu Bo laughed.

"Tower, what's up?" The Lord of the Temples is sitting in the car with a smile in his voice.

From the perspective of the master, there is no Ethan.

"I have good news for you." Xu Bo said with a smile: "Just now, Ethan communicated with his uncle and aunt. His uncle and aunt originally wanted to wait and see the conditions of the martial arts hall, but Ethan was sensible and took the initiative to persuade his family to agree to sign a contract with you."

"As far as the terms of the contract you have drawn up are concerned, there is no need to add anything."

"When is the right time to sign a contract?" Xu Bo smiled and said, "Tonight or tomorrow will do. What do you think?"

"Decided so soon?" All the temple owners were a little surprised, but the smile on their faces was even worse: "Well, I didn't see the wrong person."

"Since this little guy trusts me."


"The terms of the contract remain unchanged." The Lord of the Ten Thousand Temples pondered a little: "I personally, in addition to sponsoring him with one million blue star coins, give him one million more points."

"Ha ha, it's worthy of being a temple master, and it's heroic to shoot." Xu Bo smiled and said, "One million points are worth millions of blue star coins outside."

"Just before you left, you praised this little guy, and I believe the person who can make you look at the tower." The Master of Wandian smiled faintly: "Besides, as you know, these points have little effect on me. Who should I give them to?"


"Then I'll thank you for Ethan first." Xu Bo smiled and said, "Don't worry, this little guy is grateful and won't let you down."

The Lord of all temples smiled.

"Tonight, I have a dinner party ... the signing time is set at ten o'clock tomorrow morning." The owner of the Temple of Heaven thought for a moment and said, "Is it okay for you to give your students a half-day holiday?"

"No problem." Xu Bo laughed.

Subsequently, the two hung up the communication.

"Ethan, listen carefully." Xu Bo looked at Ethan and said with a smile, "Integral is used in the internal circulation of Xinghuo Wudian. It can be exchanged for many good things. One million points are worth as much as one million blue star coins."

"Thank you, Teacher." Ethan heartfelt way, he listened to the conversation just now.

If Xu Bo didn't deliberately beautify himself, I'm afraid I wouldn't get this benefit.

"Thank me for what I did."

"To be a teacher, shouldn't you think of your students?" Xu Bo waved and smiled: "If not, why should I be a teacher?"

"To help you, you have to have the ability." Xu Bo smiled and said, "Haven't you eaten yet?"

"Go to eat first."

"Sign the contract tomorrow, you come to school first, and I will go with you."