
Modern Azur Lanes

-)In this world, there is no COVID-19 outbreak as the world controlled it before it could happen but a few people still got it. -)world of Azur Lanes but in Modern times with a United Azur Lanes -)Before she became the Nimitz the main character was born Mary Elizabeth “Nightwitch” Nimitz the great-granddaughter of Chester William Nimitz, until her death she became and was the mother to the ship girls of Azur

Howard_Nichols · Video Games
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Chapter 2: A Mother's Resolve: Unveiling Truths and Embracing Unity

Chapter 2

-Mary's POV-

-August 10th, 2021- (77 years after the Second Battle of Guam)

-Azur Lanes base (Island Guam)-

As the sun began to filter through my bedroom curtains, I stirred from my slumber, feeling a sense of peace wash over me. It had been one month since my rescue from the Somali pirates and my assumption of command at Azur Lanes. In that time, my daughters and I had thrown ourselves into our duties, supporting missions in the Global War on Terrorism and conducting anti-piracy operations with unwavering determination.

Despite our busy schedules, my daughters always made sure to check in on me, their concern a silent reminder of the trauma we had endured together. Recognizing their need for reassurance, my daughter Belfast had taken on the role of my secretary, ensuring that someone was always there to watch over me, with her sisters walking from time to time when they had nightmares as if have just watched their mother just passed away.

As I reflected on the events of the past month, Belfast entered the room with a warm smile, carrying a tray laden with coffee, pancakes, and a newspaper. Setting the tray down on the table, she enveloped me in a hug, her comforting presence a soothing balm to my soul, "Good morning, Mother," Belfast greeted me softly. "I'll get the shower ready and your admiral uniform prepared. Take your time eating; your morning is free today."

With a grateful smile, I nodded and watched as Belfast disappeared into the connected bathroom, her gentle demeanor easing any lingering anxiety. Savoring the warmth of the coffee and the comfort of my daughter's presence, I knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, I would face them with the unwavering support of my beloved daughters by my side.

As Mary savored her pancakes and perused the newspaper, a particular article caught her attention. With a smile, she called out to Belfast, who was busy preparing the bathroom, "Bel, have you read the main article in the newspaper?" Mary inquired, her curiosity piqued, Belfast walked right back to the room, shaking her head and saying "No, Mother, I haven't had a chance. I was focused on making breakfast for you," she replied.

Mary chuckled softly and read aloud from the newspaper with a smile on her face, "On this day one month has passed since the Mother of Ship Girls was rescued from the hands of Somali pirates by Elite American Forces with the support of 10 of her daughters who are known as Enterprise, Yorktown, Hornet, New Jersey, South Dakota, Baltimore, Bremerton, Reno Saniego, St. Louis, Mullany, and Charles Ausbune all members of the Eagle Union part of Azur Lanes, She is now Commander of Azur Lanes Base where her are daughters are at." 

A smile still on her face Mary turns the newspaper to Balfest which shows the headline, which features a photo of herself standing proudly alongside the President of the United States hand in hand with members of Azur Lane behind the President of the United States smiles on their faces, all them are surrounded by Mary daughters who are cheering with the Head Line saying "MOTHER OF SHIP GIRLS IS NOW THE COMMANDER OF HER DAUGHTERS" 

Belfast's eyes widened in surprise and delight. "I thought there were reporters there at the time! It seems they took the photo after you agreed to be our commander, we all definitely didn't stop smiling for a whole while after that," she remarked with a grin.

With a laugh, Belfast continued, "Some of the naval base personnel who were on leave thought they were seeing things. My sister and I must have looked like we'd lost our minds. But I'm sure this article will clear up any confusion."

Just then, a few of Mary's other daughters, Enterprise, Amagi, Bismarck, Hornet, and Yorktown entered the room, each holding a copy of the newspaper. Bismarck spoke up, excitement evident in her voice, "It looks like it's finally made it to world news, Mother after a month, from what we are hearing it is all the news every channel is talking about it, and from what we've heard, a lot of nations are cheering after hearing about your safe return."

-8:00 am (0800 hours)-

An hour had passed since Mary finished her breakfast, took a refreshing shower, and donned her admiral uniform. As she stepped out of the bathroom, she found herself greeted by a group of naval officers engaged in conversation with her daughters.

Among them stood Admiral Michael M. Gilday, representing the United States, alongside counterparts from various other nations which are Admiral Sir Tony Radakin from Britain, Admiral Hiroshi Yamamura from Japan, Vizeadmiral Kay-Achim Schönbach from Germany, Admiral Aleksandr Mikhailovich Nosatov from Russia, Admiral Giuseppe Cavo Dragone from Italy, Admiralierre Vandier from France, and Admiral Dong Jun from China.

Admiral Gilday turned his attention to Mary as she approached, addressing her with a solemn tone. "We were just discussing the upcoming joint exercise with the Eagle Union's naval forces. It's scheduled for next week, and we wanted to ensure everything is in order. But first, we are here for something more important, and it is a matter of your rank."

Mary stood tall knowing the meaning of the last of Gilday's words and met Admiral Gilday's gaze with unwavering resolve. "I understand, Please proceed Gilday" she replied firmly.

Gilday nodes to Mary and then suggested broadcasting the promotion to everyone in Azur Lanes so that Mary's daughters could witness the momentous occasion, Mary with a smile nodded in agreement to the suggested broadcasting of the promotion so her daughters could watch, Mary's expression turned serious as the broadcast commenced, capturing the attention of her daughters and the personnel of Azur Lanes at the sudden Broadcast.

"Admiral Mary Elizabeth 'Nightwitch' Nimitz," Gilday announced solemnly, his words echoing throughout the base. "On this day, August 10th, 2021, with the unanimous decision of world leaders and members of the United Nations, I and my fellow Admirals are here to promote you, Mary, to the rank of Fleet Admiral, the very same rank that was bestowed upon your great-grandfather, Chester W. Nimitz, back in 1944. It is an honor to bestow upon you this title. Now go forth and lead Azur Lanes, it's Personal, and your daughters with honor."

With reverence, Admiral Sir Tony Radakin and Admiral Hiroshi Yamamura stepped forward, removing Mary's shoulder boards that had the Admiral rank on them and replacing them with those befitting a Fleet Admiral, marking the beginning of a new chapter in Mary's illustrious career and her new life.

Mary stood before the assembled admirals, her heart swelling with gratitude and pride as they bestowed upon her the prestigious title of Fleet Admiral. "Thank you, admirals, this is truly an honor beyond measure to receive this promotion", her voice trembling with emotion.

Turning to her daughters, Mary's eyes filled with tears of joy as she sees her daughters Enterprise, Hornet, and Yorktown holding the flag of the Fleet Admiral, with big smiles on their faces all the while saying "Conditions Mother", their gesture touched her deeply, and she felt a surge of overwhelming love for her daughters.

Approaching them with trembling steps, Mary spoke with heartfelt sincerity, "Thank you, my dear daughters. Your unwavering support means more to me than words can express. To see you standing here, holding the flag of the Fleet Admiral fills my heart with immense pride and joy."

With tears glistening in her eyes, Mary embraced each of her daughters tightly, feeling their love and support enveloping her like a warm embrace. The bond between them was unbreakable, and at that moment, Mary knew that she was truly blessed to have such remarkable daughters by her side.

As she embraced her daughters, Mary heard the joyful cries of her other daughters throughout the base, their voices ringing out in celebration of their mother's promotion to Fleet Admiral. It was a moment of pure happiness, one that Mary would cherish forever.

Mary sat with her daughters and the admirals, discussing the details of the upcoming joint exercise. As the meeting progressed, Mary couldn't shake the feeling that there was something she needed to address.

Glancing at her laptop, Mary began reviewing the files of her daughters, starting with Belfast and working her way down the list. However, it was when she reached Enterprise's file that she was met with a shock. Her daughter had been repeatedly denied requisitions for upgrades to her rigging and armaments, despite the clear need for them.

Feeling a surge of indignation, Mary called for the admirals to remain for a moment longer. With a determined expression, she shared the contents of Enterprise's requisition requests with the group, her voice ringing with authority.

"This is unacceptable," Mary declared, her tone firm and unwavering. "Enterprise, like all of my daughters, deserves the support and resources necessary to fulfill her duties effectively. I will not tolerate any negligence or oversight in this matter, as both the mother to my girl and as Fleet Admiral of Azur."

Turning to Enterprise, who sat between her sisters, Mary's heart swelled with love and regret. "Enterprise," she said, her voice choked with emotion, "I am approving the requisitions for the upgrades, effective immediately. You are to move your Idel to the nearest dry dock for upgrading after this meeting. And as your mother..."

Interrupting herself, Mary rose from her seat, enveloping Enterprise in a tight embrace. Tears welled in her eyes as she spoke, her voice trembling with remorse. "I should have looked into this sooner. I never want to see you in harm's way, my dear daughter. Please forgive me."

But Enterprise's response was one of understanding and compassion. "There is nothing to forgive, Mom," she reassured her mother, her own eyes glistening with tears. "I had forgotten about it after the last time I was denied for the upgrades."

In that moment, as mother and daughter shared a heartfelt embrace, Mary felt a profound sense of gratitude for the bond they shared, a bond that could weather any storm and overcome any obstacle.

As the clock struck 10 am, the meeting concluded, and Mary, Belfast, Enterprise, Amagi, Bismarck, Hornet, and Yorktown made their way out of the command building toward the docks. Today marked the beginning of the upgrades to Enterprise's rigging, armaments, and planes a momentous occasion for both mother and daughter.

Carrying her tablet with the details of the upgrades, Mary couldn't contain her excitement. She knew that Enterprise would be thrilled by the surprise awaiting her. As they reached the docks, Mary turned to her daughters with a smile, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.

"My lovely daughters," she began, her voice filled with pride, "I have a surprise for Enterprise." With that, she displayed her tablet, revealing the changes that would be made to the Enterprise's hull, armaments, and planes.

Enterprise, Belfast, Amagi, Bismarck, Hornet, and Yorktown looked on in astonishment as they saw the upgrades laid out before them, enterprise's planes which are the Douglas SBD Dauntless, Grumman F4F-3 Wildcats, Douglas TBD Devastator torpedo bombers with her Vought F4U-2 Corsairs would be replaced with the more advanced Vought F4U-4B Corsairs, which is a change that took them all by surprise.

But Mary wasn't finished yet, she continued to reveal to her daughters the additional planes that would be added to Enterprise's arsenal, which are the Grumman F6F-5 Hellcat Fighters, Grumman TBF-1C Avengers Torpedo Bombers, and Curtiss SB2C-4 Helldiver Dive Bombers, all of which were used by the Navy in 1945.

Lastly, Mary unveiled the enhancements to Enterprise's armament, which would see her firepower significantly increased, she will be going from 8 × Mark 12 5"/38 (12.7 cm) Deck gun on Mark 21 Mod 1 pedestal mounts, four Bofors 40 mm L/60 Autocannons on Mark 4 Quad mounts, a single quad 1.1"/75 (28 mm) Caliber Anti-aircraft gun, and 44 Oerlikon 20 mm/70 (0.79") Autocannons which all are to be upgraded to 8 x Mark 12 5"/38 (12.7 cm) Deck gun on Mark 21 Mod 1 pedestal mounts, 54 × Bofors 40 mm L/60 Autocannons (5 Mark 2 Quad and 11 Mark 4 Quad), and 32 × Oerlikon 20 mm/70 (0.79") Autocannons (16 on the twin Oerlikon gun mount), which she had From September 1945 till she was Decommissioned on February 17 th, 1947.

As Mary looked upon her daughters' faces, she could see the excitement and gratitude reflected in their eyes. This upgrade wasn't just about enhancing Enterprise's capabilities, it was about ensuring the safety and success of her entire fleet and family.

As we watched Enterprise's idle rigging, armaments, and planes undergo their much-deserved upgrades, a sense of unease settled over us, Enterprise lay in a dormant sleep within my arms holding her close to me, a silent prayer for her safety echoing in mine and her sister's hearts, we can not shake the worry taht is gnawing at us, knowing all too well the dangers that lurked in the shadows of her overhaul and upgrades.

As time seems to stretch on endlessly, with each passing moment tinged with apprehension. It felt like an eternity before a few technicians approached me, bearing a box labeled with the names of the three former commanders. Their solemn expressions spoke volumes, and my heart clenched with foreboding.

With a heavy heart, the head technician spoke, "My apologies fleet admiral, for the long wait so far but we found this stuff is the reason why we were taking so long it is due to what is in the box as head to make sure that we got them all as some of them were attached to Enterprise flight deck and we wanted to make sure that we got them all and we have" His words sent a chill down my spine, and I couldn't suppress a surge of anger at the thought of such betrayal.

Demanding confirmation, I inquired if they had managed to locate a copy of the signal produced by the tracking electronics. The lead technician nodded solemnly, and without hesitation, I reached for the radio at my side and said into it "I want the base locked down, all ship girls to the docks, and the Security Forces to secure ship girl idel rigging for tracking Electronics, as a box full was found on enterprise, I will not tolerate any harm that will come to my daughters lives," with that the base alarms go off with speakers though our the base a female voice calls out "base is under lockdown, all ship girls are to report to the docks, Security Forces to secure ship girl ideal rigging and are to search for tracking Electronics as of the orders of the Fleet Admiral and the base commander" 

-One Hour Later-

An hour passes as I watch with a mix of relief and determination. Teams of the base's Security Forces diligently inspect each ship girl's Idel Rigging, scouring for any trace of the illegal tracking electronics. Belfast, my faithful secretary, stands by my side, offering support as we await the outcome.

With each passing moment, my heart grows heavier with the weight of responsibility. The safety of my daughters is paramount, and I will not rest until every threat has been neutralized. Finally, the teams return, each one carrying a box labeled with the names of the three former commanders of Azur Lanes.

As the last box is placed with the others, a sense of reassurance washes over me. The threat posed by illegal tracking electronics has been eliminated, thanks to the swift action of the Security Forces. I turn to the officer in charge, offering a nod of gratitude for their diligence.

"Fleet Admiral, that was the last one," the Security Forces officer reports, saluting me with pride. "I can assure you that whatever the three former commanders had planned with the illegal tracking electronics will not work now."

With a sense of determination, I make my next move. "I am going to review the files on the three former commanders," I announce, addressing the sergeant. "Can you arrange that for me?"

The sergeant responds with a crisp salute and a resolute and unwavering voice says "Yes, Fleet Admiral. I will handle it immediately." With that assurance, I know that we are one step closer to uncovering the truth behind this sinister plot. No stone shall remain unturned in our quest for justice and security.

-30 Minutes Later-

As the dust settles from the discovery of the illegal tracking electronics, I waste no time in issuing orders for the three former commanders' files to be retrieved and examined by the Security Forces sergeant. Time is of the essence, and we cannot afford to delay in unraveling this mystery.

Back in the Commander's Office with Belfast by my side, we delve into the contents of the files, determined to uncover the truth behind the sinister plot. Enterprise lies on the couch, still unconscious from the forced sleep required during the overhaul of her Idel Rigging. Her peaceful rest belies the turmoil that awaits her upon awakening.

Suddenly, Enterprise stirs, roused from her slumber by the weight of the situation. As she awakens and takes in the scene before her, concern creases on her brow. "Good afternoon, Mother, Sister," she greets us, her voice tinged with worry. "How did the overhaul go?" Her question hangs in the air, unanswered, as she notices the files in my hands.

Confusion clouds Enterprise's features as she processes the gravity of the situation. "Something happened, Mother, Sister?" she inquires, her voice laced with apprehension. "Why are you looking over the three former commanders' files?"

With a heavy heart, I explain the grim truth to my daughter. "Something troubling has come to light, my dear," I reply solemnly. "During the overhaul, we discovered illegal tracking electronics embedded within your Idel Rigging. The devices bore the names of the three former commanders, posing a grave risk to the safety of everyone on the island."

Enterprise's reaction is one of profound gratitude and respect. Rising from the couch, she bows deeply before me, her expression reflecting the gravity of the situation, she says, her voice filled with emotion, "Mother, Thank you for taking swift action to ensure our safety both mind, Belfast, and your others daughters" Your vigilance and leadership are our greatest strength."

As Enterprise rises from her bow to me, my gaze shifts to the door as eight of my other daughters enter the room. Their concern for Enterprise is palpable, mirrored in their expressions as they gather around her. Yorktown and Hornet are the first to embrace their sister, their relief evident in the tightness of their embrace. Bismarck, Amagi, Kirov, Richelieu, Jean Bart, and Vittorio Veneto follow suit, surrounding Enterprise with their love and support.

After a few moments, the girls release their sister, allowing her some space to breathe. Sensing the need for privacy, I address my daughters, knowing that Enterprise requires a moment of respite. "Alright, girls," I say gently, "your sister needs a shower and a change of clothing. Enterprise, you can use my bathroom. I'll have replacement clothing ready for you to change into once you're done in the shower."

Enterprise's gratitude is evident as she smiles and thanks me before heading into the bathroom to freshen up. As she steps away, I can't help but feel a surge of pride in my daughters' unity and strength in the face of adversity.

-3rd Person POV-

After 10 minutes, Mary quietly enters the bathroom, placing Enterprise's new uniform on the countertop. She turns to leave but pauses, her heart swelling with a maternal and loving affection for her daughter. "Enterprise, sweety," she calls out gently, "I've left your new uniform here for you. Once you're finished with your shower, please change into it. We'll be waiting for you outside. I can't wait to see you in the clothing…I think you will like what I have set out for you."

Five minutes later, Enterprise steps out of the shower, feeling refreshed and ready to embrace the day. As she approaches the clothing laid out for her, she can't help but smile as she admires the meticulous arrangement. This isn't just any attire; it's something special, chosen with care by her mother, Mary.

Starting with the basics, Enterprise slips into the comfortable T-shirt bra and female briefs, appreciating the familiar feel against her skin. Next, she dons the crisp Mandarin collar white dress shirt, relishing its clean lines and professional appearance. For the lower half, she puts on the U.S. Navy male officer/CPO service dress white trousers, their immaculate tailoring a testament to her military heritage.

Enterprise carefully pulls on her U.S. Military white dress socks, ensuring they sit just right before stepping into her U.S. Military black leather oxford dress shoes, size 9.5. They're sturdy yet elegant, embodying the balance between strength and grace that she strives for.

With each piece of her uniform, Enterprise feels a sense of pride and purpose. She attaches the U.S. Navy line officer's sleeve device and the U.S. Navy captain (O-6) hard shoulder boards with precision, their weight a reminder of the responsibilities that come with her rank. Her nametag proudly displays her name and designation: "Enterprise (CV-6)."

Completing the ensemble, she fastens the white cotton belt with a gold finish around her waist, securing it with the U.S. Navy surface warfare belt buckle. Each ribbon on her chest tells a story of honor and service, a testament to the sacrifices made for freedom.

With a final touch, Enterprise adjusts the U.S. Navy captain's (O-6) white combination cap, its pristine form reflecting her resolve and determination. As she gazes at her reflection in the mirror, a smile spreads across her face, her heart filled with gratitude for her mother's love and support.

-Mary's POV-

Mary watches with pride as Enterprise emerges from the bathroom, resplendent in her new uniform. She stands alongside her other daughters, all of them stunned by Enterprise's transformation. As Enterprise gives a slow 360-degree turn to showcase her attire, Mary can't help but feel a surge of maternal warmth.

With a smile, Mary approaches Enterprise, her heart overflowing with love for her daughter. "My lovely daughter, that uniform looks perfect on you," she says, casting a glance at her other daughters for confirmation.

Bismarck is the first to speak up, expressing her admiration for Enterprise's appearance. However, her curiosity soon leads her to a revelation. "Wait a minute, Mom," she says, her eyes widening with realization. "Did you make this? It looks similar to yours but with a lower rank and additional embellishments."

Mary's smile widens as she confirms Bismarck's suspicions. "Yes, I did. It's a modified version of my own uniform, tailored to fit Enterprise. I included the medals she earned in '45 and her ship's insignia on the shoulders, just like her crew had during the Second World War."

Enterprise approaches her mother, gratitude shining in her eyes. "Thank you, Mother, for doing that. I'm truly grateful for your effort in making this uniform special for me."

Mary's eyes mist with emotion as she embraces her daughter, feeling a deep sense of connection and pride. As she holds Enterprise close, she knows that their bond as mother and daughter is stronger than ever, ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead.

-Enterprises New Uniform which is the U.S. Navy Male Officer Service Dress Blue Uniform in full detail with her ship's insignia on the shoulders:

-)Under Clothing: T-shirt Bra, Mandarin Collar White Dress Shirt, Female Briefs, and U.S. Military White Dress Socks

-)Navy Clothing: U.S. Navy Captian (O-6) White Combination Cap (size: 7), U.S. Navy Male Male Officer /CPO White Dress Shirt, U.S. Navy Female Male Officer /CPO Service Dress White Choker, White Military Gloves (Size: medium), U.S. Navy Male Officer/CPO Service Dress White CNT Trousers, U.S. Military Black Leather Oxford Dress Shoes (size: 9.5)

-)Attachment: U.S. Navy Black Four-in-Hand Tie

U.S. Navy / Coast Guard Commander Lacing Set, U.S. Navy Line Officer’s Sleeve Device, U.S. Navy Captin (O-6) Hard Shoulder Boards, U.S. Navy Female Shoulder Board Adapters, Nametag: U.S. Navy Black Name Tag (say’s: Enterprise (CV-6)), Ribbons (Presidential Unit Citation, Navy Unit Commendation, American Defense Service Medal with "Fleet" clasp, American Campaign Medal, Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal with twenty stars, World War II Victory Medal, Philippine Presidential Unit Citation, and Philippine Liberation Medal), White Cotton Belt with a Gold Finish, U.S. Navy Surface Warfare Belt Buckle, and U.S. Navy Officer/ CPO Coat and Jacket Buttons

-Note: could not find how a rank promotion works in the US Navy

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