
Mobuseka: The Black Heron.

What if instead of Leon, someone who had a very dark past with psychotic tendency replace him? What if he is a freak, a sadist with masochistic tendency? What if he initially look like a barbarian, what if he is a gentleman?

Duke_Atticus · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Chapter 3: Homecoming.

The sun hung low on the horizon, casting elongated shadows that danced eerily across the serene lake.

"He he... This place is nice."

Instantly, the surface of the water began to stir, creating delicate ripples that seemed to dance in tune with my spoken words.

Despite the daylight, a chill crept into the air, sending a pleasant shiver down my spine as I sat by the water's edge, dangling my bare legs over the water.

I raised the weathered cup to my lips, the liquid inside burning all the way down, contrasting with the slightly chilly environment.

As I gazed out across the still waters, I couldn't shake the feeling that something lurked just beyond the edge of my vision, hidden from sight.

Time stood still as I sat there, my heart pounding in my chest like a drumbeat of dread.

"Master, the preparation is complete." Just as I flirt with the idea of a Ghost he spoked.

"Good job."


"I am excited!" I laugh vigorously.


"It is quite unfortunate that the master I've been eagerly anticipating for millennia happens to be a charming pervert."

I wasn't angry at his backhanded comments, of course; the robot was a tsundere. Closing my eyes, I pour the liquor and took another sip.

As expected, Luxion was as amazing as advertised, but I couldn't trust him completely.

According to discussions on Reddit, Luxion betrayed Leon in some routes.

Although I hadn't read those routes, I'm pretty sure there is at least more than 1% chance he could betray me...

However slim, that possibility may be in theory, but in practised, in the matters of life and death, that slight odds is rather high.

For that reason, I shared what I knew of Earth's civilization with him, and over time, I sensed that Luxion began to trust me more.

Though it still wasn't 100% safe, if I followed the plot of the light novel, Luxion wouldn't betray me for at least two years.

"But I have no intention to follow it blindly... It's not exciting enough, is it?"

"Master, although I lack the capacity for human emotions, your occasional mutterings have evoked a sensation within me, akin to what humans might call discomfort."

I looked at the spherical ball beside me and chuckle.

Let's hope I can manipulate him thoroughly during the two-year time frame.

The next day, as soon as I finished breakfast, I heard a monotonic metallic voice.

"Master, we will leave now."

"Sure," I replied, standing up. "Have you loaded the treasures?"

"No, I have not."


"Haaa..." From what I know from the novel, this A.I is incapable of sighing or such.

He continued as I thought about its information.

"The capacity of the master is quite low, it appears. Why would I say we are prepared if I haven't?"

"Heh heh heh, sorry sorry. Now shall we?"

Then I moved to the open field where there was a small-medium ship, its appearance plainer than what I imagined.

"The capability is at least five times greater than what you had brought, master."

He probably had sensed my thoughts. The guy was more sensitive than I imagined.

"Ha ha ha." I laughed, a terrible habit that died hard, I suppose.

"Let's go, Luxion."


It had been almost three months since Leon had left the house.

"He probably ran away from home or, you know, did us all a favor and died somewhere. Who knows?"

Every mother in the world would be hot hearing those words, and in truth, Luce was also very angry. And she was even more helpless.

She bore the silent weight of worry, etched beneath her eyes like delicate brushstrokes of shadow, telling the tale of restless nights and the quiet hollows of her cheeks.

She was worried, for the past month... day and night.

"Zola! Please choose your words better."

"What would your grand plan entail if I happened to not comply? Balcus?"

Zola had been subtly pressuring the couple like this for the past weeks to give up their youngest son, Colin.

While that may be a terrible thing to do, she was pretentious enough to only care for what her interests entailed.

As the exchanges between the mistress and her husband willingly invade her ears again, tears welled up once more, a poignant reminder of her own sense of helplessness in the face of it all.

It seemed as though at any moment, she might slip into a numbing haze, consumed by the weight of her current plight.

Worries, fears, and a profound sense of powerlessness tangled within her, threatening to overwhelm her fragile resolve.

It was so suffocating, but what could she do? Time already passess by.

"Just ensure Colin is promptly dispatched to my friend; the commitment has been made, and it's non-negotiable."

As she delicately raised the porcelain cup to her lips once more, a furrow formed on her brow, disturbed by the sudden cacophony that reverberated throughout the mansion.

Balcus immediately got up to check. He peeked through the window to see a large-sized airship above the land.

"Is it an invasion?!"

He was startled for a moment. But just as the ship descended, he saw a familiar face on top of the ship. Indeed it was familliar, the shiloette was of the boy who had make him continously angry and worried for the past month.

He laugh in satisfaction. ".... That boy."

A single footfall echoed behind him, followed swiftly by a sharp intake of breath from where the sound stop.

However there was silent for a few second, she was shocked and befuddled.

But at last, tears welled up in her tired eyes, tracing a gentle path down her cheeks.

"Haah... haah... haah... It's Leon... It really is Le— Leon... ha ha ha..." she uttered between gasps, her emotions intertwining in a tumultuous blend of laughter and sobs.


The young lad, previously the topic of conversation, interjected before the unexpected arrival of the ship barge within the room, exclaiming, "Mom! Dad! Big brother Leon has returned."

With a sense of duty fulfilled, and like the child he was, the boy swiftly exited the room excited, as if his task had reached its conclusion.

Luce wiped her tears with both her hands, sobbing in between her laughs and immediately follow Colin outside.

Balcus immediately followed them and noticed the frown on Zola, as her gaze pierced through the boy and fixated on the vessel laden with a bounty of riches.

But he couldn't care less for the moment. All he want right now was to talk with his son.

While he was seemingly calmer than Luce outward, he was also very shaken inside. His agreement with Leon was for two months.

And to be honest, he honestly agreed with Zola; he either ran away or died somewhere.

Knowing his son however, out of the two possibility, the latter is the more likely option. But because he was the head of his house, he had to be strong in front of Luce at least, to put her at ease.

As he ran hurriedly after his family toward the big ship, he saw his wife Luce tenderly hugging Leon and sobbing while Leon was caressing her back gently.

While colin was at the back climbing and observing the ship.

"I'm here, mother, stop crying."

"Heh heh heh, whhy are youd so chjeeky, Leon?" She put even more force onto her grip.

She couldn't talk properly because a sob always escaped her lips as soon as she opened her mouth for longer than a sentence.

Balcus breathed a sigh of relief upon sighting his son unharmed, his face brightening with a smile as he now approached them slowly.

But seemingly unable to read the mood, someone passed by his side in haste and called out to them.

"Good job! Now hand over the treasures." The orc in blonde pompously demanded.

Leon, from his mother's embrace, peeked. If the woman could see, she would have seen the sickening smile on his face.

This event had been the culmination of his restless anticipation, a moment he had awaited fervently day and night.

He could scarcely contain his eagerness to triumphantly trample over her pride.

Supressing the chuckle that attempted to escape his lips he asked, "Uh? Why?" Like the most innocent being in the universe.

"Why? You little..." She was angry.

Leon pulled himself back from the embrace to face the woman.

He pointed at the treasures. "These treasures belong to me... Oh, was I in debt or something?"

He was condescending, sarcastic, and purely satirical now after the innocent act.

"You got all those treasures thanks to your parents. Don't think they entirely belong to you. You—"

He cut her off before she could run her dirty old cum-dump again. "Hmm... Of course, of course I intend to return everything 10 fold..."

He chuckled and hid his eyes with his palm. "Ha ha ha... I'll 'return' of course... So do I have something to return to you?"

He stole her a glance through his parted fingers, as though she were an abhorrent sight too repulsive to face directly.

Zola's fury simmered to a boiling point, her resolve so fierce that she teetered on the brink of lunging at him.

"You dare to—"

But as she advanced toward the boy with wrath in her heart, the boy leveled a pistol at her forehead with a chilling indifference etched upon his features.

He gave a distorted smile and said, "Lady, be very careful with what you do... I'm already an independent house."

Just as Leon was about to scare her any further, Luce slapped Leon's hand and Balcus chimed in.


"Ha ha ha... I'm joking. I'm joking, of course." He shrugg his shoulder and raise his hands in resignation.

He regarded Zola once more with disdain, as if she were naught but an insignificant insect, before callously hurling a bag of gold in her direction.

"Here you go lady, you can have it."

Naturally, the boy was perfectly intelligent enough to realise that anyone with even a modicum of pride would decline such an offer. It was just to flirt with her pride the last time.

Zola seethed with such intensity that she felt on the verge of combustion.

Her cheeks flushed crimson with fury as she wordlessly withdrew from the scene, even forgetting she has the capability to speak.

"Ha ha ha ha." There was such a laughter behind her back.

"Haaaaaah... Leon!" Balcus look at him and reprimanded harshly. "Why are you constantly provoking her?" With a frowned.

"She deserved it."

"Leon! You shouldn't—" But Luce interrupted and asked, "Leon, you talked about independence... What does that mean?"

He smiled at them, but they flinched as if it were predetermined.


He relaxed his face and then explained his future plan.

Side Note: what do you guys prefer, 3rd person POV or 1st person POV?

Also, If we get 30 powerstone this week, i'd do something with my procrastination and try to upload twice a day.