
Mobster With a Broken System Wants to Dominate the Underworld

Elliot Amom was just an illegal fighter in his country. But because he suffers an injury, he is forced to stop fighting and will have to use a cane for the rest of his life. While still sinking in despair and hopelessness, he receives the news that his brother has died. Trying to make a good life for his brother, Elliot Amom was kidnapped, and held captive for years. When he was finally released, he was killed. At death's door, Elliot Amom is given a second chance. Elliot awakens in his bed years ago, just before his brother was killed. With a look of surprise and suspicion, Elliot notices that there is a translucent screen in front of him! *Ding! Welcome host! Please do the tutorial missions and unlock new system functions! Now that he has received his chance, Elliot has the chance to get revenge and redo everything he did wrong. He won't waste his new life! In a world that seems to have stopped in the 80s with cyberpunk elements, what will Elliot do to achieve his goals? Chapters per week: 5 Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday Every 100 power stones, +1 chapter Every 500 coins +1 chapter

DearDukkha · Urban
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61 Chs

Active Skill (Not Edited)

The first person to react was Margot. Years in a war that seemed eternal was not just for show. She was originally between Mk and Gustav, but with Mk dead, she threw herself on top of Gustav and lay on the ground. Elliot was the second to react, he pushed Bruja to the ground, and just as she fell, a red laser hit the spot she was standing on. Elliot then threw himself to the ground, taking Stella with him. Elliot then turned the table they were on, so as not to give a wide view of their targets.

Elliot's subordinates responded only a second slower than Margot, but they quickly found shelter for themselves. All were with weapons in hand, except Bruja, who preferred knives and daggers.

"What the fuck was that?! They killed Mk? Who are we dealing with here? Fuck!" Bruja exposed what everyone was thinking.

"It doesn't matter who they are. They are enemies, as long as they breathe, we will not live in peace." Elliot had a lot to think about, but he decided to put it all in one corner of his mind.

Elliot looked into a corner, and a transparent screen appeared before him.

[Weekly Mission: Survive!

In these days of violence and chaos, survival has become underrated. Survive for a week.

Reward: 1 active skill, 230 Exp

Time left: 00:01:54]

Elliot found it comical to say the least when he first saw this mission, but now he understood why. The question he had was: how did the system know that they would try to kill him that week?

Elliot pushed all the doubts and questions to the back of his mind, and tried not to die... again. He didn't know if when he died, he would return to his room, just as he had two weeks ago. But Elliot didn't like dying, and he certainly wouldn't want to die a second time.

While he was thinking about how to keep everyone alive, including himself, something changed.


A deafening explosion occurred, and the entire restaurant came crashing down. Elliot and the others were thrown away, and Elliot lost consciousness for a few moments.

Elliot dreamed something strange. He saw himself older, maybe 30 years old. Elliot lived a happy life, with a wife he couldn't see her face, but he felt in his heart that she was beautiful like no other. He had three children, two boys, and one girl.

Elliot couldn't see their faces either, but he loved them all equally. Elliot seemed to live a lifetime with this family, but before he could see an end to this dream, he awoke.

Elliot was dizzy, and couldn't tell where he was. He had trouble knowing where heaven was and where earth was. Putting his hands to his ears, Elliot saw blood on his hands, and even though his mind was foggy, Elliot knew that a bomb had been exploded in the restaurant.

Elliot looked at his surroundings, and saw that although the entire restaurant had collapsed, he was not under any debris. He couldn't see any of his allies, but Elliot knew that he needed to ensure his own safety first. Glancing at the stopwatch, he noticed that only 30 seconds had passed.

"Looks like I'm back in the damn prison, where minutes felt like hours... what the hell!" Elliot muttered as he stood up with difficulty.

Elliot propped himself up on the pieces of ceiling that had fallen, and tried to look for his gun, or any gun he could find. Although the sun was still high in the sky, all Elliot could see were blurs. Maybe dust got into his eyes, or something happened in his eyes, but Elliot could still see some figures in the distance, getting closer.

Elliot threw himself behind some debris that could act as a cover, he began looking at the ground for something that could be used as a weapon. With his hearing returning, Elliot could now hear the cries of desperation and calls for help, probably innocent people who were caught in the crossfire.

Elliot focused all his attention on the footsteps approaching his current location, not missing a single step. Elliot clung to a 6-inch (15.24 cm) iron bar, a piece of the structure that had probably fallen from the ceiling.

Pretending to be unconscious, Elliot waited patiently for his target to arrive. The system warned Elliot that he had accomplished his mission, but this was no time for that. Because he could not rely on his sense of direction or his sight at this time, Elliot had to rely on his hearing and touch.

A tall man wearing a military helmet, black clothes, and a thin blue coat covered his entire body. In the war against the androids, this protective cover was invented by the humans, so that the soldiers could fight against the androids' laser and plasma weapons. This cover repelled any lasers aimed at the soldier's body, as well as plasma weapons.

Seeing Elliot's body, the soldier carefully approached, and kicked Elliot's leg. Seeing that Elliot didn't show any reaction, he carefully approached Elliot, to check his vital signs.

This was the opportunity Elliot had been waiting for. Elliot couldn't attack him when he was far away, the reason being obvious. As soon as he was checking his vital signs would not be ideal either, as he would be watching for every slightest movement. The best time would be when he was halfway there, and that's what Elliot did.

With his good leg, Elliot knocked the soldier down, and taking advantage of the moment of surprise the man received, Elliot climbed on top of him, and taking advantage of having a steel-boned leg, Elliot used his leg to create as much pressure as possible on the man's diaphragm, trying to make him lose air. Being caught by surprise, the soldier had a slightly slower reaction time, but soon held his gun and was about to fire, but was stopped when an iron bar just below his chin.

Because it wasn't a sharp blade and he couldn't apply enough force, the blow hadn't been lethal, but Elliot didn't care. In his days as a fighter, Elliot knew that anger was an infinite source of energy, and at this moment, he had a lifetime of anger and hatred!

The soldier tried desperately to pull the iron bar out, and the more he tried, the more he drowned in his blood, Elliot watched for a second, before shoving the iron deeper, so that it pierced the soldier's brain. The sound of grinding flesh and the sound of the soldier drowning was not enough to appease Elliot's anger. Mk had been killed, his life was at stake, and he didn't know what had happened to the others.

Elliot was furious! He couldn't wait to kill everyone in his path, but he knew he couldn't do that. For better or worse, Elliot is just an ordinary citizen, an ordinary citizen, who has been caught up in a terrorist attack. Elliot couldn't kill everyone here.

Soon this place would be crowded with prying eyes and reporters, Elliot didn't want to go to Amerid with several crimes to his name. Elliot would like to live a life where he wouldn't have to live in the shadows. For these reasons, even with his body boiling with pure hatred, Elliot kept a small thread of sanity and didn't go out attacking everyone after killing this soldier.

Elliot looked quickly in all directions, and noticed that no one else was coming in that direction. Now with better vision, Elliot could see men and women dressed like the man he had killed, and they were all killing anyone they could find among the rubble of the restaurant. Elliot now had a bit of information.

The person who tried to kill him was certainly not afraid of creating a mess, and had the money or the power to mobilize a small, very well trained squad. This person must have been involved with the police or the army, because there were few people who kept a private army and would go unnoticed.

Elliot's head was working quickly, but he couldn't think of a way out of this situation. Taking the soldier's gun, Elliot was careful to cover his hands, so as not to leave fingerprints behind. Now Elliot finally saw the message that the system showed earlier.

[Congratulations, host! You have completed the weekly mission! You received 230 Exp and 1 new active skill!]

[Hit Kill: Centuries ago, brave men and women survived in this world with only their gun and their aim. At a range of 30 meters (98.4 Ft), any shot fired by the host will hit a vital point of the target].

[Name: Elliot Amom

Age: 19

Race: Human

Level: 1

Title: Treacherous Blood Carnage Demon

HP: 70


Strength: 10

Speed: 5

Endurance: 6

Combat Power: 3

Intelligence: 3

Unspent Points: 0

Active Abilities: Hit Kill (Lvl:0)

Passive Abilities: Mental Corruption (Lvl:0)]

"Finally a useful skill!" Elliot couldn't help but mutter.

Elliot counted how many bullets they still had in the magazine, and looked at the nearest enemies. It was then that a voice came from the soldier that Elliot had killed.

"Message to all teams, I repeat, message to all teams. Does any team confirm that they have killed the target?"

"Team 1 has not identified the target among those shot down."

"Team 3 did not identify the target among the downed."

"Team 2 did not identify the target among those shot down."

"Team 5 did not identify the target among the slaughtered."

"Team 4 did not shoot down the target."

After that report, Elliot heard a series of curses from a female voice, and soon after, another statement came.

"To all teams, I repeat, to all teams. Fall back immediately, local forces are moving toward you. Repeat, drop everything you are doing, and pull back immediately!" The female voice said;

Elliot heard rushing footsteps, and looking through the cover, Elliot saw all the enemies retreating as he heard police sirens approaching. Elliot moved swiftly, in search of Margot, Gustav, Bruja, and Stella.

Elliot found Margot, who similar to Elliot, was looking for a moment to retaliate, but she was armed from the start. Seeing Elliot, she understood that it was already safe to leave the place, and with just a small nod from both of them, they tacitly agreed to look for the others. They only had a few seconds, and they couldn't waste time talking about whatever the subject was.

Elliot found Gustav among the rubble, and Margot found Bruja. Elliot kept looking for Stella, but couldn't see her anywhere. The sirens were getting closer and closer, but Elliot or Margot could see no sign of Stella.

"Elliot..." Margot didn't have the courage to finish her sentence.

Elliot focused his attention on the direction of the sirens, and looked down the only street in that direction. As he moved back in search of Stella, Elliot aimed at a large screen that was high above the crosswalk. The screen was still showing an advertisement for some kind of carbonated beverage. Elliot got as close as he could to the screen, but without leaving the area of rubble.





Elliot shot all the supports that held the screen in place, and as soon as the screen fell, a shower of sparks and then flames engulfed the place. The police cars arrived soon after, but because of the momentary outbreak of flames, not even the flying cars could get through. The police split in two, one part waited for the flames, and the other went to a nearby street.

While still searching, Elliot could not contain his words.

"If it was any other time, it would take hours for the police to arrive, but today, they are committed to work, huh."

It was then that Elliot saw his sister. Half of her was buried. Elliot began to clear all the debris from on top of Stella. The feeling of urgency only increased, but Elliot refused to leave Stella behind. It had only been one week since Elliot had met her, but she was his sister.

Elliot wanted to conquer the world, but what good was it to be alone at the top?

Elliot wanted security, but with whom would he enjoy this security?

Elliot wanted money, but what good is all the money in the world and no one to spend it with?

Leaving Stella behind would set a dangerous precedent, one that Elliot didn't want. He could see himself 20 years in the future, alone and lonely, because whenever he found himself without choices, he would sacrifice someone close to him, just for convenience.

Stella's body was displayed, and Elliot noticed that she was paler than usual. Removing the last stones from Stella's body, Elliot's hands no longer had any skin on them, but he could hardly feel that pain now, not with what he saw in front of him. His sister's left arm was pierced by a steel beam.

Elliot knew he would regret this, but he still tried to remove Stella's arm in one piece. Before he could start, however, he heard the dead soldier's radio once again.

"Team 3 to HQ, I repeat, team 3 to HQ! An agent has been shot down, the mission has been compromised!" A male voice said.

With a few seconds left, the same female voice from before sounded once again, but this time with clear hatred.

"You fucking useless bastards! How did you manage to lose someone on such a simple mission! Deploy directive 2!"

Elliot didn't have to be a genius to know what would happen next. Elliot took a good look at his sister's face, and said in a whisper that was lost among the cacophony of noises around him.

"I'm sorry about that, sister."






Do you wish to have advance chapters and other stories written by me? Visit my pa treon! pa treon.com/DearDukkha

Chapters in pa treon: 21

A chapter every day, before nightfall.

If there are many patrons, I will try to find someone to edit the chapters so that you will have more quality reading!

If you want to interact with me, follow me on twitter! @SanDukkha

My health is still pretty bad, which is why the chapter came out so late. I hope things will be back to normal soon. Good reading everyone and see you in the next chapter!

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