
Gussion and Zoe

Gussion is one of the strongest assassins in the Land of Dawn, he fights the evil single-handedly with his swords and make his enemies regret who they faced.

One day, there's a contest in the Land of Dawn where the heroes face-to-face and see who's the deserving hero to obtain the Twilight Crystal. Gussion wants to obtain the crystal not to win and become powerful but to be the right hero to save The Land Of Dawn from the forces of evil. Gussion was winning every round until he saw Zoe.

Zoe (The Silent Killer) is one of the most powerful assassins from a diffirent world. Zoe can eliminate his opponent without even noticing by his enemies, he uses his long one handed sword to eliminate his opponent silently.

In the contest of Land Of Dawn, Gussion proves everyone that he's the one who should take the Twilight Crystal, until the last round, he was faced with Zoe, a silent killer from a diffirent world.

Then the match begins! Gussion puts the first attack!(Sword Spike) But Zoe dodged his attack, Gussion puts the second attack(Shadow Blade) But Zoe dodged it again! Zoe is too fast and silent that Gussion didn't even think that he did not hit him.

Gussion: What's happening? I thought I hit you?

Zoe: That's what you thought, am I too fast for you?

Gussion: Not as fast as now(Incandescence!)

Zoe: What the..

"Zoe is surrounded by 10 Daggers"

Gussion: The match ends here Zoe.

The match was about to end but a portal from The Dark World appeares, then the evil forces from the Dark World comes and invaded the Stadium. Gussion desided to stop the match and told to Zoe that they should team up and stop the evil, Zoe approves and teamed-up with Gussion to stop the evil.

Gussion realised that Evil wants the Twilight Crystal for the their king of the Dark World (Animus). Zoe got an idea that they should destroy the Twilight Crystal so the enemies will stop coming through. Gussion approved, Gussion and Zoe raised their swords and shared their magic power to each other, then they destroyed the Twilight Crystal and fight the evil.

In the End, the forces from the Dark World was stopped. Both heroes realised that the power of the Twilight Crystal is too much that no one deserves for such a limitless power, that's why they destroyed the Twilight Crystal. Gussion and Zoe are now friends and are now protecting their own world from the forces of evil.

Thankyou for Reading :)

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