
Lunox Selena - Fluff

3rd Person's Pov

Today Selena invited Lunox for a sleepover! Lunox is Selena's #1 Bestfriend so she decided to only invite Lunox, she didn't enjoyed their other classmates too much.


The classroom was a mess, crankled paper were scattered everywhere. "AIM GUSION!!!" a young magenta haired woman wearing an eye patch shouted.

"Huh?! Why me?!—" The young man looked at his classmates as they all eyed gusion. "Uh—heheh...Can we just skip me and—" he was cut off by being hitted by a ball of paper. "NO!" they all shouted as they hit gusion with balls—PAPEr BaLls *Cough**Cough*.

However in the corner Lunox was in the corner sitting on her chair. "So noisy..." she covered her ears she didn't like noisy things too much, guess some people has their differences right?

"Lunox!" Lunox looked whom at the person who called her name, a certain pink haired dark elf was infront of her. "That's your name right? Hope I didn't said it wrong." she questioned in a cute tone. Lunox scanned her like a robot, she was not tall nor small just the right size, she had thick legs—wait why was Lunox starring at her beautiful legs tho? Her chest was big. Lunox then thought about her's. She blushed a tint of pink on her cheeks "My name's Selena! Can we be friends?" she smiled at lunox

She then sighed and accepted it "Ok I guess.." she mumbled only recieving a big hug from Selena, she didn't know that her boobs were smothering lunox's face. 'Gay panic alert' "That's settled then! Come on let's have lunch together after the school bell rings!~" Mr. Estes had entered the classroom "Settle down class!" he announce, she let lunox go and went back to her seat while waving at her leaving lunox blushing so damn red.

Lunox just sat on her desk and listened towards Mr. Estes' teachings, lunox doesn't know how to deal with people too much. She's been always inside the house not outside, she didn't mostly like the outside world and for not talking or communicating with people she's just shy and quiet.

After a couple of minutes the school bell rang, the students fixed up their bags and went out of the classroom. Selena walked towards with her bag on her back "Let's go eat now! I'm starving~" Selena drag her to the cafeteria as they found a table for themselves.

The two ate their food while talking about themselves, Lunox was quite enjoying talking to her even if she's talkactive thinking that it must have been so long that she haven't talk to people like her too.

Lunox: "Sooo...*poking her sushi* Are you this talkactive?—Not that I'm being rude or something I'm just asking—"

Selena: "Oh don't worry you weren't rude at all! I'm just.. *sad face* *sigh* Its been so long since the last time my parents sent me to a school like this.. You see I was always being home schooled, my parents are too protective over me they wouldn't let me have friends from the outside world."

Lunox's Pov

Judging in my perspective, her face is full of sadness and boredom. No wonder she's all happy go lucky today and so talkative. Like wouldn't it be horrible that your parents wouldn't let you go to go school or have friends? That's terrible—Unlike me I avoid it and its the opposite of her's.

"Oh I feel you, its kinda uninteresting of learning life when your basically alone." "Like listen to this, I don't like people too much and you kinda like being in a sea of people than me..." I said and sighed Atleast she can make friends so fast rather than me, I'm just a loner type...

Selena: "Mhmm but I'm a Night Elf!" *giggles* "And I suppose your an elf too? *comes closer to Lunox's face* "Do you prefer elves like me than humans?" *in a sweet tone*

Her face is close HeR FAcE iS cLOsE HER FACE IS SO CLOSE!!! I slammed my head on the table my hair covering my red flushed face.

"Are you okay?!" selena said with a worried tone, I sit up properly again and shooked my head "O-Oh I'm fine! Ha-ha don't worry—btw when you mean't by 'elves such as like you' uh do you mean female elves?..." my voice crack by the end my sentence way to go Lunox. I saw her blushed in a dark shade of red on her cheeks. "A-Ah! I-I didn't mean't to say that you would rather like female elves—I mean't you would prefer onto l-liking elves such as like you.." she said while she mumbled the last part.

"O-Oh, That hahaha my mistake too! But yeah... I would prefer elves than humans..." I said not that because I'm kinda lesbian—I trust our kind more than humans..

"Oh ok!" she smiled again gosh her smile is the only brightest thing I have ever seen in my entire life!

She reaches out her hand to me and says "I hope we can get along until the end Lunox!" I then reached out my hand to hers "I doubt our friendship would get any better than this!" I smiled back to her as we both laugh.

*End of Flashback*

Its just been a few months and we already became close so quickly! We would always go to school together, went to eat in the cafeteria, we would always discuss things that both of us are interested. Oh and did you know that I always keep in watch of her whenever if she needed to go somewhere else? I stalk her during her daily basis. She doesn't know that I'm actually attracted towards females not males! I have fallen for a gorgeous elf like her.

It made me shy to tell her the truth about it...  Then the school bell rang "Lunch time is over." Selena packed up her lunch box and fixed her bag "I'll see you in class Lunox!~" she warmly smiled making my heart melt from her sweet smile.

After that we got along so well, I often let her in my apartment—compare to her's. Her's was a damn massive mansion, her family is rich so yes it is why their house is a damn fucking massive house while mine is just like the size of their bathroom! And by that, their bathroom was big too.

A couple of days later she personally invited me to come over to her house for a sleepover—ONLY the TWO of us.

3rd Person's Pov

Lunox was rolling around her bed crazily "KYAAAH! What should I do? She's straight and I'm GAY!!!" she squeeled while slamming her face on a pillow many times. Few minutes later she calm herself down "Ok! *sweating nervously* I just need to act cool!" she shooked her head and went to her cabinet to get some clothes.

Lunox stuffed different clothes in her bag including her pajamas for the sleepyover. "Everything's settled! Now I jist need to zip up my bag—" when she tried zipping up her bag ot wouldn't close.

The clothes that were stuffed inside the bag where too many for it to handle. "Come ON!!" lunox struggled on zipping up her bag close "A-Almost there—" by the time she pulled up the zipper it broke and hit lunox on the forehead.

"FUCK!" she shouted in anger while being frustrated, she stood up and walked up to her cabinet and get a suitcase.

She hurriedly threw the clothes to the suitcase and closing the suitcase by jumping up and down on the suitcase until it was able to close. She jumped one more time and the suitcase instantly closed *click* "Finally!" she carried the heavy thing and called for a taxi to go to Selena's mansion

A couple of minutes later, Lunox finally reached the mansion.

She slowly walked up to the door and push the doorbell, the door burst open as Selena appeared "Lunox!" she gave Lunox a big hug and again with the smothering Lunox's face with her big breast.

"Yes!—" lunox squeeled "What?" "I said YEy!" her voice crack "Ok? Come' on come inside! It's cold outside you know!" Selena pulled her inside the mansion as she lead her to her room.

Her door was engraved with royal engravings colored with silver, black and royal violet (Hey I just know that Violet is for royals in other country ok).

"Heheh are you a princess than a regular pretty girl?" lunox bluffed "Oh I am just an ordinary girl who's lucky to have you as a friend!~" she smiled making Lunox a blushing mess "E-Eh stop that! Your e-embarrassing m-me!.." she pouted while covering her face preventing Selena upon seeing her red face. "Hahah I'm sorry!" she softly touched Lunox's hand "There's no need to hide your face, I'm here for you know?" she slightly smiled towards Lunox.

Lunox saw her eyes twinkle in delight, she was gorgeous in any way. With or without make-up Lunox liked Selena in any appearance she would be. She wished Selena to be her beloved princess. While Lunox being in trance by Selena's beauty, Selena grab the doornob to open the door.

Lunox snapped from her daydream and left her in awe as she saw Selena's room. Her room was quite big but didn't have too much things. And by things, not like outside of her room were full of fancy decorations, Selena's room has just the right amount of decorations which makes her room flawless.

Lunox: "Why don't you have fancy decorations like outside?"

Selena: "I don't like to be too fancy...I like it balance, having just the amount of decorations is just right for me."

Selena showed Lunox her queen sized bed to Lunox "..." "Ok this is so embarassing for me—like you have a queen sized bed while all I have is just a bed sized as a couch!" scowled Lunox. Selena just chuckled "Atleast you'll be sleeping a big bed right? And sleeping with me too!" she squeeled.

Lunox exe. has stop working. Thousands of questions came rushing in Lunox's mind. 'Sleeping with her?' 'Is she gonna hug me while sleeping?' 'WHAT AM I GONNA DO?!' 'What's the feeling sleeping with a girl?' 'Wtf Lunox.'. Seconds later she had a gay panic attack again, Lunox was now hyperventilating.

"Lunox are you alright?!" selena concerned while finding a way to calm her down. "I-I'm alright!—I-I just need sone fresh air!" Lunox rushed outside of Selena's balcony breathing heavily.

"What am I gonna do?! If I even tell her that I like her she would never face me again!" she flustered while stomping the hard tiles "Ugh! Why am I falling in love with a girl? Falling in love with her? This is so embarrassing!" she sat on the floor pulling her knees infront of her. "How am I gonna face Selena in this state? I'm such a weakling..." she weeped.

"Face what?" Selena peeked feom the door walking towards Lunox "Lunox are you alright?.." she asked with a worried look seeing Lunox in distress. "I'm fine...I just...Ugh." Lunox burried her head between her knees.

"Hey if you have a problem you could always talk to me. Come' on let's go back inside first." Selena gave her a hand giving lunox a smile.

"Fine.." Lunox accepted her help and rose uo from her position. The two went back inside Selena's room and sat on her bed.

"Is there something you want to tell me?" Selena questioned her in a calm tone. "N-Nothing! I just...W-Well.." Lunox looked away feom Selena "Am I making you uncomfortable?" Selena saddened as she looked on Lunox, Lunox's eyes widened in shock "What?! No! It's n-not like that—I just..." she sighed and took a deep breath.

"L-Listen Selena... You won't believe what I'm going to say ok?.." Selena nodded "I'll believe you in anything Lunox!" she gave her a warm smile making Lunox chuckle a bit. "Ok...I..I kinda like you—Well I like you in a lovely way—I MEan in a normal way!" she shooked her head while being flustered.

"Wait, You..Like me?" Selena was in shock of what Lunox said. "Yes! —I mean no—I mean yes!" Lunox hid her face on a pillow while hugging it. 'She'll never like me now!..' Lunox thought but then she heard a soft chuckle from Selena.

"Its ok Lunox..." she giggled leaving Lunox confused. "Wait your ok with it?" looking up on Selena "Yes! Well its because.." Selena slowly approached Lunox's position and said "I kinda..." Selena shyly put her hand on her face "Kinda what?—" suddenly Lunox felt a pair of soft lips pressed onto her lips. As she opened her eyes she was in shock, Selena was kissing her Lunox felt Selena's arms over her shoulders, as she stopped and gave Lunox a bright smile "I love you more than a 'like'~" she giggled.

Lunox's brain stopped working "Wait, you actually like me?!.." Lunox was stunned by Selena's words. "Nope, Its actually more than a like~" Selena gave Lunox a warm hug "I really love you Lunox! Will you accept my confession?" she shyly asked her.

Lunox's heart was beating fast she finally found someone she love and someone who would love her back, she slowly grinned "I would love to Selena~" she slowly kissed Selena showing her affections towards her.

Selena felt a warm pleasurable feeling inside of her and to make that feeling even more pleasurable she surprised Lunox by letting her tongue in Lunox's mouth. Lunox was surprised "Mmph?!" Selena explored every corner of Lunox's wet cavern. Lunox tightened her grip on Selena's waist. The two were battling for dominence in the end Selena got tired so suddenly letting Lunox win.

Both of them stopped as they gasp for air "Hah~ That was quite fun~" selena giggled as Lunox grinned "Want round 2?" wiggling her eyebrows, Selena laughed lowly "Hahaha..Maybe tomorrow? I'm quite tired you know?" Selena whined Lunox just laughed "Ok fine, We'll continue it tomorrow~" Lunox fixed the pillows as she grabbed the sheets and put them over them. Selena snuggled underneath the sheets with Lunox feeling her warmth. "Goodnight my princess.." she gave Selena a kiss on the forehead Selena smiled "Goodnight my love~" she kissed Lunox and slowly closed her eyes falling asleep with her girlfriend...

The End

Yeah this is Yuri—





And I like it—Technically this ship exist because there are people who ship these two I don't actually quite know the real reason why but at the same time I like this ship too.

DreyaSelecreators' thoughts